Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 17:About Me And To Become An Author

My name used to be Jeff King and I was turning 18 years old when all of this started. Growing up I was a pretty big introvert. Video games, anime, light novels and books were my friends. I didn't have any friends in school and I graduated at the bottom of my class barely graduating. Right out of school I had to get a job as a dishwasher, as my parents freaked out when they found out that I wanted to become a professional gamer and spend all day in doors not going anywhere. The irony is now I am able to do this as a girl, and my parents are encouraging it. Funny what the difference of sexes brings isn't it? Anyway there isn't really much to say about me other than that I was living a sad and lonely existence for the last 18 years and now I got a redo with a new body and as a girl. With this new life I will achieve unbelievable things and make my parents very proud of me!

After spending the day with Mei's helping cleaning the house and enjoying my time with the beautiful marshmallow, before long my parents were home. Mei stuck around and I introduced her to my parents. To say the very least my parents were practically in tears that I had made a friend that they begged her to stay for dinner, and so she did. Enjoying fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn, we made plenty of small talk and I told my parents about how I had decided that I want to be an author. After long thinking about how I could make money and yet not upset my parents by leaving the house, I decided to become one of the many web novelists out there in the world. My plan is to write a fantasy story about my experience in turning into a girl and release it online. I would call the story, "Why Am I A Girl?!", as this explained my first thought upon waking up as a girl. I would make up content about day to day experiences so no one would catch on that it was real and even change the girls appearance so that she didn't match mine, as well as the name obviously. Can't have perverts looking up my home address after all right? Anyway, I didn't tell anyone what the story was going to be about just that I planned to become a web novelist and my parents were ecstatic. They knew this meant that I wouldn't be needing to leave the house during the day and they could always find me in my room. Got to love the irony of things now huh?

Once dinner was finished, I walked Mei to the door and we made plans to hang out during the weekend when she was off of work. Heading back inside I told my parents that I was going to go work on my novel now and asked them to leave me alone during the next few days. I would be eating my food that is in my room, and obviously I had running water upstairs so I wouldn't die of thirst plus there is the energy drinks, juice, milk, etc. in the fridge in my room. Inside of my room, I got onto my computer and went onto my favorite web novel site simply called Webnovel. This is a great place for writing where you are able to be paid for your book eventually if you have a stable release rate, enough chapters, and a good rating on your light novel. Setting up an account and clicking on the icon to begin writing, I excitedly began to write out my first chapter. Before long it was night time and I had ended up writing a ridiculous 10 chapters in one go. Deciding that this was enough for the night, I got off of the computer and went to bed.

It is now morning, and when I woke up I was shocked. Over 800,000 views on my first day, and over 100 reviews! 5 star rating! What is this madness, what is going on here?! My jaw dropped as I read some of the comments on the first chapter and they were pretty revealing. Everyone was sucked into my story because it was so believable aside from the whole changing sex thing, however one guy kept saying, "It's a scifi romance novel, what do you expect? Maybe aliens changed her sex?", chuckling at this guys comment, I couldn't help but consider the possibility. I have no idea how my sex was changed, I just knew that it was. Living each day now as a woman with super human powers, and immortality and to top it off that system like message at the beginning really felt like a advanced civilization had intervened in my sad existence for some reason. Maybe I am meant to be someone great in this world? Or maybe I was just a random experiment subject that they chose? I will probably never know. Either way, what I do know is that my story became way too popular way too fast. Were people that starved for a gender bender scifi romance story?

Finished laughing like a fool, and done acting like a chunni, I finally began to release more chapters. Writing from day until night again, I waited until I had stacked 20 chapters before releasing them in a flood stunning the readers and causing my fans to explode with joy. Luckily Webnovel had prepared for this by upgrading their servers, but I am sure they are probably wondering just who in the hell I am to crash their site. Shaking my head at the consequences of my actions, I leaned back and watched the views and comments roll in. Before long I received a notification from Webnovel stating that I would now be paid for my novel and I began to jump up and down in joy. I am sorry my free readers! However, I negotiated with Webnovel's staff and convinced them to make the first two volumes of my story free since volume 1 was only 11 or 12 chapters long, and volume 2 would be 50 chapters long. Coming to an agreement, I sighed in relief before deciding that I had done enough for the day. Let's see what tomorrow will bring!

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