Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Professor Zeng didn't think that the knowledge reserve he possessed as an undergraduate could solve this problem.

He himself could not have understood better, he had already tricked many graduate students in the mathematics department with this problem.

This question does not seem complicated, but in fact, there are many traps in it, and in a short period of time, if you don't review the question carefully, you are likely to be taken to the pit.

However, this handsome big student solved this problem in less than three minutes, and Professor Zeng was very satisfied with the process and answer to the problem.

Sun Mingbo didn't want to expose himself, so why would he skip classes here in the future?

So he made up a reason: " Hello Professor Zeng, I am not from this school, I came here to ask you some math problems, but you are busy, I heard that this class is your math class, so I came to the classroom in advance and waited for you to ask for advice after the lecture, you see that this class is not suitable, it will delay the learning of many students, and after this class is over, I will go to your office to ask you for advice, how about it?"

Sun Mingbo cleverly avoided Professor Zeng's question, then smiled and returned to his seat.

At this time, Professor Zeng did not ask any more questions, and then he said to the students: "The solution of this student just now, the thinking is clear, the steps are perfect, and the answer is completely correct, the students can copy it down, and study it well after going back, maybe the students will encounter this type of question when they are admitted to graduate school in the future." "

Professor Zeng, this is telling students that it is very difficult to take the graduate school entrance examination, and you need to work hard now.

In fact, this question is beyond the scope of undergraduate entrance examinations, and Professor Zeng uses this method to urge students to study harder.

After the class, Sun Mingbo followed Professor Zeng to his office.

After Professor Zeng sat down, Sun Wenbo also sat down, and then asked, "Don't you have a math problem that you need to ask?" "

Sun Mingbo doesn't have any math problems to ask, it's just an excuse that comes up in class, but since Professor Zeng asked, he must ask the question, or it will become a fool of Professor Zeng.

Ordinary questions will definitely not be raised here, needless to say that everyone knows the reason, and Sun Wenbo can't raise the profound question, Sun Mingbo has no choice but to learn and sell now.

Sun Mingbo didn't speak, just smiled, saying more and making mistakes, not saying good.

He saw that there were several whiteboards in Professor Zeng's office, so he directly wrote on the whiteboard the latest mathematical research results copied from Professor Zeng's brain in class, although he had not yet transformed his learning, and did not understand the meaning of these mathematical formulas, but it did not prevent him from writing them.

But Professor Zeng didn't know, looking at the mathematical formula proof on the whiteboard, the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became, and in the end he was dumbfounded, isn't this the latest topic he wants to study

? The latter part of this is just thinking about it, how can this kid have already studied such a deep problem?

If it weren't for the fact that he knew many problems and thought about them in his mind and didn't write them out, Professor Zeng would definitely think that this kid was plagiarizing his own research results.

Professor Zeng suddenly felt a little melancholy, he was already old, and his thinking really couldn't catch up with this young student.

At this time, Sun Mingbo also wrote to the end, and then he listed several research directions according to Professor Zeng's memory, and finally, asked Professor Zeng: "I know that you are an expert in this field, and I can't find a direction for my research here, so I also ask Professor Zeng to give me a solution."

Seeing this, Professor Zeng couldn't have understood it all the better, but he hadn't thought about it himself, so how could he dare

to express his opinion? This is a matter of attitude towards academics, and Professor Zeng, who has always been rigorous in his studies, does not dare to express his position.

Professor Zeng also began to change the topic: "Classmate, you haven't answered me yet, what's your name

?" At this time, Professor Zeng had already understood, this classmate was definitely not a student of the Department of Mathematics of Qingcheng University, nor was he a graduate student of any professor of this university, if so, how could he not know him?"


Mingbo was a little embarrassed, after all, he was caught by the professor when he came to class, and he always felt a little dishonorable.

"You are the Sun Mingbo who broke the world record a few days ago?" Professor

Zeng was even more surprised, this is too demonic, I know that you are a sports genius, and I also know that you are a scholar, but I didn't expect your mathematics to be studied in such a situation.

"Yes, just a world record, the IAAF did not admit it.

Sun Yongbo smiled and said modestly.

"The grades are there, what does it matter if you admit it or not, it's a matter of time or time, how about it? Are you interested in coming to our Qingcheng University? One year bachelor's degree, two years master's degree, three years doctoral graduate, are you interested?"

Professor Zeng, this is the heart of love for talents.

Sun Mingbo just smiled and didn't answer.

How do you answer? Could it be that Qingcheng University's grade is too low and not qualified enough? I don't think it hurts to say it so bluntly.

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