Sun Mingbo came to school this time to experience the last senior year of high school, a good time, and to draw a successful end to his high school learning career.

He didn't want to spend the last ten days as a full-time counselor, which would lose the meaning of his coming to school.

"Then let's have an early self-study class, plus afternoon and evening self-study. Teacher Qu said unrelentingly.

Teacher Qu's idea is very simple, that is, in the last ten days, let Sun Mingbo lead the students to make the final sprint, and it is best to improve the grades of the whole class in the college entrance examination, and the whole class will eliminate 500 points.

Teacher Qu's heart is big, and his heart is arrogant (here he specifically refers to arrogance), which should be the temperament that this Yan University graduate and beautiful doctor teacher should have.

Class 316 is now the first class in the school, there is no ranking in the city, and it is likely to be the first class in the city.

If every student in the college entrance examination scores reached more than 600 points, from the penultimate garbage class to the whole class is a top student, what kind of glory would it be, and it would be the only one in the country, right?

Teacher Qu chose Qingcheng No. 1 Middle School to teach, with the youngest and most beautiful talented female doctor of Beijing Yanda on her head, she was under pressure for two years, and everyone did not understand her choice, some people were pity, some people questioned, and even wanted to see her jokes.

But now that everything has passed, there is a demon like Sun Mingbo in the class, why can't he lead the whole class and add icing on the cake?

Teacher Qu is now in high spirits, and all the previous pressure has been released, she looked at Sun Mingbo with a smile, as if to say, no matter how powerful you are, you are also my student.

The surrounding classmates were also looking forward to Sun Mingbo's answer.

The old class spoke, this face was to be given, but this disrupted his original plan of only wanting to tutor and study for a few brothers in the dormitory and a few better classmates in the class.

In fact, it is so close to the college entrance examination that the existing courses in the third year of high school in all schools can no longer be divided into self-study or classes.

It can be said that all courses are self-study and belong to the free review stage.

Class 316, because of Sun Mingbo, has already entered this stage in advance.

Sun Mingbo thought for a while: "Teacher Qu, let's do it, don't divide it into early self-study and evening self-study, I will lead everyone to review in the morning, and I will take Tang Kai and a few other students for sports training in the afternoon, and I will not participate in the evening self-study."

Teacher Qu laughed, and the whole class began to chant excitedly.

Sun Mingbo and several other sports students are about to participate in the World Championships in July, and the whole school knows the news.

Sun Mingbo also took advantage of this reason, and while training, he gave college entrance examination tutoring to several brothers in the dormitory, which was the best way he could think of.

Since he agreed to Teacher Qu, Sun Mingbo became serious, he first detected the knowledge structure of each student in the class through the system, scanned it, found out everyone's weak links, conducted comprehensive statistical analysis, and knew the problems of most of the students.

Now doing this kind of thing, he doesn't even need to copy, and it is impossible for him to make himself dizzy like last time.

This tutoring is much simpler than last time, three years of high school knowledge, through the efforts of the students themselves these days, they have basically mastered.

As long as he conducts targeted combing and counseling, connects various knowledge nodes, and teaches students to draw inferences from one case and use them flexibly, this is enough.

This form of special tutoring, no one can do it, because you can't pick out all the heads of your classmates and see what is going on with them.

But for Sun Mingbo, this kind of counseling is too simple and a piece of cake.

So, Sun Mingbo began to walk on the podium again to give lectures to the students.

This kind of targeted tutoring has completely opened the students' minds, and the problems that they couldn't understand before suddenly opened up after Sun Mingbo's explanation, and there is a feeling that their heads are suddenly open.

It turns out that a lot of knowledge has been learned by me and should have mastered it, but I can't use it flexibly, and I can't do it anymore.

But now it's different, students, I'm looking forward to Sun Mingbo's next course.

This heuristic way of connecting various knowledge nodes for tutoring is also something that Sun Mingbo has just recognized.

Otherwise, the ancients often said that opening the book is beneficial, and it is also an alternative learning for oneself to give lectures.

Sun Mingbo was also excited, he talked endlessly to tutor and explain to the students, and at the same time secretly summed up his experience.

Gradually, the students appeared in that crazy state of learning again.

Sun Mingbo saw the eyes of his classmates, broken, this was too much, and quickly adjusted the tone of his lecture, he no longer used the skills in "The Rendering of Speeches", only used the usual tone, and soon, the students' learning state slowly recovered, and the tutoring was carried out here, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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