Professor Zeng looked at Sun Mingbo and smiled, and suddenly remembered, this is not right, if Sun Mingbo comes to Qingcheng University, who can teach him the mathematical knowledge he currently masters?

This is a little embarrassing, but Professor Zeng is a person who has experienced ups and downs.

He looked at the time, and then said, "It's noon, and it's going to be lunch, so I'll invite you to our restaurant cafeteria to try our food, and in the afternoon we'll be together to discuss the question you just asked." To

be honest, Sun Mingbo was really a little hungry, and it took a lot of energy to copy and learn the math knowledge taught by Zeng in class.

So he said very politely: "Thank you so much, why don't I come at noon."

"What kind of guest do you have as a student, might as well discuss math problems together when you have that time?"

At this time, Professor Zeng put on the appearance of an old professor.

"Alright then, thank you, Professor Zeng, let's go to the cafeteria for lunch.

Sun Mingbo replied politely, he still has great respect for this old professor.

"That's right, although we just met, you're welcome.

Professor Zeng was very happy, and took Sun Mingbo with them, and the two came to the cafeteria.

This restaurant canteen is a professor's special canteen, said to be a restaurant canteen, the whole decoration style is like a large café, divided into many areas, and it is already full of experts and professors.

Professor Zeng took Sun Mingbo to the special area of the Department of Mathematics, and some professors next to him saw them and hurriedly greeted: "Old Zeng, is this your new student?" asked an old professor with gray hair.

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is Sun Mingbo. Professor Zeng proudly introduced.

"This is really Sun Yongbo!" said a young professor, looking a little surprised.

Professor Zeng pointed to the gray-haired old professor: "This

is Professor Hu, the deputy director of our Department of Mathematics, this is ......" Okay, Professor Zeng introduced all the twenty or thirty professors of the Department of Mathematics to Sun Mingbo, who is already here, except for the professors who are on a business trip.

A hairy young man, Professor Zeng introduced to all the professors separately, which shows how much Professor Zeng values Sun Mingbo.

Sun Mingbo hurriedly stepped forward to greet each professor.

Just kidding, if you don't take this opportunity to copy a wave, how can you be worthy of Professor Zeng's enthusiastic introduction, this opportunity is rare and should not be missed.

So much so that in the end, his brain, like a computer, was a little stuck.

There are so many copies that I'm almost at the limit of the storage area.

At this time, Sun Mingbo greeted the professor mechanically with a smile on his face, but his brain was cloudy, swollen, and a little unable to turn around.

In the end, he had to go to the bathroom without accompaniment, and the consciousness body immediately entered the system simulation classroom and began to quickly digest and learn a part of it to alleviate the current situation.

Half an hour later, he was back at the table.

Professor Zeng asked with some concern, "Why is my stomach upset?" "

It's nothing, probably because I didn't eat out cleanly in the morning."

"Then be careful, do you need to go to the infirmary?"

"Thanks, it's okay, maybe just have a hot meal."

In the half hour after Sun Mingbo left, Professor Zeng introduced what happened in the morning to the professors present, and the professors were very surprised, and all the topics revolved around Sun Mingbo.

These mathematics professors were not only interested in Sun Mingbo as a person, but also in the topics he was studying.

After lunch, Professor Hu saw that everyone's interest was high, so he proposed that everyone should have a brainstorming session in the afternoon and conduct a small seminar on the mathematical conjectures studied by Sun Mingbo.

So the professors did not rest at noon, and if there was a class in the afternoon, let the teaching assistant go to class, and then, these professors Sun Mingbo came to the conference room together.

Professor Zeng found a few graduate students and moved a few whiteboards in his office.

Other professors also contacted their students to come and audit.

What Sun Mingbo didn't know was that the mathematical thesis he wrote on the whiteboard according to the gourd was the "Distribution Law of Mersenne Prime Numbers" put forward by the Chinese mathematician Zhou Haizhong in the last century, and he was named Zhou's guess in the world, also known as Zhou's conjecture.

The basic content of Zhou's guess is that

when 2^(2^n)), Mp has 2^(n+1)-1 is prime.

Zhou Haizhong also deduced from this that when p<2^(2^(n+1)), Mp has 2^(n+2)-n-2 is prime.

Zhou's guess is based on a precise expression and a mathematical aesthetic to put forward the "distribution law of Mersenne primes", which has not been proved or disproved so far, and has become a famous mathematical problem.

Atler Selberg, a master of number theory and winner of the Fields and Wolf Prizes, believes that Zhou's speculation is innovative, opening up new and enlightening methods, and its innovation is also manifested in revealing new mathematical laws.

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