Minister Wang left the conference room to negotiate with both parties, and immediately entered the negotiation process of the commercial endorsement contract.

Director Jia, the representative of the field management center, and the representatives of Nick Company sat face to face, and the eyes of the personnel on both sides looked at each other, and the atmosphere was immediately very different from just now.

Director Jia and his subordinates looked serious, and they knew the importance of this negotiation.

"We attach great importance to the cooperation with the field management center, but we hope to make some adjustments to the terms of the previous contract in this meeting. John, the representative of Nickelodeon, spoke first.

"What are the specifics?" asked Director Jia.

"First of all, there is the issue of endorsement fees, and we plan to increase them by 50% on previous contracts. John said.

President John is also a master negotiator, and it seems that he proposed to increase the endorsement fee, which seems to attach importance to the field management center on the surface, but in fact, President John is also considering that Sun Mingbo is too young, and in his entire golden sports age, he will definitely bring rich returns to Nickelodeon.

"The increase in the endorsement fee shows the sincerity of your company, and I would like to express my gratitude here. Wang smiled, this is the first time that Nick has taken the initiative to increase the cost of commercial endorsements for athletes.

Although Nickelodeon has shown a friendly attitude, Director Jia will never take it lightly.

Nickelodeon's President John then negotiated some new commercial endorsement contract content and terms, including longer contract periods, higher endorsement fees, and more branding and promotional activities.

Nick proposed a contract that stipulated an endorsement period of eight years and a total amount of 240 million.

At the same time, the contract also stipulates that two promotional films will be filmed every year, and athletes will appear 10 times a year to participate in major international track and field events if they are not sick, and if they are less than ten times in the year, they will participate in the Golden League to make up for ten times, and provide different events, each championship bonus and other related contract details.

"Mr. John, we believe that your company's requirements are a bit too high, which will result in endorsement contracts that will have a negative impact on the interests of the athletics management center and the athletes. Director Jia said unceremoniously: "We hope that a fairer and win-win agreement can be reached." We recommend making some appropriate adjustments in terms of contract length, while reducing some unnecessary branding and promotional activities.

"In addition, we also hope to add some clauses to the contract that protect the rights and interests of the endorsed athletes and both parties to avoid possible disputes and controversies.

"However, our endorsement fee is already the highest at present, and the terms of these contracts proposed are also very reasonable. The representative of Nicole Company retorted.

"We also need to take into account the interests of the athletics management center and the athletes, and we cannot agree to these terms, otherwise it will cause damage to the interests of the athletes. The representative of the field management center argued.

Athletes play too many times a year, which can greatly increase their fatigue and the chance of injury.

"However, our branding is very important, and if we can't get enough branding, then our cooperation is meaningless. Nicole's representatives refused to back down.

"I think we need to make some compromises in terms of endorsement fees and branding in order to be able to reach a partnership. Director Jia said.

"We need to take into account the interests of both parties and try to find a solution that will be acceptable to both parties. Director Jia continued to persuade.

"We can increase the endorsement fee by another 3%, and the other contract terms will not change. President John suddenly raised his voice and said.

Sun Mingbo is a cash cow, and in the next few days, as long as Sun Mingbo is not troubled by injuries, it will bring a steady stream of returns to Nickelodeon.

This endorsement fee will be increased, Director Jia was surprised.

In this way, in the next few hours, Director Jia and his subordinates held several rounds of negotiations and consultations with representatives of Nickelodeon.

At this time, a text message came to President John's mobile phone, and as soon as he saw this text message, President John's face immediately changed: "Mr. Director, since we both have different opinions at present, then we will adjourn the meeting for the time being."

After speaking, President Jhon politely apologized to the negotiator of the field management center, and then withdrew from the commercial negotiation of the contract.

Director Jia and his subordinates looked confused.

What is the situation? If you can't talk about it, you can continue to talk, how can you say that you quit and quit, and some of you don't understand it at all.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, hurry up and report to the leader, this is going to be a big thing.

Then he hurried to Minister Wang's office, and broke in without knocking on the door.

Minister Wang frowned: "What's the matter? He was very dissatisfied with Director Jia's performance this time.

As a department-level cadre, it is taboo to be unstable in the event of an incident.

Just as he wanted to mention Director Jia, several other leaders of the negotiation team also came to Minister Wang's office.

When he got to his mouth, he changed his words and looked at everyone: "What's the matter, Director Jia, you say it first." "

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