Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 13:To The West I Go, Dungeon Delving And Returning

After walking to the west for a few hours, before I knew it I found myself standing in front of a cave entrance that had a staircase going downwards into it. Is this the legendary dungeon discovery?! No way, am I the first person to discover a dungeon in the game? Sure enough when I walked under the cave entrance and began walking down the stairs a notification appeared in front of my eyes.

[Congratulations to Player Jelia for making the discovery of the first dungeon in the game, and discovering the dungeon Hellions Wrath. 350 reputation points awarded.]

Sure enough, I did it! I became the first person to discover a dungeon in the game. Now, to become the first person to solo clear a dungeon! After all with my real life power level and combat skills, a simple thing such as a early game dungeon should be a cake walk for me right? Sure enough this turned out to be the case, as my first opponent was none other than your typical goblin. Rushing at me with a wooden stick in it's hands, it screamed at me and tried swinging the stick at my face. I returned a perfect riposte and instantly decapitated the creature. Smiling as I watched it's body disappear, I continued on into the dungeon. My next enemies were all goblins until the second floor when imps started to appear. These suckers threw fire balls at me while cackling evilly. Ending their pitiful lives with a swift kick to the abdomen, I moved on.

The monsters got more demonic the further I got in, until I finally made it: the boss room on the 10th floor! Opening the large pair of ornamental double doors, I walked in and saw something unexpected. A most luxurious hall lined with maids and butlers with horns on their heads, and seated at a throne at the end of the room was a man with crimson hair and eyes, a huge hair of devil's horns and a black spade tail. Leaning forward against a giant black two handed sword, he got up and instructed the maid and butler team to kill me. Suddenly their uniforms began to rip, as they transformed into gigantic and hideous demons. Wielding my short sword in my right hand, I charged into battle!

I am immensely disappointed. Killing those demons only took a few strokes of my blade to their vital points each and then, poof! They were dead. Now I'm standing in front of the devil named Ateus Devil of Pride. Let's see just what you have to be proud of. Watching as Ateus spun his sword up into the air before grabbing it left handed, I lowered my stance as far as possible to the ground and launched forward with a quick sword draw and a slash towards his stomach. He quickly parried with his blade and a laugh, but before he could continue, launched a roundhouse kick to his face, rocketing him back into his throne in a seated position. Puking up blood, he struggled to his feet, before summoning a purple ball of flame in his hand. Knowing that he's up to no good, I launched my sword into his hand, and quickly drew my bow knocking 4 arrows simultaneously. I launched a spread shot from his crotch up to his throat. It was fatal. Finally at long last the fight was over and I defeated the dungeon boss.

At that moment a notification went off telling me that I was the first player to solo now clear a dungeon. I recieved 1,000 reputation and 3 gold coins. 3 gold coins is equivalent to $300 USD. It's quite a good hall for a first dungeon, also the boss dropped a short sword for me!

Name: Blade of Chaos

Rank: E

Damage Type: Chaos Elements

Description: A blade forged in the fiery pits of hell. The elemental effect of this blade causes random elemental damage per attack. 2% chance for instant kill except for boss monsters.

Okay that is a nice sword for starting out! This sword should be able to carry me for a while. And so, I spent the next month traveling sometimes west, sometimes south and before I knew it, it was time for me to log out of the game. Hard to believe I lived over a month in a 6 minute time frame. It's mind blowing. Hearing the beeping in my head, I finished off the last monster that I was fighting before swiftly logging out.

Facing the most perfect of setups for a young girl, it makes one not ever even want to leave the house. However, I will eventually need to as I am in need of finding a job. And so the best thing for me to do is to set an account on a job search site and begin applying for jobs. Or so I thought, when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned to see my mom shaking her head. "Honey you don't need to worry about looking for work. I didn't tell you but your father is now the chairman of his real estate company, and I have worked my way up to being a highly rated paralegal. Your parents are rolling in money honey, and we just got you back. Please let us spoil you!" Seeing tears about to spill forth from my mom's eyes, I apologized to her and said that I understand. However, I have no intentions for letting this go on for more than a few years. After that it's back to the grind!

Watching my mom go back downstairs, I got onto my computer and did another livestream with me singing an anime song since it'd been popularly requested by my viewers. After singing for one song and then an encore, I enjoyed the better part of two hours with my fans before signing off. Content with my stream and happy with the way my life is going, the fire inside me burns ever hotter as I am completely determined to one day show my parents how to cultivate and never be left alone in eternity. Here's to another day!

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