Elite International Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., with an investment of 300 billion yuan in the first phase, will produce and develop fully automatic intelligent electric vehicles, with annual sales of 1.2 trillion yuan.

Seeing this, Wen Xiaohui didn't know what to say, so let's turn the page.

Elite International Display Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,............。

Elite International Battery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,............。

Elite International Functional Drinks Manufacturing Co., Ltd,............。

Seeing this, Wen Xiaohui was already a little numb.

If these are true, which is a large Internet company, this is a giant that will surpass all the companies in the world.

As a result, Huaguo has moved from a world manufacturing power to a world manufacturing power.

Wen Xiaohui is not a vase, he has a thorough understanding of the world's Internet companies and the entire industrial manufacturing system.

Public relations is just her job, her strength is business management from an international perspective, but she doesn't have the opportunity.

Seeing this, Wen Xiaohui shook her head, this company's cowhide was blown into the sky.

Let's not talk about where your advanced technology comes from, just what is the total investment in these projects?

You don't have a lot of money?

Dare to brag like this, you are a private enterprise, even if you have the support of the state, it is also policy and a small amount of financial support, trillions of investment, hehe, this is probably fooling the ghost.

Wen Xiaohui had already retreated, but she still politely answered all the questions asked by the three interviewers.

Finally, the three young interviewers looked at each other and nodded.

Zhao Zhizhi smiled and walked over and sent out an invitation: "Welcome to join the elite company, you can go through the entry procedures, the probation period is three months, the position is the acting director of the public relations department, you will be responsible for establishing the entire public relations department, three months later, the company will officially issue the appointment documents."

Wen Xiaohui has seen a big scene, this time she felt her head stunned, looked at Zhao Zhishi's outstretched hand, and reflexively shook her hand.

And then the whole person is not good.

What was the situation? I hadn't made my point of view, I hadn't said yes, I wanted to leave, but I didn't leave halfway out of politeness, and I was accepted?

If she remembered correctly, these three interviewers were at the same level as the director.

She thought that her performance just now would definitely not make it past the first round of interviews.

Regardless of the company, she had already decided to leave.

The first round of interviews passed, and then what about the company's second round

of interviews with the vice presidents, and the third round of interviews with the presidents

? And then, no, all of them.

These three people at the same level will decide the recruitment of the company's top management in one round of interviews.

This is

really like child's play, do you dare to enter such a company?

Not to mention that the company's introduction is so big.

Wen Xiaohui held Zhao Zhizhi's hand for a long time and did not let go.

Zhao Zhizhi reminded with a smile: "Director Wen Xiaohui, do you have any other requirements?"

After being reminded, Wen Xiaohui reacted.

Zhao Zhizhi was originally a female executive of the company, but if she was a male executive, Wen Xiaohui felt that she had thrown someone to her grandmother's house.

She sorted out her thoughts, took a deep breath, and calmed herself.

Then she picked up the company profile and asked, "Can everything introduced in this profile be realized?"

Her meaning was obvious, that is, whether this was true? Is it appropriate for you to do this?

Zhao Zhizhi smiled and did not reply clearly: "You will know after you go through the entry procedures."

Wen Xiaohui's curiosity came up: "So is this profile agreed to be compiled by Chairman Sun?"

Before coming, Wen Xiaohui had already learned that Sun Fusheng was a technical maniac, who had been investing in technology for ten years, and now he had been blown up on the Internet as a god of technology.

But Wen Xiaohui doesn't believe too much in things on the Internet, especially when she sees this company profile, she doesn't believe it even more.

She looked at Zhao Zhizhi unabashedly.

Zhao Zhizhi replied very simply: "No, it was compiled by General Manager Sun."

Then when it was mentioned that the company profile was compiled by General Manager Sun, Wen Xiaohui saw the three interviewers with a look of admiration.

She was a little curious: "Who is General Manager Sun?"

Zhao Zhizhi replied adoringly.

It turned out to be him, and the name Sun Mingbo can be said to be a household name on the Internet.

Xueba halo, the fastest and farthest jumper in the world, a game genius, and a moral model.

However, Wen Xiaohui doesn't think so, a person's ability and energy are limited, and it is impossible to cover everything, not to mention that the other party is still in middle school, and at first glance, someone is copying.

Or is there a team behind him, isn't there such a comment on the Internet?

Game development genius, maybe it's a game genius, he's in charge of playing and putting forward suggestions for improvement, and his dad is in charge of development.

Xueba, just take a mock exam, and become a scholar?

Inevitably, this Xueba is too worthless, as for sports results, it is also his own talent is too good, didn't someone say that Sun Mingbo often does not participate in school training?

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