Mr. Luo is also a good person, a three-level confidential project, which is good for his subordinates, and also good for Sun Haisheng and his company.

Confidential projects, the people under their hands will definitely have high incomes, welfare benefits and subsidies are top during the project, the raw materials and auxiliary equipment purchased are also of the best quality, and the quality of the project is absolutely guaranteed.

Now that the matter has been negotiated, the rest of the matter is the matter of the personnel under both sides.

Mr. Luo, Sun Haisheng and Sun Mingbo came to Sun Haisheng's office.

At this time, Sun Mingbo's mobile phone rang, and he saw that it was a call from the school's teacher Qu.

He said sorry and walked out of the office.

At this time, Mr. Luo looked at the door that Sun Mingbo had just closed and sighed with emotion: "Old Sun, you gave birth to a good son, it's really enviable." "

What do you envy, you don't know that I made him toss enough, it just makes people feel uneasy. The

two of them began to talk together, and neither of them mentioned anything about the project.

After a while, Sun Mingbo pushed open the door and walked in: "I'm sorry, Uncle Luo can't eat with you at noon, the school just called and asked me to go."

"School call, then hurry up, don't delay the business, we still have a chance in the future."

"Okay, I'll go first, goodbye Uncle Luo. As he spoke, he nodded to his father Sun Haisheng.

Sun Haisheng picked up his mobile phone: "Lao Wang, you send Xiaoboer to school now." "

Okay, Mr. Sun," the driver Lao Wang replied dryly on the phone.

When I came to the school, I saw that the whole school gate was full of banners.

"Warmly congratulate our school's outstanding athlete Sun Mingbo for breaking the world 100-meter sprint record at the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games. "

Warmly congratulate our school's outstanding athlete Sun Mingbo for breaking the world long jump record at the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games. "

Warmly celebrate the .................. of Tang Kai, an outstanding athlete of our school. "

Warm celebration.............

Seeing this, Sun Mingbo grinned, his heart full of pride.

This is quite grand, very warm, probably overnight.

At this time, the reporters and Internet celebrities who were ambushed at the gate immediately recognized Sun Mingbo and surrounded him.

"Sun Mingbo, can I interview you?" a reporter stretched out the recording microphone.

"Sun Shen, I saw Sun Shen, I'll go over and interview him now. An internet celebrity shouted excitedly at the screen.

Looking at this posture, these reporters and Internet celebrities should not have been allowed to enter the school without the permission of the school.

If they are surrounded, then they can still walk, so let's get away.

"Friends, the school is looking for me urgently, I'm sorry, please understand. As he spoke, he quickly slipped into the campus.

He came directly to Mr. Qu's office and knocked on the door to say hello.

Teacher Qu saw Sun Mingbo and put down the pen in his hand: "I told you all the situation on the phone, what do you think?"

"What can you consider? Sun Mingbo replied indifferently.

For several colleges and universities to come to the school to recruit and escort him, Sun Mingbo felt very tired of being a crooked person.

After the first mock exam, he got the news that the top students had been given guaranteed places, but none of the colleges and universities had come to Sun Mingbo.

Although he is not uncommon for this guaranteed place, it is impossible for him to promise any university.

He has to take the college entrance examination, and there are system tasks.

But this kind of thing is a kind of special recruitment and escort, after all, it is a manifestation of others acknowledging your hard work and your own value.

When Sun Mingbo heard these news, he had no regrets, just a mock exam, and it didn't mean anything.

After the results of the second mock exam were announced, he thought that a university would contact him, but still no university came to him, and at the same time, there was news that a certain classmate was escorted and specially recruited.

After hearing these news, Sun Mingbo was a little angry, he looked down on the master, right, the master didn't need any escort or special tricks, who is not rare.

If you ignore me now, you won't be able to climb high in the future.

For Sun Mingbo, escort and special recruitment are just a matter of face.

It's good now, I don't have any hope, but you are all here, Sun Mingbo complained a little.

In fact, Sun Ming was not unaware of the situation, and after the results of his first mock exam were announced, the admissions offices of several key universities already knew about his situation.

For an in-depth understanding of him, the student is a special sports student with outstanding sports achievements, but he has recently been injured, and it is still a question whether he can participate in sports training in the future.

The student's academic performance in the past three years has been poor, although the results are outstanding, but do not meet the requirements of the guarantee or special recruitment, after discussion several colleges and universities came to the same conclusion.

It is not impossible for a few colleges and universities to be cautious and cautious about things that do not conform to the regulations, but who is responsible for the problems in the future?

After the problems occur, people send them on the Internet, and when they investigate, the student does not meet the regulations and is specially recruited, and then he must not be scolded to death, and no one wants to bear this kind of responsibility.

But now it's different, it's in line with the regulations, then you have to hurry up, and now the competition for students is also fierce, and several famous universities are all in a hurry.

Teacher Qu listened to Sun Mingbo's answer: "That's the case, you come with me to the principal's office and make it clear to them that they still rely on the principal's office to not leave, oh yes, there is one more thing, the coach of the national track and field team, pestering Teacher Zhang, let him do work for a few of you." Speaking of this, Teacher Qu smiled, and the student had a good future, which was what she was most happy about.

"There's such a thing, it's useless, I'm definitely going to take the college entrance examination to go to college, sports are just my hobby. Sun Mingbo said his mantra again.

The two came to Principal Lu's office while talking.

President Lu is drinking tea with several directors of college admissions, and President Lu can't afford to offend these people from the admissions offices of several major universities.

Sun Mingbo's arrival was immediately watched by onlookers.

In several well-known universities, the director of the admissions office began to introduce the preferential conditions of their respective schools, and President Lu and Teacher Qu were envious.

Of course, there are also the admissions directors of Mizuki and Yan University.

The conditions given by these two universities, although not the best, are also full of sincerity.

In contrast, the comprehensive ranking of the school is there, and the century-old school is not blown.

For these two universities, Sun Mingbo no longer has the same eagerness to be admitted to these two universities.

To put it mildly, with his current strength in all aspects, he no longer needs these yellow robes to add a row.

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