At the same time, also in the magic capital, Nicol's biggest competitor in the world, the world's largest sports industry giant Adi Company, is also engaged in a debate related to Sun Mingbo.

Hans, the representative of Adi's headquarters, first proposed: immediately negotiate a sporting goods endorsement contract with Sun Mingbo and his parents.

Sun Mingbo is a very talented and powerful sprinter, and he has become the top sprinter in the world.

We can't miss this opportunity and should immediately reach an endorsement cooperation agreement with him and his parents and give him more support and publicity.

His commercial value is huge, we can't let the competitor Nicol preemptively sign the contract, if once the competitor Nicol preemptively signed, it will give people the image that Adi Company was defeated by Nick, which will cause a passive situation for the company and affect the company's reputation.

Mr. Wang, President of Asia Pacific Greater China: Although Sun Mingbo's results are very good, and his 100-meter dash and long jump results exceed the world record, we can't rush into action.

He is still being tested for doping by the Athletics Committee's flight testing team, and we should wait for the results before negotiating with him and his parents to sign a contract.

If the contract is signed now, there is a certain risk, and once there is a problem, it will have a negative impact on the company and become a target for competitors to attack.

We need to be cautious to ensure that the company's reputation and interests are not harmed.

Marketing Director Li: Mr. Hans is right, Sun Mingbo is a very potential player with huge commercial value, and we can't let him go.

At present, his results have caused a sensation in the world, and the media and spectators are very interested in him, not to mention his relatively young age, and he is likely to rule an era in the future.

If we can sign him as soon as possible and give him more support and publicity, it will help increase the visibility and market share of our company's sporting goods, which is an opportunity to beat Nickelodeon, and we must not miss it."

We have to seize this opportunity and try to get the first strike, sign as soon as possible, and to hell with Nick.

Manager Zhao of the Legal Department: Although Sun Mingbo's achievements and potential are impressive, we must not take it lightly.

At the moment, his doping test is not yet complete, and we should wait for the results to come back before making a decision.

Signing a partnership is an important decision, and we can't afford to risk it.

If the above problems occur after signing the contract, it will be a scandal and will have a serious impact on the company, not to mention defeating the company, it is already good to be able to keep the existing share.

We must take into account all possible risks and make informed decisions rather than acting blindly.

Hans: We can send people to have in-depth negotiations with Sun Mingbo and his parents to understand their ideas and demands.

We can provide more support and resources to help them achieve more in their sprinting careers.

We can't afford to let our competitors steal this valuable resource, or we'll lose out on a huge business opportunity.

Mr. Wang: We need more time to assess the risks and benefits, which is also the bottom line that our company has adhered to for a long time

, Sun Mingbo's achievements and potential are important, but we cannot ignore the problems that may be encountered in the process of cooperation.

We should wait for the doping test results to come back and make sure he doesn't have any violations.

Only if we are sure that there is no risk can we negotiate a contract with him and his parents.

Director Li: We can strengthen the background investigation and risk assessment of Sun Mingbo to ensure the safety and reliability of the signing process.

At the same time, we can maintain close contact with the flight inspection team of the field committee to keep abreast of the progress of doping testing.

As long as everything goes well, we can sign the contract as soon as possible to win more business opportunities and market share for the company.

Manager Zhao: I agree to strengthen the background investigation and risk assessment of Sun Mingbo, but we can't rush into action, can't we even wait for three days?

Signing a contract is an important decision, and we need to fully evaluate the pros and cons to ensure that the company's interests and goodwill are not damaged.

We can keep in touch with Sun Mingbo and his parents to understand their attitudes and opinions.

Once the IAAF anti-doping test report is out, we can only proceed with negotiations if we are sure that there is no risk.

The debate continued to be intense, with each side presenting their views and considerations from different perspectives.

In the end, Mr. Wang compromised and reached a unanimous decision, which coincided with Nick Company, that is, to negotiate and communicate with Sun Mingbo and his parents first, conduct preliminary negotiations, and avoid being competitors.

At the same time, we are waiting for the results of the IAAF's anti-doping tests, and if there is no problem, then sign the endorsement contract immediately.

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