Sun Mingbo listened to his father's explanation and felt that what his father said also made some sense, but time waits for no one, and who knows how the city and the high-tech zone management committee will think about the matter of land.

The follow-up factory of his own plan must be connected to the 50,000 acres of land.

In the future, under the control of artificial intelligence, various special equipment produced by the factory in the industrial park, such as the assembly line for the production of batteries, the production line for display screens, the production line for electric vehicles and all the supporting special equipment, can be directly transported to the built plant, transported by the special intelligent robot logistics vehicle in the park, and the installation robot will be directly installed.

If it's not connected together, it's troublesome.

No, the land must be bought, and there must be no accidents.

Thinking of this, Sun Mingbo replied: "Dad, although what you said is reasonable, but the purchase of land around this machinery manufacturing industrial park must not be delayed, I think you will talk to the city recently."

Sun Haisheng frowned: "Tell me your reasons, our whole family is discussing and discussing." "

What's going on, everyone else's family is Lao Tzu commanding his son, but when he comes to himself, it has changed.

Sun Haisheng was a little depressed, this son was so good, he didn't know what to say.

"Dad, I think so, in the future, the whole land will be connected, and the built plant can be managed by artificial intelligence, if we build a new factory in the future, it will not be possible, and the production equipment will be installed by intelligent robots, and many equipment will not be installed well by workers. Although the surrounding land can be reserved by contacting the city, what if the leader is promoted or transferred away in the future? Will this promise still be effective?"

Thinking of this, Sun Haisheng said: "I can talk to the leaders of the city and the management committee of the high-tech zone, but if you form your specific plan into a written planning report, I will go to them to talk."

"In the next two days, I will hand over the report to you, by the way, Dad, how did you talk to Uncle Luo today, when will they be able to start construction, I will ask the company to prepare funds." Sun Mingbo remembered the events of the morning again.

"This is not a small project, they have to make full preparations, it will take about a week, and the construction equipment and workers will arrive one after another, which should not affect the construction period. Dad explained.

"That's good! That's okay, it's up to you to rely on Dad.

"By the way, I also received a few calls today, all of which are manufacturers of well-known domestic brands who want to sign contracts with you for product advertising endorsement and corporate image ambassador. The

mother said next to her: "I think it's all pushed, my son is still in school now, preparing to review the college entrance examination, I can't be distracted during this time, and our family is not short of that little money."

"Don't be my mother, this mosquito leg is still meat, it's all my pocket money, I think I'll pick a few businesses of different natures, companies with good reputation, and after I finish the college entrance examination, I can agree to cooperate with them." Of

course, Sun Mingbo will not refuse such a thing, through this sports meeting, he has become a household name, and it is impossible to keep the same low profile as before.

When the influence increases to a certain extent, it can increase the right to speak in many aspects, and the endorsement of this kind of thing not only makes money, but also makes it easier for him to promote the game products developed by his company in the future, so why not do it?

However, he must not let these merchants make excessive demands, and must be self-centered.

This kind of thing is a double-edged sword, think about Yao Ming, and then think about Liu Xiang, in order to meet the requirements of those businesses, he trained with illness, competed with injuries, and ended his sports career prematurely.

He didn't want to be like these old-timers and carry all kinds of heavy burdens.

Signing an endorsement contract with a merchant is just to satisfy your vanity and promote your game, just for fun.

"I think what Xiaobo said also makes sense, since you have embarked on this path, there are some things that you have to consider, so reply to them and wait until the college entrance examination is over. Dad said as he looked at Mom.

"Since you both agree, I don't object, but, son, don't think about other things at this stage, you don't need to make yourself so tired, let go of your baggage, and prepare for the college entrance examination. "Mom's final word.

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