Live TV interviews or interviews, under normal circumstances, it is necessary to have an interview outline in advance.

What should be asked and what should not be asked, and how should the interviewee answer? That should be discussed in order to avoid embarrassment and coldness on both sides at that time.

However, this young lady obviously did not follow the conventions of the industry, and came up

to ask aggressive questions, what is this for? Many reporters next to me were surprised when they heard this beautiful young lady ask such a question, this beautiful reporter is a little fierce, even if she has just debuted, she should not be like this.

Some reporters laughed and waited to see the jokes, while some reporters showed contempt: What kind of interview should be an interview that should be broadcast live?

As soon as you come up, you aggressively accuse the interviewee, and you think you are the presiding judge in the courtroom?

This is obviously disrespectful to the interviewee, and everyone is angry.

Sun Mingbo doesn't want to get used to the mistakes of this beautiful reporter, you are beautiful, what's wrong

? Can you do whatever you want? You can just speculate arbitrarily and accuse others, who gave you the right?

At this time, Sun Mingbo's face was already very serious: "Before answering your question, what I want to tell you is that each person can only ask one question, and if you ask three questions, you have violated the agreement between us. "

Sun Mingbo's meaning is obvious, you are an unruly person, a person who does not speak of credibility, and you are also a woman who does not know what to do.

Sun Mingbo continued to say seriously: "As the first person to ask, you are another lady, I forgive you, but I will not take it as an example.

Now to answer your question, my classmates have given me a nickname, whether it is the sleeping god in the examination room, or anything else, as long as it is not a personal attack or insult to me, it is the freedom of my classmates.

As for whether or not I accept this title, this is also my freedom, and no one else has the right to interfere.

It is also my freedom to sleep on my stomach in the examination room, and I have not violated any discipline in the examination room, nor have I affected any of my classmates' exams, nor have I had any special purpose as you said.

If there is a purpose, it is that I overused my brain after completing the answer to the exam, I felt sleepy, and I wanted to sleep.

Everyone around heard Sun Mingbo's humorous answer, which caused them to laugh, and the beautiful reporter lady suddenly showed some embarrassment when she heard this.

Then, Sun Mingbo continued: "The last two questions you raised later are indeed very level.

It was precisely because I considered the students' exam mentality and psychological feelings, and was afraid that it would affect the students' exam answers, so I did not submit the papers in advance after answering the questions at the exam site, but chose to stay in the exam room.

In the previous stage of the second-mode examination in our city, many candidates left the venue early, resulting in the entire examination room being smashed, and you may have heard of it.

This is not a problem in one exam room, but a problem that occurs in many exam rooms, and in order to avoid this happening again, it just so happens that I am also sleepy, and it will be just right to sleep on my stomach.

Please don't over-interpret and don't always point fingers at others with conspiracy theories.

Don't spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, okay, are you satisfied with my answer?"

The scene that was still laughing just now, after Sun Mingbo finished speaking, he suddenly seemed silent.

The beautiful young lady, who didn't know whether she was angry or ashamed, was flushed, and she was at a loss for what to do with the microphone.

Sun Mingbo didn't care about her reaction, since you don't respect me, then I will immediately refute you, don't treat me as a soft persimmon.

When other reporters heard Sun Mingbo's answer, they suddenly realized that this was the case.

No wonder Sun Mingbo would rather sleep on his stomach in the examination room than never hand in the papers in advance, the reason is that he is afraid of affecting the exams of other candidates around him.

If it weren't for the accusation of this beautiful reporter, Sun Mingbo would not need to explain, and everyone would not understand the significance of Sun Mingbo's actions.

"The next one is the bespectacled journalist friend. Seeing that there was some silence at the scene, Sun Mingbo shouted, he still wanted to end the interview quickly and wait to go home.

"Hello, classmate Sun Mingbo, I am a New Wave reporter, this college entrance examination, as a top student, can you get the top spot in the college entrance examination, and what are your school selection criteria?"

How do you ask Sun Mingbo to answer? Yes or no, it's not appropriate.

"Hello reporter, I can't talk about Xueba, who can say clearly about this kind of thing as the top student in the college entrance examination, I am not a fortune teller, I can only answer you with a popular advertising slogan, everything is possible, as for the school choice criteria, it will not be possible to have school selection criteria until the college entrance examination scores are announced.

Sun Mingbo was not fooled, and answered the reporter's question with a smile.

At this time, the audience was humorously answered by Sun Mingbo, which attracted another burst of laughter.

"Hello Sun Mingbo, I am Tengteng Sports reporter Wan Xiangdong, there is news that after the college entrance examination, you will lead your classmates to participate in this year's World Youth Championships, what are your plans?"

"Thank you for this reporter, your news is very accurate, it is true, before the college entrance examination, we have not forgotten sports training, we have been studying and training at the same time, and we are working hard for this." As for the specific plan, it depends on the arrangements of the National Farm Management Center. "

Hello Sun Mingbo, I'm Wang Chang, a reporter from the New Southern Express, as a top student and a well-known figure in the sports world, what do you think about the current situation of education in my country?"

Hello journalist friend, I just said, I can't talk about academic tyrants, celebrities in the sports world, let alone me, I haven't turned 18 years old this year, and I'm still a middle school student, and your question is beyond my age, so I can only answer you, I can't answer your question. "

It's good to pretend to be tender, you can't let a minor participate in the adult world, no one will blame you for answering like this.

The New Southern Express, hehe, the reporter next to him laughed, and a newspaper that was about to go out of business also came to find a sense of existence.

"Classmate Sun Mingbo, I'm ......"

Okay, this answers all the reporters' questions, and before you know it, the sky has darkened.

Sun Mingbo had no choice but to say to the remaining reporters who had not yet asked questions: "Fellow reporters, it's not early, I'm going home quickly, or my parents should be worried, and the reporters who haven't asked questions yet, there will be a chance in the future, thank you to the reporters and friends on the scene today." "

Everyone sees that it's really not early, and you can't pick up wool like this if you catch Sun Mingbo, although some reporters are still unwilling, what if they are unwilling?

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