Although Mr. Luo was suspicious, it was not good to ask Sun Haisheng on this occasion.

The project manager under his hand didn't care about this, the people who had been soldiers went straight and immediately stood up excitedly: "Mr. Sun, the project period is not a problem, we have hundreds of thousands of construction workers, advanced construction equipment and technical force, quality is guaranteed, not to mention two years to complete, we also have the ability to complete it in one year, and the quality and quantity are guaranteed, but here I want to ask, how to pay for this project?" After speaking, he looked at Sun Haisheng.

Sun Haisheng, who was watched, was a little depressed: "Xiaobo, you explain to Manager Tan." "

What are you looking for me, where is the gold owner?

But others don't know, this was originally discussed by the whole family, and everything was carried out in the name of Sun Haisheng, and it was also to protect Sun Mingbo, so I can't explain it."

Sun Mingbo heard that it could be completed in one year, which was really good.

Sun Mingbo immediately became interested: "The whole project will be completed in one year, well, we will set a one-year construction period, we will pay 100 billion yuan in the early stage, you provide an account number, and it will arrive within a week, and the construction period will be calculated from the date of arrival of the funds, and the remaining money will be paid according to the schedule."

"This is impossible, the whole project after exploration, planning and design, architectural design, ancillary supporting facilities design, these all need time, the fastest also takes half a year, this is a fully intelligent unmanned chemical plant, plus 1,000 auxiliary facilities, we need to hire a large number of experts at home and abroad to participate in the design of this project." I want to ask Manager Tan, how can you finish it in one year without drawings?" Dean Wu quit, staring at the boss and looking at Manager Tan.

Dean Wu complained in his heart that the design was completed in half a year, which is the most ideal situation, and no one knows if there will be such and such problems in the middle.

These former soldiers, when discussing professional issues, mercilessly refute them.

At this time, Manager Tan also calmed down, yes, such a large fully intelligent automated unmanned factory project was not available in China before, which was created from scratch, and the design was indeed difficult.

Everyone looked at Sun Mingbo, as if to say that this could not be completed at all, and the construction period was too tight.

At this time, Sun Mingbo walked to the laptop and began to operate.

He quickly clicked on the design drawing of the No. 1 plant and chose to turn the page automatically.

Then he stood up and pointed to the projection screen in front of him: "This is the design drawings of other foreign industrial parks that I asked someone to get, the situation is similar to ours, this is a mature design, Dean Wu, you can refer to it, I think the design speed will be accelerated." "

Of course Sun Mingbo can't say, I have the drawings here, you just need to take them and stamp them, isn't that a slap in the face?

At this time, Dean Wu didn't care about the others, came to the laptop, and began to operate.

Ten minutes later, he returned to his seat, not speaking, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dean Wu thought to himself, what kind of foreigner's design drawings are these, which are specially designed for this industrial park, and he browsed through the entire drawings, knowing very well, how can he not see it with his professional standards? This is the other party saving face for himself.

At this time, Sun Mingbo looked at everyone: "What other problems do the others have?"

Everyone stopped talking.

"Since there is no problem, then it is decided, and in a week the funds will be in place, and we will be ready to start work.

At this time, everyone looked at Dean Wu again.

Dean Wu's face was expressionless: "If you refer to the design, the geological report must be provided in advance, and the design can be completed within two weeks, but if you want to start construction, the drawing review and environmental impact assessment report will not be easy to control."

At this time, Mr. Luo stood up: "These are not problems, the construction report, drawing review, environmental impact assessment review, etc., I will find a way to hire a few experts from China, I believe that the local relevant departments will not allocate the face of these experts."

Sun Haisheng took over the words: "Then it is decided, this project is a large turnkey project, due to the tight construction period of the project, and there is no bidding processing, all the procedures are responsible for Mr. Luo's side, we are only responsible for the funds, and the final acceptance, then now we both begin to prepare the contract." "

Everyone brought by Mr. Luo looked at each other, this is a 200 billion yuan project, so it was decided so lightly, this is a bit too much.

Sloppy, child's play, it's not right, then let's give it to Olli.

In the past, project negotiations, not to mention 200 billion projects, are 20 million projects, which time has not been repeated back and forth.

Connecting with friends, giving gifts, and fighting wine on the wine table are all norms.

There are even some project managers who vomit blood in their stomachs on the wine table in order to contract the project or ask for the project money.

It's as simple as today, after going around the construction site, it's done.

Last night, Mr. Luo called and said that a friend's engineering project was very urgent and needed to rush to Qingcheng early tomorrow morning to inform everyone to gather at the airport at six o'clock in the morning.

After being in this industry for a long time, everyone understands that whoever has no friends or relatives should help each other.

It doesn't matter if the company makes less money, or it doesn't matter if it doesn't make money, or even lose less, this is also a way to contract projects and deal with relationships.

Everyone knows this, not to mention that this time it is Mr. Luo's friend, so let's take action.

Looking at the situation today, that's not the kind of thing.

It is only now that everyone understands what kind of friend Mr. Luo's mouth is, and it is not the kind of friend they imagined.

After the introduction of the project, the construction period was put forward, and he didn't ask anything, but he opened his mouth to pay 100 billion yuan to the company's account first.

What kind of friends are these? The mutual trust between them cannot be expressed in words.

Mr. Luo is Mr. Luo, if you have such a friend, we want to have it.

The happiest, most excited, and most excited person here is Manager Tan.

When he came, Mr. Luo had already announced on the spot that Manager Tan was always responsible for this project, and he must complete it with quality and quantity.

The 200 billion project is also the first industrial cluster in the country to adopt a fully intelligent unmanned production plant.

With this resume, it can be said that in the domestic industrial construction industry, and even in the world industrial construction industry, you can go sideways.

Although everyone envied Manager Tan, they were very happy that everyone was able to participate in this project.

Although Dean Wu sat there expressionless, he was also happy in his heart, this time he could learn a lot of cutting-edge technology, this is a model, there is no need to hire experts at home and abroad if there is such a project in the future.

Mr. Luo looked at a group of happy subordinates, and finally said solemnly: "I only emphasize one point in this project, this project is a third-level secret project. "

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