Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 18:Radio Star

The drive to the radio station was short, a mere 7 minutes before I arrived. I swear everything is so close by in Concert City. Getting out I cleared my throat and shook my self to calm my nerves before heading to the front door. Once inside I was greeted by a receptionist and I told her who I was an that I was here for an interview. Excited the woman nodded her head enthusiastically before running out of the room. Oi! Aren't you supposed to man your station lady?! Where's your sense of duty, of honor?! Retorting alone to myself, it wasn't long before the girl returned with a mature looking woman in an office lady getup. With long jet black hair and emerald green eyes, she was a foxy foxy lady. Gesturing for me to follow her, I stepped in line and followed her through the back of the studio. Before long we went into a side room with the typical radio station setup in it. Feeling my nervousness returning again, I mentally gave myself a smack before calming down. You can do this Raven! You go this girl! Fighto fighto fighto!

After calming myself down, the woman nodded at me with a warm smile on her face before talking. "Hello Raven King, TheRealRaven and welcome to our radio station. Before we begin the interview do you have any questions for me? By the way, my name is Chelsea Fueres." Smiling back at her I shook my head before she said okay and put on a headset with a mic and handed one to me. Putting it on, we did the old fashioned mic check and when everything checked out, she looked out to the window inside the room and gave a thumbs up to the crew member in charge of getting us set up. Clearing her throat, Chelsea began the interview. "Welcome everyone to another broadcast here at Air 200 KXBM! Today with me Chelsea is a local celebrity TheRealRaven! Say hi to the listeners Raven!" "Hello everyone! It is a pleasure to be talking to all of you this afternoon, please take care of me!" Smiling at my calm state, Chelsea nodded in approval before beginning the questioning. "Now Raven, many listeners are fans of yours and they have a very common question for you. Why did you decide to write a gender bender novel, and why do you refuse to join an idol talent agency?" Nodding my head that I understood the questions I began with my reply. "The reason I decided to write a gender bender novel is because of the fact that I have never felt like I was supposed to be born a woman. I feel like I was meant to be a man, and even my interest in the same sex seems to agree with me. I have no desire to be with a man, and would be happy if I wound up with the woman of my dreams. So, in my character I wrote about a man becoming a woman because I honestly believe that's what happened when I was born. Maybe I used to be a man in my previous life. Who knows? Either way this answers your first question. As for the second questions, the reason that I refuse to join an idol talent agency is really a matter of pride. I want to be able to rise from the bottom to the top with my own two hands and with the support of my fans. These are the answers to the two questions. Do you have a follow up question?"

Chelsea felt her jaw drop at my first answer, and her face began to flush a little for a moment before she cleared her throat and began with her next question. "Well then, my next question of what kind of man are you into doesn't apply to you now does it? In that case, rather what kind of woman are you into I wonder?" Smiling at me with a teasing look, I fired back with a tease of my own. "My, my Miss Chelsea, if I didn't imagine things you might be flirting with me? In fact, I would say either the cute and naïve or the mature and sexy are my type. In that regard Miss Chelsea, aren't you in fact in my strike zone?" With a face of deep crimson Chelsea looked at me with a questioning look, however from my barely contained laughter she realized that I wasn't actually hinting on her but teasing her. Continuing with the questioning, Chelsea finally managed to calm down. "Oh you are such a tease Raven! Regardless let us move on to the next topic! Many of your fans are wondering when you are going to release your first song. Do you have an answer for this at this time?" Shaking my head, I began to speak. "I must apologize but at this time I have no plans just yet in regards of writing a song. However, don't worry some time in the near future I will be writing one and everyone on Viewtube will be the first to hear my song. This I promise." Chelsea nodded her head and finished the interview. "Well everyone, you heard it from the young lady herself, this is Chelsea signing off. Have a good rest of your day everyone!" Once Chelsea finished the broadcast she turned to me with a slightly serious look on her face. "Now miss I do believe that you owe me an apology?" Nodding my head I smiled before saying sorry. Accepting my apology Chelsea led me back out to the entryway and said good bye to me. I headed out the door and got into my mustang. It is time to go home now. God, I almost forgot mom and dad were listening. What do I do?

When I got home I walked inside nervous as all hell, and found my parents sitting in the living room with the radio off in front of them in silence. Gulping, I walked over to mom and dad and said, "Mom, dad I am home!". Looking up at me with tear filled eyes, my parents both jumped up and hugged me. Mom kept saying 'I am sorry' over and over again and dad kept patting me on my back. Confused I asked them to explain what was going on and dad took charge. "Honey, we thought since you became a girl that you would be rewired to like guys now. We never considered the torment of a man's soul inside of a woman's body. Knowing that you like women, and can never have children with one must be a heavy strike against your soul. Something told us that you were forcing yourself to act feminine, and that you were even going to force yourself to get a boyfriend to make us happy. But honey, we only want YOU to be happy, this makes US happy. So, if being with a girl makes you happy then go forward with it! We fully support you in everything that you do and love you with all of our hearts! Never forget this!" Feeling the assault of the onion ninjas, I realized that I couldn't dodge their lethal blow and tears full of emotion poured out from my heart and soul. With a mighty cry, I embraced both of my parents and sobbed into their arms. Crying with me, my mom and dad led me over to the couch and we spent the rest of the day as a family watching funny sitcoms and romcoms on tv before having dinner. Finally when the end of the day was at hand, I looked at both of my parents and said with a full heart, "Mom, dad I love you so much that it hurts! I will never let you die do you hear me? We are going to live forever and always!" My words caused my parents to both break down, and leaving them on that note I headed upstairs quickly before I began crying again. Today has been an emotional day, but everything was worth it in the end. I am glad that this barrier was broken between me and my parents. Now we can truly move forward from this point on!

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