On June 7, the day of the college entrance examination, Sun Mingbo originally wanted to go to the examination room alone.

Isn't it just the college entrance examination?

Sun Mingbo is now under no pressure, and as he usually goes to school, he doesn't feel anything at all.

But my parents had to follow along, saying that there was such a college entrance examination in someone's life, and they had to send Sun Mingbo to the examination room, seeing the insistence of his parents, Sun Mingbo had no choice but to compromise.

He also understands his parents' feelings very well, and at the same time feels proud of his parents.

Today, all walks of life in the city have taken action, and the slogan put forward is to do everything for the candidates, make way for the college entrance examination, and help the candidates solve their worries.

From the hygiene of the snack bar on the roadside, to the service points set up by buses, subways, taxis and other means of transportation, to the ambulance of the hospital parked at the entrance of the school examination room, it can be said that we provide a variety of services in an all-round way.

There are many security guards and police patrols around the examination room, and from time to time they divert traffic and avoid entering the road around the examination room.

Although these measures are convenient for candidates, they also increase the tense atmosphere of the college entrance examination, and students feel the pressure of rushing in before they enter the examination room.

It can be said that in the past ten years, every year during the college entrance examination, both these service industries and students who take the college entrance examination are like great enemies.

Thousands of years of culture and tradition, learning and thinking is excellent, the Chinese people have never given up, and the importance of facing the college entrance examination can be seen.

This is also the most important juncture that determines the fate of every candidate in the future.

Sun Mingbo's family of three took the subway, quickly arrived at the station, and then walked to the school examination room.

"After answering the questions, you must check carefully, and you can't be sloppy. Dad instructed.

"Don't worry, if there is no problem, you can go back too, don't wait here, after the exam, I will go home by myself." Sun Mingbo replied as he prepared to enter the school.

"Son, come on!" the mother cheered Sun Mingbo on the side.

"Well, I'm going to come on!" Sun Libo waved his fist exaggeratedly.

Then he waved his hand to his parents, showed his admission ticket, and entered the school.

Go to the specific examination room, find your place, then take out the necessary stationery, put your baseball cap and mask in your bag, put it in the designated place, return to your seat, and start waiting.

Soon, the bell rang, and the invigilator began to announce the discipline of the examination room, reminding the students to put the supplies unrelated to the exam in the designated place.

Then the language test papers will be distributed, and the candidates will fill in their names and admission ticket numbers, and the invigilator will check the information of each candidate and the name and admission ticket number filled in.

Five minutes later, the bell rang again and the official exam began.

After 50 minutes, Sun Mingbo had completed all the answers and essays, he carefully checked them twice, and put the test paper aside after confirming that they were correct.

He looked at the time, there was still more than an hour before the end of the exam, and it was impossible to hand in the paper in advance? That is impossible, and he also has this quality, so as not to affect the exams of other students.

Then relive the old dream and sleep on your stomach on the desk for a while, this feeling is so nostalgic, Sun Mingbo thinks so at this time.

The invigilator recognized Sun Mingbo the moment he took off his mask the moment he entered the door.

Although the invigilator really wanted to chat with Sun Mingbo, a celebrity, but this is the examination room, do you want discipline?

Not only did the invigilator recognize Sun Mingbo, but all the candidates in the examination room recognized him at this time.

These candidates are starting to get excited.

Being able to be in the same examination room with Sun Shen, this is to be placed in ancient times, and he is also the same senior brother, this is a cowhide that can blow for a lifetime, do you think they can be unhappy?

The original nervousness and nervousness when entering the examination room were replaced by excitement and excitement.

Many examinees think that maybe they can get a little bit of Sun Shen's luck, and that with the existence of this person, they can be in the same examination room, so what does it mean

? They are also people with great luck, or tens of thousands of examinees have met themselves, but what is the luck?

The nervous and uneasy mood of entering the examination room has been swept away, and they are full of confidence that they will win this examination.

Sometimes a person's mentality changes, and his own destiny can also be determined.

Don't say that in this examination room, the candidates who put down their burdens have performed particularly well in this college entrance examination.

When the final college entrance examination results were announced, many candidates had better college entrance examination scores than usual, and happily chose their ideal university.

Whenever someone mentions the college entrance examination to them, they will add fuel and vinegar to their college entrance examination experience, which is of course a later story.

When Sun Mingbo finished answering the question and began to lie on the table to sleep, when the invigilator looked at him again, his eyes suddenly lit up, okay, this Sun Mingbo is exactly the same as the legend, sleeping in the examination room, and he finally saw it.

After all, legends are legends, how can it be better to see it with your own eyes.

invigilated a celebrity like Sun Mingbo, and saw the speed at which he answered the questions, and also saw with his own eyes that the invigilator also had the capital to brag about the sleeping god in the examination room.

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