Sun Mingbo came to the classroom early today, and the students also arrived one after another.

Seeing Sun Mingbo, all the classmates greeted him excitedly.

At the same time, several classmates happily told him that in this three-mode exam, the average score of class 316 was the first in the school, and the lowest score in the class was above 560 points.

Of course, this also has something to do with the third mock test, where the questions are relatively simple.

Ask the students to say this, Sun Mingbo only then knew that the third mock exam of the third year of high school had been completed.

In the past few days, in order not to be disturbed by reporters and many people who have contacted him, his mobile phone has been turned off, and he has missed the third mock exam.

In fact, Sun Mingbo is not interested in this kind of exam, he didn't want to take it, the exam lasted for two days, it was better to study a little more, and if he missed it, he would miss it, there was nothing to regret.

The students achieved good academic results, and Sun Mingbo was also very happy that under the premise that he did not take the exam, the whole class actually won the first place in the school.

What does this mean, all the students in the class have improved a lot, and there is no longer a need for his grades to raise the average score for the class.

Many of his classmates were full of gratitude to him, and the improvement of the whole class was due to the initial version of his tutorial learning video.

The students who had good things in the class actually went to the website of the elite company to download the tutoring and learning video.

But when it comes to comparative learning, the gap appears.

The learning tutorial video on the company's website is not bad, but the picture is clearer than the original tutorial video, the scene is more pleasing to the eye, and the production and editing level is also the best learning tutorial video on the market.

But it's such a vivid and interesting download version of the learning tutorial video, and there is no original version of the tutorial video provided by Sun Mingbo, learning makes people full of passion and desire to learn, in a word, the learning effect and efficiency are too far apart.

The students don't know why, but one thing is still clear to the students, although the original version of the learning video, although the production is a little rough, it is full of dry goods, for them, this is enough.

The classmates in the class didn't know the reason, but Sun Mingbo understood very well that the two versions, the skills he used in "Rendering of Speeches" were different, and the roles they played were of course different.

The initial learning tutorial video reached 1/3 of the effect of his speech, and the tutorial video downloaded on the website was edited by the editor, at most it was 1/10

of the effect, can it be the same? This is also his intention, he doesn't want to be seen by others, such a downloaded version of the learning tutorial video, the learning effect is just right.

It is to achieve 1/10 of the effect, and the effect on the improvement of academic performance is also very significant.

Netizens have left messages on the Internet, such a good study guidance video, but it appeared too late, and they complained that it was so close to the college entrance examination time, and this study time was not enough.

In order not to over-interpret netizens, the elite company explained the entire learning tutorial video on the website, and the production process before and after, which appeased many netizens.

The gratitude of his classmates, Sun Mingbo didn't dare to take the credit to himself, although it was a great help to the students through the tutoring video, but it also required the students to study hard to achieve such good results.

As a classmate, Sun Mingbo is happy to see that his classmates have a good starting point for development, and as for what level they can achieve in the future, it depends on everyone's opportunities and efforts.

For the students, of course, Sun Mingbo wants to help, but there is a premise for this, that is, to help those students who can help.

At this time, the head teacher, Mr. Qu, also came to the classroom, and when he saw Sun Mingbo who was being watched, he said: "Sun Mingbo, why do you want to go to school? I thought you wouldn't come to school again before the college entrance examination, and I couldn't get through to your phone, you are really a busy person." Of

course, Mr. Qu was angry, and when he called several times before the three-mode exam, the prompt tone was turned off, and the same was true for calling his parents.

Thinking about it later, the current Sun Mingbo, for him, what does it matter whether he takes the three-model test or not? This three-mode

exam only has an impact on the ranking of the class and the school, and there is no way to do it, and special students must be treated specially.

"Teacher Qu, I asked you for leave in order to avoid reporters, and the phone was turned off to avoid harassment by those reporters, but don't worry, I will definitely come to school every day from now until the college entrance examination. Sun Mingbo was a little embarrassed, but still swore and said.

Teacher Qu blinked his sly eyes: "Okay, from now until the college entrance examination, you will tutor the students to review." In

fact, Teacher Qu also played a clever trick and directly asked Sun Mingbo to tutor the classmates, which is a little unreasonable, but it can make Sun Mingbo embarrassed, it is different.

Sun Mingbo's tutoring class, she has personally experienced it, the kind of learning state of the students, it is not an exaggeration to call it crazy, now it is so close to the college entrance examination, can use all the learning resources, of course Teacher Qu has to take advantage of it.

"It's no problem for me to tutor, but I only tutor the revision of the morning self-study class. "

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