If the invitation of these schools hadn't been injured, Sun Mingbo would have come over and agreed.

But now, he didn't have the same thoughts as before.

It's not that I'm proud of the school, it's that the school is proud of me, and that's strength.

Of course, he won't be stupid to refuse.

The icing on the cake, although it is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow, but who can refuse to bring an extra crown.

"Teachers, leaders, thank you very much for your respect and love for me, my family and I have decided that I will take this college entrance examination. As for how to choose in the future, it will be decided after the college entrance examination results are announced. Sun Mingbo said politely.

Hearing Sun Mingbo's explanation, the admissions officers of several universities politely left.

Since Sun Mingbo himself has already expressed his position, there will be no result if he stays here any longer.

What's more, there are also Mizuki and Yan University here, and the director of the admissions office came over in person.

They also know that as long as there is the enrollment of Shuimu and Yan University, it will be difficult for them to compete with these two century-old schools.

It's better to retreat, and wait for the college entrance examination results to be announced, and see if there is a chance.

Mizuki and Yanda will never retreat.

Director Song of the Shuimu Admissions Office, he came with a task, that is, to recruit Sun Mingbo to Shuimu University.

In fact, Director Song had a headache with the old brains of some school leaders.

After Sun Mingbo's second mock exam, he proposed to recruit Sun Mingbo to Mizuki University, but those old brains just disagreed, saying that students must have excellent grades every semester, which is very important, and saying that they can't destroy the school's enrollment regulations.

Now he has been given the task of recruiting Sun Mingbo into Shuimu University.

He rushed to Qingcheng yesterday, and when he heard about the specific situation of Qingcheng's mock examination for the third year of high school this year, he was very dissatisfied with the personnel who were in charge of Qingcheng's enrollment information in the early stage.

Such a big thing is unaware of it, and there is no careful investigation at all, which is simply inaction.

If he had known the news at the time, he would definitely have tried his best to get the consent of those old brains at the school discussion.

It's not as troublesome as it is today, and the current Sun Mingbo is no longer the Sun Mingbo of a month ago.

Do you think it's a trivial matter to let the head of Mizuki University personally intervene?

Although he doesn't know the specific situation, you can imagine the importance of this matter.

Aside from the rest, Sun Mingbo's outstanding performance in this Qingcheng Middle School Sports Meeting can make the admissions offices of most universities rush to it.

This is an excellent student who will be able to win the title of world champion and world record creator in the future.

Which school recruited Sun Mingbo, and all the achievements created by Sun Mingbo during his study in school are also the achievements of this school.

Of course, in the case of Sun Mingbo, it is not enough for the top leader of Mizuki University to personally ask about it, and there must be inside information and reasons that he does not know.

He didn't want to inquire about the inside story and reasons for this, and there was no need to inquire, there were some things that he could know at his level.

Now Director Song just wants to successfully complete this special recruitment task.

Director Qin of Yenching University is facing a completely different situation from Director Song of Mizuki University.

Before that, he didn't know that there was Sun Mingbo, the person in charge of collecting enrollment information, and he didn't report Sun Mingbo's situation at all, the reason was very simple, Sun Mingbo did not meet the regulations of this university and special admissions.

He started to act after receiving a call from the principal, and using his unique relationship, he knew more about Sun Mingbo than Director Song.

Sun Mingbo is a learning genius, and he has a super memory that he never forgets.

He was a genius in game development and a genius in program development, and he wrote software that no one has been able to crack until now.

His athletic talent doesn't need much explanation.

Many people believe that Sun Haisheng's enterprise has recently expanded vigorously and rapidly developed, so that Sun Haisheng has reached the harvest period of a full-scale outbreak after ten years of technology development and huge capital investment.

However, Director Qin learned that all the funds of Sun Haisheng's expansion enterprises came from the newly established Elite International Education Media Film and Television Co., Ltd., and the general manager of this company was Sun Mingbo.

Director Qin believes that Sun Mingbo has an irreplaceable role in this company.

It is not as some netizens on the Internet have discussed, Sun Mingbo is responsible for playing the game, and Sun Haisheng is responsible for developing and improving the game.

He even learned that when Sun Mingbo acquired Dr. Li's company in the elite company, he compiled a program to verify the CNC machine tool on the spot, and the technical questions he raised could not be answered by Dr. Li's on-site technical consultants.

Sun Mingbo's early academic performance was indeed very poor, and Director Qin believes that there are two points, the first is that Sun Mingbo put most of his energy into programming and other aspects of learning.

Second, perhaps Sun Mingbo is unwilling to compare his grades with those Secondary 2 students, and deliberately conceals his academic performance.

Sun Mingbo is so good, his vision determines that he will not choose other universities.

His path to university must be Mizuki and Yanjing, and it is very likely that he will stay at the local Qingcheng University to manage his company.

After analysis, Director Qin believes that his main opponent is still Mizuki University.

Yenching University and Mizuki University compete for high-quality students in their annual enrollment, and the competition is very fierce.

Today you get a liberal arts champion, tomorrow I will recruit a science champion, you recruit a national 100-meter champion, tomorrow I will get a 200-meter champion.

As the directors of the admissions offices of two of the most famous universities in the country, Director Qin and Director Song met again, which is basically the norm for the two of them.

When Sun Mingbo rejected all the university's special offers, the two did not leave, but looked at each other and nodded to each other, the meaning was very clear, each by means of fair competition.

The two began to persuade Sun Mingbo again.

First of all, Director Qin said earnestly: "Student Sun, reaching an agreement with our school in advance will not affect your college entrance examination, I guarantee here, no matter what your college entrance examination results are, the door of Yan University is always open to you, if you have any special requirements in learning, you can put it forward, I can decide, I will reply to you on the spot, I can't decide, I will give your opinions back to the school, reply to you as soon as possible, what do you think

?". Director Qin has already thought about it, he is not short of money for a student like Sun Mingbo, you don't need to talk to him about scholarships, student treatment, etc., what he needs is an environment for study, scientific research and sports training.

After speaking, Director Qin looked at Sun Mingbo with a smile, waiting for his reply.

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