After the Chinese test in the morning, Sun Mingbo left the examination room and did not leave the school gate.

He found a big tree at random, sat in the shade, took out the lunch that had been prepared from the system space, and ate it leisurely with his back against the tree.

Many test takers book a private room for a few days in hotels around the exam room for rest and study.

For Sun Mingbo, this is completely unnecessary, and he is not one of those pampered bear children.

With that spare time, it is better to enjoy the fresh air on campus, pretend to squint for a while, and the consciousness body enters the system simulation classroom, and study for a while, math papers, which is much better than resting in a hotel.

At the same time, he can also dodge the reporters and Internet celebrities who are ready to interview him at the door.

For the vast number of reporters and Internet celebrities, Sun Mingbo had expected that he didn't want to complete every exam and be surrounded by those reporters and Internet celebrities when he left the school gate.

The math test in the afternoon was as always, Sun Mingbo completed all the test answers within 30 minutes, checked it several times, and got up with nothing.

I just slept in the exam room in the morning, and now I don't feel sleepy, and I want to sleep on the desk for a while, but it's impossible.

This was a little uncomfortable, he looked left and right, and his eyes began to fall on his classmates.

Seeing that the students were answering the questions seriously, although some students scratched their ears and cheeks, they were also thinking seriously and didn't want to give up.

Some students had sad faces, as if they were struggling with a problem.

More are calm, as if everything is under control.

These scenes made Sun Mingbo's heart surge, and he began to think about what the future of these students would be.

The results of their answers not only determine their college entrance examination scores, but also may change the trajectory of their lives, which is directly related to the ups and downs of their lives.

What they will achieve in all walks of life in the future may sink down.

Maybe they can change the history of the industry, or the history of human progress, which may be closely related to this college entrance examination.

They are tall, short, fat and thin, and have no impact on the college entrance examination answers, but it may have an impact on their lives, even if your college entrance examination results are good, there are many uncertain factors, and no one can predict them.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in his mind, and this inspiration was like a lightning bolt, illuminating his thinking path, change and trajectory, and this was not the core factor in Zhou's conjecture, a mathematical problem in the world, that he was meditating hard?

This was just a trace of inspiration, enlightening his research ideas and directions, and seemed to open a door to the truth, making his thinking jump to a new height.

New methods and steps of proof have sprung up, and he has now finally found the key to open the door.

Zhou's conjecture, a world mathematical problem that Sun Mingbo had been thinking about and couldn't solve in the early stage, was like a long-drought, dry land that coincided with a heavy rain of nectar, nourishing his thinking field.

He seemed to have touched a huge treasure, as soon as this inspiration came, he suddenly entered an epiphany, some questions that he couldn't understand before, and now suddenly jumped into his mind, this trace of inspiration, brought him, endless, infinite imagination.

Sun Mingbo's thinking is getting clearer and clearer, and each formula and every step suddenly appear in his mind.

He immediately grabbed scratch paper and began to write down these points of inspiration and formulas that popped into his brain.

This is to write all the front and back of the scratch paper, which is certainly not enough, it is only a small part.

In the exam room, scratch paper is limited, and after the exam, these scratch papers cannot be taken with you.

He didn't want others to get these scratch papers, and he could directly prove Zhou's conjecture.

If it weren't for him, you'd be a math expert professor who saw scratch paper and didn't know what was written, because it was just a fragment of memory in his mind.

After writing, he combed through the scratch paper of the key nodes recorded on these pages and memorized them in his mind.

He really didn't expect that he would be inspired in the college entrance examination room, and find the whole idea and direction of Zhou's conjecture to prove it, so that the entire Zhou's conjecture was carefully calculated in his brain, and the steps and methods of Zhou's conjecture proof were filtered.

Whether Zhou's conjecture is true or not, whether it is proved right or not, and what problems there are in this process, these are all issues that need to be considered before writing a paper and submitting it officially.

When the bell rang for the end of the exam, Sun Mingbo came back to his senses.

He looked at the manuscript paper in his hand, his heart was full of satisfaction, and he quietly recalled everything just now, this process was so wonderful.

At the same time, he also knew that this was only the first step in proving the world's mathematical problems, Zhou's conjecture.

This afternoon's math exam means a lot to him.

He sorted out his belongings, reluctantly put the manuscript paper on the test paper, and prepared to leave the examination room.

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