For this world's mathematical problems, Sun Mingbo doesn't know this.

Although his level of mathematics has exceeded the level of ordinary graduate students, you should not forget that all his knowledge comes from textbooks, such as Zhou's conjecture, which is not introduced in textbooks at all.

If he knew that what he had written was Zhou's conjecture, and he didn't dare to write it here with a few guts, wouldn't that mean he was making a fool of himself?

But fortunately, with Professor Zeng, all the knowledge came from Professor Zeng's brain, and the questions raised by the other professors gave a reasonable explanation before Sun Mingbo could answer.

Although he didn't understand what many professors were asking questions, he could immediately call on the mathematical knowledge involved in the problems discussed by the professors in his brain, coupled with Professor Zeng's explanations, which was also a learning process, and the effect was quite good.

With the deepening of the discussion, Sun Mingbo put forward several problems in the direction of problem solving, that is, the problem that Professor Zeng wanted to propose, and finally in the heated discussion of the professors, it was concluded that the choice of several directions, unless there are new mathematical tools and methods, is not feasible at present.

After being proved that several directions did not work, Professor Zeng was still a little unwilling, while Sun Mingbo did not feel anything.

From beginning to end, this is a misunderstanding, and it is the kind of misunderstanding that gets deeper and deeper.

Several professors believe that Sun Mingbo may be ahead of his time in the field of prime number research, but he may not have any achievements in other fields of mathematics, and he may not even be able to do so, and people's energy is limited, not to mention that Sun Mingbo is still so young.

Some professors, consciously or unconsciously, began to discuss their latest research results, and asked Sun Mingbo from time to time for his opinions.

Sun Mingbo did not refuse to come, and when a professor asked him, he called up the professor's latest research theory from his mind and began to discuss it.

Now this is amazing, more and more professors are beginning to be interested in Sun Mingbo's mathematical knowledge reserves.

With the actions of the first professor, then there may be a second professor, and this one is out of control.

By the end of the day, all the professors could no longer use the word shock to describe how they felt at this time.

This is a fucking math all-rounder, although there are some problems Sun Mingbo expounded on it, which is not very satisfactory, but after all, the depth of the problem is there, and it cannot be said that he is not right.

Discuss with each other, it is not important to be right or wrong, the important thing is to inspire thinking.

The professors present can see that Sun Mingbo's knowledge of the sub-fields of mathematics is not lower than that of the professors here, and this is a mathematical genius who has not been born in a century.

After hundreds of years of mathematical research, you have started learning from your mother's womb, so how much mathematical knowledge can you master

? How did Sun Mingbo do this?

This is also incredible, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, participated in this matter, and killed these professors, they would not have believed that there would be such mathematical all-rounders in the world.

As the deputy head of the Department of Mathematics, Professor Hu's thinking is different from that of all the mathematics professors here, and it would be a dereliction of duty to not recruit his own mathematics department in the face of such a mathematical genius.

Sun Mingbo obviously could not choose to apply for the Department of Mathematics of Qingcheng University, and it can be seen that his ambitions are high.

Even if he applied for the mathematics department of this university, no one could teach him.

Since it is not possible to be a student, what about hiring him as a faculty member?

It is not an exaggeration to hire Sun Mingbo as a professor of mathematics, but this professor is organized, and the rules and regulations are very stuck.

You say that if you hire a middle school student as a professor, even if it is a teaching assistant, not to mention that there is no establishment, even if there is an establishment, then it will not be laughed off by the same industry?

Although the middle school student has a high level of mathematics, but he has not proven himself, so what? Even if he proves himself, he cannot be hired as a professor or teaching assistant.

The only possibility is to hire a researcher in the Department of Mathematics, which is much more flexible and doesn't sound so harsh.

After the unanimous decision of the leaders of the Department of Mathematics, the report was in the hands of the president of Qingcheng University, and after research, it was decided to hire Sun Mingbo as a researcher of the Department of Mathematics of Qingcheng University.

The leaders of Qingcheng University are not stupid, they can let these math experts unanimously pass and dig up talents with all their might, it must be extraordinary, not to mention that Sun Mingbo is also a celebrity.

If Sun Mingbo has any achievements in any aspect in the future, it will also be the achievements of Qingcheng University, such as "Comrade Sun Mingbo, a researcher of the Department of Mathematics of our university, has achieved XX results" and so on.

Professor Hu's actions were very fast, and on the third day, the letter of appointment was sent to Sun Mingbo, who of course signed the agreement and accepted it with a smile.

For Sun Mingbo, this is also an honor, and there will be many benefits in the future, and it would be a fool not to sign.

Well, Sun Mingbo has not yet taken the college entrance examination and has not yet entered the university, so he has already become a researcher in the Department of Mathematics of Qingcheng University.

This also set a precedent in China for a high school student to become a university researcher, and Qingcheng University became famous because of it, which is also a later story.

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