Director Jia looked at everyone, calmed down his emotions, and turned his gaze to Minister Wang: "Minister, during the negotiation with President John just now, he received a text message and looked at it, his face was immediately abnormal, and then he asked for a negotiation adjournment, led his company's personnel, and left the negotiation table. "

Why? Didn't he say the specific reason? Then when will the negotiations be resumed, you must not set a specific time?" Minister Wang's eyes sharpened, and without waiting for Director Jia to answer, he asked the others: "What about you, is this the reason why you are here?" "

Yes, Minister, our customer negotiators, similar to Director Jia's situation, have received phone text messages or WeChat messages, and have made a request to temporarily end the negotiations. One of the people in charge of customer negotiations said.

"That is to say, it is not the reason for the specific cooperation, is there any news that has caused the interruption of the cooperation negotiations? Minister Wang whispered.

He suddenly thought, could it be that Sun Mingbo's urine test has a result? Is this yang? These customers got the news in advance, so they interrupted the negotiation of Sun Mingbo's endorsement contract, and when he thought of this, his heart fluttered, and he immediately became nervous.

Now it's troublesome, if the situation is really as you think, this is not just a matter of the commercial endorsement contract being lost, but this matter will create a huge whirlpool of public opinion, which will inevitably involve yourself.

This is really dizzy, forgetting about the IAAF's anti-doping sampling test of Sun Mingbo, thinking only about the huge commercial benefits of the endorsement contract, and forgetting the risks involved.

Minister Wang secretly thought that he still did not consider the problem comprehensively enough, not stable enough, in the case of unclear circumstances, should not immediately negotiate commercial endorsement contracts with these business customers, so that he was in a passive state, and he now regretted it.

His face was a little ugly and he waved his hand: "You all go and get busy, about the negotiation of this commercial endorsement contract, remember not to say what you shouldn't say." Others

, including Director Jia, looked at Minister Wang's ugly face and were a little inexplicable.

Isn't it just a temporary interruption of the negotiation of the commercial endorsement contract, these business customers will definitely come back for business negotiations, what is wrong with

Minister Wang? Everyone didn't ask too much, and walked out of Minister Wang's office one by one with a heavy look.

Minister Wang sat in his office and took a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions.

He looked at the empty office and felt a frustration that he had never felt before, and he was full of confidence that the signing of this commercial endorsement contract would definitely bring him political achievements.

But now it's not a political achievement, it's good to be able to get out of it.

He had always thought he was in control, but the incident made him doubt himself.

He kept thinking about what situation Sun Mingbo would face if his urine test result was really positive

, and this was not just a matter of a commercial endorsement contract, but could trigger a huge storm of public opinion.

If he hadn't arranged the negotiation of Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement contract, then this matter had nothing to do with him.

But he just took the initiative to step into this whirlpool, he may be involved in it, and even affect his political future.

He was starting to feel a little trepided, but he knew he couldn't let this emotion control him, and he thought about what he had worked so hard for all these years.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, he told himself that he had not yet determined the result, and he couldn't mess up first.

This negotiation about Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement contract, he originally wanted to achieve results and surprise the leader after the end of this negotiation, but now he didn't see the surprise, but there was such a result, he regretted it a little and did not report to the leader in time.

It's useless to say anything now, and if you take the initiative to participate in it, it means that the field management center is involved.

This matter must be reported to the leadership.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Director Li's number.

Director Li's voice came from the other end of the phone, Minister Wang tried his best to calm down, and asked cautiously: "Leader, are you back?" Director Li

on the other end of the phone: "I just arrived at the office, do you have anything to do

?" "It's such a leader, I will arrange ............ today

" "What? Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement contract negotiation, such a big thing, why don't you report it in advance?" I can't say anything about this matter in a sentence or two, I'm in the office, you can come here.

Minister Wang's heart sank, he tried to keep himself calm, and said, "Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Minister Wang hung up the phone, his mood became a little heavy, it seemed that this matter was really hammered.

At this time, Minister Wang thought about it again, if he didn't get his political future, his political future might be affected, don't think about the position of deputy director, if he can keep it, his current position will be good.

Why do you want to do so much? When is this going to get through this first.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly walked towards Director Li's office.

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