Sun Mingbo returned to school and was enjoying his last good days of high school, while Elite International Education Media Film and Television Co., Ltd. joined a heavyweight.

It has been a week since Wen Xiaohui came to Elite International Education Media Film and Television Co., Ltd.

She was born from the grassroots and graduated from Harvard University with a master's degree.

Like most of the children from poor families, he completed his studies with great difficulty after hard work.

Later, he worked for a large Internet company in the United States.

As a Chinese, especially a woman, she was promoted from an ordinary small staff to the deputy director of the company's public relations department, and only she knew the efforts and hardships.

Later, he resigned for some reasons and returned to China to work as the director of the public relations department of a large Internet company.

She was full of confidence and went to work, but the reality gave her a resounding slap in the face.

The leader of this large Internet company does not value her ability, but her beauty and a diploma from an international prestigious university, and treats her as a vase or mascot.

When she was introduced to her by someone she hated the most, she said: "This is Miss Wen Xiaohui, a master's student from Harvard University in the United States, who once worked as the manager of the public relations department of a large Internet company in the United States.

When the other party saw his beauty, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Miss Wen, you are so beautiful, I am very honored to meet you, when you see when you have time, let's have dinner together." Or

: "Miss Wen, you have admired your name for a long time, your public relations cases abroad are very famous, and you have been selected as a Haval business case, when can we discuss it together?"

The above is pure nonsense, her eyes are shining, and she really wants to discuss it, but this is not any admiration, but a naked desire to conquer her under her.

In the past few months of work, she has fully realized the so-called public relations in China, that is, to go to the relationship, that is, the wine commander, in the domestic workplace, especially in the wine field, she is extremely uncomfortable, as if she is a senior wine girl.

The public relations system, strategy and copywriting planning she developed in the company have not been paid corresponding attention in the company, let alone implemented.

And from time to time she was harassed, she was very sad and tried to avoid these people.

People who don't understand still think that she is pretending to be high.

In fact, she has a cold face, and she also puts on a vest for herself to avoid more sexual harassment.

When she was distressed, when she returned to China, she was approached by a headhunting firm that had been registered.

Qingcheng Elite International Education Media Film and Television Co., Ltd. recruited the director of the public relations department, and the headhunting company introduced the basic situation of the company to her.

This is a newly established large-scale enterprise group company, holding Dr. Li CNC Robot Company.

The wholly-owned enterprise under construction, Elite International Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will invest 500 billion yuan to build a manufacturing base, and asked her if she was interested in working in this company.

Wen Xiaohui feels that this company is a bit strange, an educational media film and television company, involved in the traditional machinery manufacturing industry, a bit nondescript.

Curiosity overcame the cat, and Wen Xiaohui decided to go to this company to have a look and understand the situation, and then decide whether to work in this company.

After making an appointment, Wen Xiaohui hurriedly took a plane to Qingcheng.

She was received by three interviewers in the conference room.

After a brief introduction, the interview began.

Zhao Zhizhi first asked: "Miss Wen, how much do you

know about our company?" Wen Xiaohui answered honestly and simply: "I don't know much about your company."

After Zhao Zhizhi heard the answer, he casually handed the company profile compiled by Sun Mingbo on a whim to Wen Xiaohui.

The cover is simple, just the name of the company, and a sentence.

When she saw this, Wen Xiaohui gasped.

"This is a great company that will be respected by all of humanity. "

What a big breath, what kind of company dares to say such a thing.

When I opened the company introduction, I was immediately attracted by the beautiful pictures.

The three R&D office buildings of the company's headquarters are full of science and technology on the outside.

What surprised her even more was the introduction of each sole proprietorship below.

The company's game development department is nothing to look at, she has learned about it on the company's official website before, and the games developed by the company, learning videos and learning game software are the current cash cows of the company.

Although it is not listed on the website, how much money is earned from sales, but it can be imagined.

Dr. Li CNC Robot Company, which he also learned about on the website, is a large-scale CNC and robot manufacturing enterprise in China.

Elite International Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., with an investment of 300 billion yuan, 1,000 factories under construction, shocked her by the overall renderings.

Elite International Chip Manufacturing Company, the first phase of the project invested 200 billion yuan, will produce 14 ~ 10 nanometer chips, the first phase of the project will reach 800 billion yuan after the sales revenue, this introduction directly put Wen Xiaohui down.

Is this true or false? At present, foreign 10-nanometer chips have just begun to be put on the market in small quantities, and you can't buy such technology in China, no matter how rich you are, can this company's technology reach it?

With the questions in my heart, I continued to turn the page and looked at the following content.

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