Wen Xiaohui still believes a little bit in the remarks of netizens on the Internet.

But the three of you look adoring and respectful, what the hell is this?

Wen Xiaohui was a little confused, with her experience, she could completely see that these three people naturally respected from the bottom of their hearts.

Her curiosity is even heavier, whether to join this company to take a look, anyway, the company she is working for now, she is also ready to resign, probationary period of three months, as a vacation to Qingcheng.

In this way, Wen Xiaohui resigned from her job in her original company and joined the elite company.

As the acting director of the public relations department, although Wen Xiaohui joined the company with a temporary work view.

But as a professional and professional public relations director, Wen Xiaohui's professionalism and professional ethics are still there.

She should have a comprehensive understanding of the company's business conditions, management conditions and the personality and characteristics of each of the company's main leaders, and make a comprehensive public relations plan and planning book, as well as emergency public relations documents to deal with emergencies.

After a preliminary understanding, this company is too strange, listening to the original old employees, the chairman has never shown up in the company.

The general manager has only come a few times, and each time he has not stayed for a long time, but every employee is full of respect and confidence in the general manager.

What is the general manager vigorous and resolute, decisive, the general manager is a game development genius, the general manager's speech makes people's blood boil, the company's operation is carried out in accordance with the general manager's plan, the general manager strategizes, wins thousands of miles away, etc., a typical image of a domineering president.

What's even more strange is that the general manager (president) is not there, and the vice president and executive vice president should be there.

But no.

The day-to-day management of the company is that the three directors, plus the new self, form a temporary management team.

When there is a matter, several people get together to study and discuss, and vote on different opinions, and the minority obeys the majority.

Usually, each director is busy with his own work, and he has a meeting every night to coordinate his work.

The rest are divided into their own affairs, and they make their own decisions in the affairs of their own departments, and they do not interfere with each other.

It is this kind of management, in this situation, the company is thriving, the company's account funds are rising, and the company has not had any major chaos, which makes no sense.

In more than two months since its establishment, the company has earned hundreds of billions of soft sister coins, which is not counting foreign exchange income.

The company continues to expand, but also in the high-tech zone to buy 150,000 acres of land, ready to start new projects, some have begun to start, tens of thousands of construction workers are sweating, nearly 1,000 sets of machinery and equipment roared on the construction site, the foundation of the new plant has been laid, the progress is jaw-dropping.

This company has been a miracle since its inception.

In addition to games and learning software, learning tutorial videos, the company's main business is also involved in animation and film and television business, and the export and sales of derivatives.

The company's current developers, people from all over the world, listen to the words, these are all sent by partners.

The more she understood, the more puzzled Wen Xiaohui became.

Wen Xiaohui has never seen such a company, such an employee, such a general manager, and such a chairman.

When she heard that the foreign game agency was New World Game Agency, she broke out in a cold sweat.

I don't know if the elite company is lucky, or the ignorant are fearless, and they can cooperate with this company very well.

She knows this New World company too well, when she was in the United States, Wen Xiaohui almost became the manager of the company's public relations department, and later for various reasons, Wen Xiaohui returned to China.

This is a giant crocodile company, behind which there are certain consortia of the United States and some parliamentarians of the United States, called a game agency, but in fact it is a typical public relations company with a combination of politics and business.

Many businesses have been swallowed by this company to the point that there are no bones left, and it is reasonable and legitimate.

Wen Xiaohui used her professionalism to carefully investigate and study elite companies and began to write public relations reports.

She divided the whole report into several parts, the first part was the overseas market.

The second part is the domestic market.

The third part is the company's interior.

The fourth part is the domestic and foreign business environment.

She writes clearly about the crisis that exists throughout the company and how to deal with it.

In particular, the two overseas game agencies are thoroughly analyzed.

What appears to be a public relations report is actually a guideline for the operation of the entire company.

Clearly in the form of a public relations report, tell the company operator, you have to be careful, your company is thriving day by day, and it is actually a company built on the beach, which is full of dangers.

When Sun Mingbo saw this report, he was also shocked into a cold sweat, don't look at him read a lot of management books, in fact, he is simply talking on paper, experience in company operation, sorry, I am still a middle school student, I can do whatever I want.

This approach may not be a big problem in the early stage, but the later it goes, the more problems accumulate, and the more inadvertently, the crisis will soon erupt.

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