Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 14:My Fan Base Exploded! The One Appears.

Today was a day just like any other day. I am finally back home with my parents and on my free time I was diving into A New World. However, during this time I had been drifting away from my livestreams as I was becoming more and more focused on finding a job with each passing day no matter what my parents say. This turned out to be a mistake, as when I decided to get on to check out how many fans I had, the number was a broken number. 100,000,000 fans! I was just at 30,000,000 just days ago and yet here we are looking at more than triple the fan base and yet I hadn't even done anything to deserve this kind of attention. My fans were clamoring for me to become an idol already, and droves of studios were emailing me trying to be the one that I would choose. So, I decided it was time to make THAT announcement. Titling my livestream, "I Intend To Self Debut", I started up my stream and waited for the fans to pour on in. Before long over 1,000,000 fans were watching my stream and I thought that this was a decent enough number to make my announcement. Clearing my throat I began to speak.

"Hello everyone, it's TheRealRaven here with a little update broadcast. I have noticed that many of you have been begging for me to debut as an idol, and to be honest I would really love to do this however it will be on my terms and on my own. I intend to save up my own money and fund my debut myself. It is as simple as that. That is all that I have to say everyone. Thanks for joining this short broadcast!" I was immediately bombarded with many questions, however deigning to not answer them, I instead swiftly ended the broadcast with a stretch and a yawn. Getting up from the computer, I headed downstairs for dinner as it was dinner time already. Mom and dad were waiting for me at the table, and mom had a warm smile on her face when I finally joined them at the table. Apologizing for making my parents wait, we dug into our biscuits and gravy with mashed potatoes on the side just because I requested it. Yeah I know I have a weird combination of foods, but I can't help it. I like what I like alright? Anyway, after a delicious dinner, I told my parents about the explosion in the number of my fans and my dad nodded sagely while my mom's jaw practically fell off of her face. Now that's the normal reaction mom! Dad quit pretending to be a badass!

Okay to be honest, my parents are both badass in their own right. They both shot up their careers during a three year period simply because I had asked them to let me live a life of luxury. I was half kidding when I said it, because I didn't honestly expect them to go through with it. However, since they did I am immensely grateful because now I can live my perfect little shut-in life of my dreams. I had always wanted to shut myself indoors playing video games all day, reading light novels and snacking on snacks and drinking on them energy drinks. And now, that it is my reality, I feel kind of lonely. Honestly the old me would have been on cloud nine at this point and to be honest during the first couple of days back I was, but now I want something more in my life. I may be a girl now, but I didn't suddenly grow an interest in men, on the contrary I am even more determined to find a beautiful girl and make her mine. I know that it is kind of unconventional and my parents will have a very hard time having grandchildren, however if I find the right guy in the future I just might consider letting them into my little harem if I build one that is. I admit I had always fantasized about building my own harem of beautiful girls and indulging myself in pleasure day in and day out with them, however now I also have to consider the possibility of adding guys into the mix also. No scratch that I would only allow one guy into the harem, too many guys would just cause trouble. From the outside it would look like some lucky guy got his own harem, but I will make it very clear that it is MY harem, and he is just a member of it. Anyway rant over, moving on to the next topic.

After calming my mom down with dad's help, I went back upstairs to my room, however I had the intentions of going for a drive to the public library. I wanted to sit in the library and read light novels in peace while enjoying a nice iced coffee and a good sandwich. Grabbing my keys, I headed downstairs with my purse over my shoulder and gave mom and dad a kiss on the cheek telling them that I am going to the library. Saying good bye to me and to stay out of trouble, I blushed as I remembered my vigilante incident. That can't happen again, or at the very least I need to make sure that I am not seen maybe wearing a disguise to hide my appearance. Walking outside with my keys in my hand I walked over to my mustang and climbed inside. Once inside I drove off in the direction of the Concert City downtown library. Five minutes later I arrived and pulled into a parking spot. Getting out, I smiled as the rays of the sun streaked down onto my face and I lifted my chin high and strutted into the library. Many gasps and whistles of admiration were heard as I made my way inside. I am at the library, now to get a light novel, order a coffee and sandwich and take a seat.

Those 10 minutes were like an eternity, but like any long sentence they eventually come to an end, and at long last Mei walked over to me with a faint blush on her face as she sat down shyly and said, "Hi my name is Mei and I am 18 years old! I love reading BL light novels and Yuri light novels! Yes I am one of those, and otaku but that is me!" Oh my God! I found a comrade, and she reads Yuri! There is hope for me after all then! Next I introduced myself. "My name is Raven also 18 and I also happen to be an otaku that likes the same genres of light novels as you! We will get along quite nicely don't you think?" Giggling in excitement, Mei nodded and before long we began to debate about all kinds of things such as our waifus and our mans. I laughed as we had many waifus in common. This is going to be a beautiful friendship, and if I play my cards right possibly a beautiful love story!

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