Teacher Qu and his classmates in class 316 of the third year of high school were happy, but the class teachers and classmates of other classes were unhappy, and then the students of class 316 of the third year of high school were also unhappy.

The news of Sun Mingbo's tutoring of his classmates soon spread throughout all levels of the third year of high school.

Many students from other classes found the head teacher and asked to listen to Sun Mingbo's counseling, but the head teacher couldn't make the decision, and then reported to the school.

However, some students were not willing to wait at all, so they went directly to class 316 and knocked on the door to ask for an audit.

Now it's okay, at the door of class 316, the students from the other class are accumulating more and more, and they are constantly knocking on the door, how can this class continue

? Sun Mingbo hasn't said anything, but the students of class 316 are not happy, why are we in class, and you are knocking on the door?

This is a deliberate trouble, not allowing us to study.

A few grumpy classmates rushed out when they opened the door of the classroom, and seeing that the conflict was about to happen, Sun Mingbo hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Persuade the students in the other classes to hurry back to their classrooms and ask for help from the other homeroom teachers who appear at the door of the classroom.

If in normal times, many class teachers can also control the students in their own classes, but now that the college entrance examination is approaching, the students are a little impetuous, and if one is not handled well, it will have serious consequences, not to mention that the class teachers of other classes also hope that the students in their class can participate in the audit.

In fact, there was no need for those class teachers to stop it, and when the students saw Sun Mingbo come forward, naturally, the conflict ended.

Sun Mingbo's fame and achievements are enough to suppress all the senior high school students in this class, of course, the word suppression is a bit inaccurate, in fact, it is the same thing.

Now the students in the third year of high school are shrewd, and they will not conflict with Sun Mingbo if they have a conflict with anyone.

The appearance of Sun Mingbo, the level of bragging of this class of high school juniors, broke through the sky, and they are all proud to have such alumni.

But pride is pride, and the students in other classes just don't leave and ask to audit.

Sun Mingbo was embarrassed, this was not something he could decide.

When Director Qian heard the news, he hurried over, and he felt that his head was big again.

Here we go again, the previous stage was the conflict between the students and the teacher, this time it was the conflict between the 316 class and the entire senior third class.

Director Qian also understands the mentality of the students in other classes and the class teacher, who made Sun Mingbo's tutoring and lectures so attractive?

If you look at the results of class 316, from the bottom of the school, in just over two months, it has reversed to the first place in the school.

There is nothing to say about personal results, this three-mode exam, the lowest score in the class is more than 560 points, more than 600 points abound, and there are a few more than 700 points.

Who doesn't want to go to a better university? Who doesn't want to start from a higher starting point

? The example is right in front of them, this is an opportunity to change their fate, can they not be in a hurry?

Understand is understanding, but this matter is not easy to deal with.

He first asked Sun Mingbo's opinion: "Classmate Sun Mingbo, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

What advice can Sun Mingbo have?

He will not offend people, and said casually: "I listen to the school's arrangement." "

Anyway, he has to give a lecture, one sheep is to drive, two sheep are also to drive, and it is nothing to drive one more flock.

As for who participates and who doesn't, what's wrong with that?

Sun Mingbo expressed his attitude, and Director Qian reported it to Principal Lu, and the principal decided after a little consideration: "Don't come out about this matter, tell those class teachers." The school provided them with a large auditorium, and as for how they discussed it with Sun Mingbo, that was their business. "

Okay! Principal Lu pushed two, six, five, but this is also a solution to the problem, and Director Qian quickly understood the wonderful part.

Director Qian's decision to Principal Lu was quickly conveyed to the class teachers and left in style.

Sun Mingbo's lecture location has changed from classroom 316 to the school auditorium, and all the students in the entire senior third department have come to the auditorium.

Don't say it, looking down from the rostrum is quite neat, and ordinary people may feel pressure when they are alone on the rostrum in this environment.

But Sun Mingbo didn't feel anything at all, and he didn't talk nonsense when he stepped onto the rostrum, and started speaking directly.

He still uses his own tutoring model to summarize his class, and as for readjustment, he is not that interested.

As a result, a strange scene occurred in the first middle school.

Every morning, in the school auditorium, Sun Mingbo gave a lecture above, and the students of the third year of high school, the teachers and the class teacher took notes.

In the afternoon, Sun Mingbo took a few classmates to talk about the key points of learning while training.

The first thing to start was to teach them how to warm up, and now that a few warm-up actions were done, they immediately attracted the attention of the students in the physical education class in the lower grades.

Seeing many indecent movements, they laughed heartily.

For these, Sun Mingbo simply ignored it, it may be embarrassing to do it alone, but it's just like that for a group of people to do it, it doesn't matter, as long as the effect is good.

Teacher Zhang took the tablet to digest Sun Mingbo and provided him with the latest sports theories and training methods.

In the evening, Sun Mingbo returned home, divided the time into three, continued to write the code of the primary artificial intelligence, entered the system space training ground for training, and read a large number of mathematical papers.

In this last high school career, Sun Mingbo felt that he had lived a very fulfilling and satisfying life.

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