Sun Mingbo didn't know what was going on inside the two international giant companies of the world's sporting goods in the magic capital.

He now comes to Dr. Li's company in an online ride-hailing service.

As soon as I got out of the car, I felt an itchy nose and a sneeze came out, which couldn't be a cold, and my body was greatly strengthened after systematic training.

This is someone talking about themselves behind their backs, but it doesn't matter, who is not behind their backs, and who is not talking about people behind their backs.

My buddy is also a celebrity, and it is impossible not to be talked about behind the back of others, Sun Mingbo thought secretly.

This episode did not affect Sun Mingbo's good mood.

This time, Sun Mingbo came to Dr. Li's company, mainly to conduct on-site training for technical personnel.

For a new technology, you can't have production drawings, you also need the corresponding production process.

Although Sun Mingbo has provided Dr. Li with a full set of technology, production drawings and production process documents in the early stage, the factory personnel still have many questions.

This requires Sun Mingbo to provide on-site guidance, answer questions and train him.

Dr. Li's company is currently preparing for production, and Sun Mingbo has placed a production order for the Machinery Manufacturing Industrial Park.

Dr. Li enthusiastically took Sun Yongbo into the company, and the two talked while walking.

"Dr. Li, how is the order plan for the entire Machinery Manufacturing Industrial Park?"

"According to your requirements and the new drawing design, production has been scheduled, and it is planned to complete this batch of orders within two months." Dr. Lee replied.

You can also continue to arrange production for the domestic orders received in the early stage, and wait until our new parts factory is established to produce better quality parts, and then replace this batch of order equipment and some domestic parts for free, providing customers with technical upgrades, which is also a good choice. "

There is no way to do this, foreign countries are still stuck in the neck of these parts, and they can only be replaced by domestic ones, and they will be replaced after two years.

At present, domestic parts and raw materials are used in CNC machine tools and automation equipment, and there is no major problem in using them for one or two years.

After two years of use, it is likely that due to the poor technology and materials of these domestic parts, the machining accuracy and stability of CNC machine tools will be affected.

"There is no problem in arranging the production of this batch of orders in China, but will our new parts factory really be able to solve all the technical problems in two years? If it is delayed, it will affect the company's reputation. Dr. Lee was still a little skeptical.

"There is no problem, the construction of the entire machinery manufacturing industrial park can be completed within a year. During this period, we can build and produce new equipment for these parts manufacturing plants, as for the material problem, you don't have to worry, I am ready to produce new materials in the machinery manufacturing industrial park to meet the requirements of the CNC machine tool manufacturing process.

"If the parts of the CNC machine tool can be solved, and then the material problem is solved, then no one wants to get stuck in our necks, and we don't have to look at other people's faces in the future." Dr. Lee said happily.

"Dr. Li, you're right, when we can produce a full range of ultra-high-precision CNC machine tools, it's not that we're stuck, it's that others want to look at our faces, and let those arrogant people see how we beat them. Those foreign manufacturers of parts that stuck our necks, don't think that we will import a screw from them in the future.

"That's great, Director Sun, how did you plan this time?" Dr. Li was excited, but also had some questions.

"It won't be long, I plan to achieve this goal in two years, you can rest assured. There is one more question that needs to be discussed with you.

Dr. Li was a little puzzled: "Director Sun, you say."

"In the future, our current factory, will gradually realize the unmanned chemical plant, at present we have to consider the placement of personnel, my idea is to gradually divert some people to the marketing department, expand market sales, strengthen after-sales service, of course, this work is not very urgent, now need to consider."

Dr. Li frowned: "This is indeed a problem, most of these people are technicians, after-sales service work, it is still enough to adapt, but it may be a little difficult to let these people do marketing sales." Another problem is that there are not so many people in marketing and after-sales service, and how to place these industrial workers really needs to be planned. "

Don't worry about this, digest it slowly, wait for the completion of the machinery manufacturing industrial park, but also need a lot of procurement personnel, off-site logistics and distribution personnel and other auxiliary positions, you can also place some people, in short, this part of the people must not be pushed to the society, we must consider their families."

"Don't worry, Director Sun, I will make a comprehensive plan, train these personnel in advance, and do a good job of explaining and placing them.

Dr. Lee's answer was very simple, and it seems that he had been thinking about this question for a long time.

Sun Mingbo did not want to transform Dr. Li's existing factory into an unmanned production plant, which would lead to a large number of workers needing to be resettled.

However, when Dr. Li knew that the future machinery manufacturing industrial park would realize unmanned chemical factories, he also proposed to transform the current factory into unmanned production plants.

The reason is very simple, fully intelligent and high-precision industrial robots will definitely replace factory workers.

People will be tired, they will make mistakes, they will consider all aspects of human feelings, but the robot will not, he will follow the instructions, 24-hour production, improve production efficiency, strictly control product quality, and avoid losses caused by human factors.

Since Sun Mingbo has such a technology and can realize unmanned production plants, of course Dr. Li has to follow up, he is an expert in this field, he has been studying this for a long time, and it is limited to the previous technical conditions and cannot be implemented.

Now that the technology has been solved, funding is not a problem, and as for the placement of workers, Dr. Li also has his own plan.

That is, in a few years, some people will reach retirement age and can go through the retirement procedures.

The remaining personnel, the older ones can retire early, and the company will give a certain subsidy, so that half of the personnel are solved.

The rest of the staff will be placed within the company.

It's just that he didn't expect Sun Mingbo to move so fast, and the machinery manufacturing industrial park has begun to start, and it is planned to be completed within a year, which disrupts his personnel placement plan.

However, Sun Mingbo's proposal to strengthen marketing sales and increase after-sales personnel is also a way.

The two of them came to the training site as they spoke.

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