Sun Mingbo has always had a desire to become a physical education professor in his heart.

After he got the system, this desire became even stronger.

In the future, he wants to set up elite sports schools or elite sports clubs with track and field and swimming as the main sports to train high-level athletes, coaches and referees.

He knows that the sports with the highest number of gold medals at each Olympic Games are athletics and swimming, which together account for about one-quarter of the total number of gold medals.

If he can achieve good results in these two events, this will be enough for Sun Mingbo, and he will also be a pivotal figure in the world sports arena in the future.

Today, Tang Kai mentioned Teacher Zhang's matter, and Sun Mingbo remembered his wish again, he wanted to discuss with Teacher Zhang to see if he was interested in making the two projects of track and field and swimming bigger and stronger.

As for how to implement this wish, Sun Mingbo has not yet thought about it specifically, of course, this matter is not in a hurry, and it is also not in a hurry.

This requires that after he has a certain influence in the domestic sports world, he has the conditions in all aspects, and he can only implement it at that time and completely realize this wish.

When Sun Mingbo was chatting with his classmates in the dormitory, in the magic capital, the Asia-Pacific headquarters of the world's sports industry giant Nicol was discussing Sun Mingbo's affairs.

As one of the most well-known sporting goods companies in the world, Nickelodeon has spent a lot of money and signed many world-famous athletes around the world to become the company's spokesperson.

Now their target is Sun Mingbo again, but the opinions of the president and director of Nicol Asia Pacific Greater China are not unanimous.

The president and director had a heated debate on Sun Mingbo's competition results, development prospects and potential, and business value.

The president hopes to reach a sporting goods endorsement cooperation agreement with Sun Mingbo and his parents as soon as possible, and immediately sign a contract to give Sun Mingbo more support and publicity, believing that he is the top player in the world sprinting industry, with great potential and strength, once signed by competitors, it will cause a passive situation for the company.

The director has a conservative attitude, believing that he should wait a little longer, wait until the flight inspection team of the field committee completes the doping test and there is no problem with the test report, and then negotiate with Sun Mingbo and his parents to sign a sporting goods endorsement contract.

He is worried that there is a huge risk of negotiating a contract with Sun Mingbo and his parents now, and if something happens, it will have a negative impact on the company and become a target for competitors and attacks.

President John: Sun Mingbo is a treasure in China and even in the sprint world, and his strength should not be underestimated!

We should reach this agreement with him and his parents as soon as possible, give him more publicity and attention, let him shine on the international stage, and at the same time expand the company's product sales and influence around the world.

Emily, Corporate Director: John, I understand that you are optimistic about Sun Mingbo, but we can't be blindly optimistic.

Although he has performed well in domestic competitions, he has yet to achieve significant results on the international stage. We need more data and evidence to prove his quality.

John President: Emily, you're being too conservative! Have you forgotten what Son did in the last race? He sprinted to the finish line at breakneck speed, even though the record hasn't been recognized yet! Isn't that enough to prove his quality?

Director Emily: John, I don't deny that he was excellent in the last race, but we can't jump to conclusions based on just one race. The competition on the international stage is fiercer, and we need more time and data to assess his quality.

President John: Emily, your point of view is too conservative! Sun Mingbo has extraordinary talent and hard work, he is gradually growing, we should take advantage of his current record has not been recognized internationally, as soon as possible to sign a spokesperson, relatively speaking, the cost and cost is relatively smaller, isn't it good? We also give him more opportunities and support, and the company will also benefit.

Superintendent Emily: John, I'm not against giving Sun Mingbo the opportunity and support, but we need to assess his strength more carefully, and wait until the results of the field committee anti-doping test come out, and then we will make a decision, and we can't ignore the risks because of the momentary heat.

President John: Emily, you always look at the problem from the negative side, the negative impact you are worried about can be solved, we can mark the relevant terms in the contract, after the contract is signed, it will not be announced to the outside world, once Sun Mingbo himself has problems, then the contract will be void at the same time, which has no impact on the company.

Director Emily: John, I'm not on the negative side, I just wish we could be more rational about this. Sun Mingbo is a potential player, but we can't be blindly optimistic because of his potential, ignore the risks that exist, there is no impermeable wall in the world, if there is a real problem, then our company will become a joke in the world.

President John: Emily, your view is too conservative! I believe that Sun Mingbo will not have a doping problem, after all, he is a middle school student, there is no need to take doping.

In the future, he will achieve better results in the international arena, and he will become a leading figure in the world of sprinting!

If he is successfully signed, the products he endorses will bring high profits to the company.

Neither side persuaded the other, and finally decided that in order not to let competitors, Adi Company signed a contract with Sun Mingbo in advance, and Nicol Company first sent representatives to negotiate with Sun Mingbo and his parents.

After the two sides reached a willingness to cooperate, they waited for the doping test report of the International Athletics Committee, and if there was no problem with the test report, they immediately signed a contract with Sun Mingbo's parents for the endorsement of Nickelodeon's sports products.

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