Sun Mingbo completed the training of Dr. Li's company's technical personnel, and when he returned home, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and his father had just returned home after entertaining Mr. Luo of the Military Construction Group in the evening.

The family sat in the living room, drinking tea, and began to talk about today's daytime.

Sun Mingbo began to talk about the special recruitment of several key universities in school today, and such an important matter must be reported to his parents.

Sun Mingbo was a little proud: "Mom and Dad, in the morning, people from the admissions offices of several key universities came to the school and prepared to send me to their university, but I refused. My

mother was interested: "Which universities are they? Are there people from Mizuki and Yan University?"

"Of course I came, and they specially persuaded me for a long time and promised a lot of benefits, but I still refused." Sun Ming Porter said with some exaggeration.

The promises of Shuimu and Yanda, Director Song and Director Qin, Sun Mingbo didn't look at them at all, to be honest, they didn't know what Sun Mingbo wanted, and he didn't want to talk about these things with them before the college entrance examination results were announced.

"Ah, why did you refuse? Didn't you always want to be admitted to a prestigious university? What a great opportunity. "Mom was a little anxious when she heard this.

My mother often hears her eldest son say that he will not go to ordinary colleges and universities, and he will be admitted to key famous universities.

"Special recruitment, what did they do earlier, saw my results, all rushed over, now I am not rare, I have the strength, I can be admitted to any university in China with my academic performance, special recruitment, I will carry forward the style to other students. Sun Ming said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Sun Mingbo still has some opinions about these universities, although he will not take the road of special recruitment and escort.

My mother felt a little pity: "Others want to go crazy if they want to escort it, you are good, but you still dislike it, such a big thing, you should come back to discuss it with us and then make a decision." "

The whole family is still very concerned about Sun Mingbo's future, although Sun Mingbo has his own decisions, he is still a big boy after all.

"Knowing Mom, if there is such a thing in the future, I will definitely report it to you first. Dad

put down the teacup and took the words: "You can't take it lightly if you have strength, I think you should put aside other things recently, concentrate on reviewing, and prepare for the college entrance examination."

"Don't worry, Dad, I know in my heart that I will never fail the college entrance examination, and I also went to Dr. Li's company in the afternoon to conduct technical training for their company's technical personnel. "

How is Dr. Li's company doing? He didn't invite you to a big meal so late?" said Dad.

"It's also a big meal, the work is full, those people ask about technology, and they can't be idle during meal time. In

the afternoon, Sun Mingbo's voice was a little smoking, and after the lecture, one by one the questions were asked by the technicians, and he was busy answering them, and he really hadn't gone through this kind of formation before.

Now think about Dr. Li and his team, which has been very successful in the past, and it is not unreasonable.

"Haha, that's how people who do technology. Dad laughed.

"Your father used to be like this, he studied the technique, and often forgot to eat, I didn't dare to give him important things to do, he was allowed to forget it for you. Mom complained.

"Let's not talk about that, Dad, I saw in the morning that there was still idle land around the industrial park, and I wondered if we could buy it again. "

I still want to buy, these 50,000 acres of land have just started construction, what do you want so much land for?" asked my father a little surprised.

"Dad, I am looking at the surrounding land is idle, it is better for us to buy it as a reserve land, in the future I want to study lithium battery technology, 8K high-definition display and flexible display technology, I am also ready to study the production of electric vehicles, these projects will need land in the future, how can this 50,000 acres of land be enough?"

Sun Mingbo has not yet said that he wants to study 6G communication technology and a full set of communication equipment, he is afraid of scaring his father.

Dad is an expert in the communications industry, and he understands very well what 6G communication technology is.

6G communication technology, completely subverted the existing communication technology, compared with 5G communication technology, the transmission speed reached 100 times that of 5G communication, that is through the satellite direct coverage of the global communication technology, in civil and military applications, especially military applications, 6G communication technology can be said to have an immeasurable role.

At present, 5G communication technology in China has just been successfully developed, and it does not have commercial value, and it will take several years to promote 5G communication technology.

Now 6G communication technology is just a concept, the international 5G technology standards are not the same in various countries, you now tell my father, I want to study and promote 6G communication technology, it is estimated that my father will not be able to sleep.

Anyway, I now have 6G communication technology in my hands, so it is too advanced communication technology, and when I have a strong self-protection strength in the future, it is not too late to slowly produce and promote 6G technology.

Hearing Sun Mingbo's story, Sun Haisheng didn't know what to say at this time, this eldest son's heart was higher than the sky.

The mother was also shocked: "Son, it's good that you have such an idea, but now we have to come step by step, and we can't be ambitious."

"I know, this is just a target plan of mine, reserve more land, and in the future, even if you don't use this land, you can appreciate in value." Sun Mingbo had no choice but to explain from another aspect.

Seeing Sun Mingbo so insistent, my father continued to ask: "Then how much land do you want to buy?Where does the money come from?" "

I want to buy another 10~150,000 mu of land, it's almost the same, anyway, it's installments, don't worry about the financial problem, I will develop a few more games in the future, and everything will be available." Sun Mingbo said lightly.

"Then how about we wait until the construction of the entire industrial park is completed before we think about buying land?" asked my father.

"We are optimistic about it, and others will definitely be optimistic about it, especially after we build an industrial park there, what if the surrounding land is bought by others?"

Dad continued: "We can make a report to the city, reserve the surrounding land, and wait for the completion of the construction of our industrial park, and then go through the purchase procedures." "

Sun Haisheng's idea is that this matter can be done first, and you can't be in a hurry to expand, the risk is too great, you have to stabilize it first, delay it, what if Sun Mingbo's mind changes?

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