Sun Mingbo submitted his manuscript to the Princes University Journal of Mathematics at 4 o'clock in the morning, and it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon national time.

As the journal's review editor, Waile Brown, was about to pack up for work, when the computer came and received a prompt for submission.

He opened the email and first looked at the title of the paper, "On the Distribution of Mersenne Prime Numbers: A Proof of Zhou's Conjecture."

It was a relatively unpopular mathematical conjecture, and he looked at the signature and mailing address again.

This is a submission from a university in a large eastern country.

The reason why he said it was a certain university was because he had never heard of such a university.

And the spelling of the author's name and the university's name was really tongue-twisting, he glanced at it and continued to look down.

The proof process in the first part of the paper is decent, and the second half is relatively new, and there are many things that he can't understand anymore.

This paper is a bit interesting, and before I know it, it's past the end of work.

By this time, it was already dark, and he began to reply to the authors of the paper at the email address.

Your Excellency the Author:

In the name of the editorial office of the Princes University Journal of Mathematics, we would like to inform you that you have chosen to submit your paper "On the Distribution of Mersenne Primes: A Proof of Zhou's Guess" to the Princeton University Journal of Mathematics.

We are very pleased that you have chosen our journal to publish your research.

We have received your paper and are in the process of arranging an expert review for you as soon as possible.

Please note that this process may take some time, and we will review your paper as soon as possible and notify you of the results.

During the review process, our professional reviewers will conduct an in-depth evaluation of your paper.

They will judge whether your research is of sufficient academic merit and novelty to meet our journal's high standards.

They will also give you advice on how to improve your essay if needed.

Please note that this is not a criticism or endorsement of the quality of your research, but rather to help your paper meet the high standards of our journal.

Once your paper has been reviewed and accepted, we will further edit and proofread it to ensure its quality and accuracy.

During this process, you have the opportunity to make final revisions and confirmations to your paper.

Please note that communication is open in all circumstances and that you can always contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

We value your feedback and want your submission experience to be enjoyable and smooth.

Thank you again for choosing the Princeton University Journal of Mathematics and for your contribution to improving the academic quality of our journal.

Wishing you a happy life!

, Princeton

University Journal of Mathematics Editorial Office

, Wyle Brown

, 6/8/2016.

After replying to the author's email, Wyer Brown began to anonymously email the paper to a professional reviewer of a mathematical journal at Prince University, a professor of number theory and prime numbers.

We won't mention how Wheeler Brown contacted the professors of mathematics at Prince University to review the manuscript, but let's talk about Professor Zeng.

Professor Zeng came to the office early in the morning, and he habitually turned on his computer and scanned his email.

When he saw the email sent to him by Sun Mingbo, he was stunned.

He never expected that Sun Mingbo would prove Zhou's conjecture in just a few days, and he was also the second author, and the paper had been submitted to the Princes University Mathematics Journal, which is the world's top mathematics journal, and few people in the country could publish mathematical papers on it.

Professor Zeng, who came to his senses, hurriedly instructed his students that no one would be seen today, and that he should concentrate on studying the paper "On the Distribution of Mersenne Prime Numbers: A Proof of Zhou's Guess".

The format of this paper is very much in line with the customary rules of top foreign journals.

The content of the English expression is also just right, and it doesn't feel like a paper written by a Chinese person at all, and the feeling of being unmeaning and jerky when translated into an English paper is like a paper written by a foreign mathematics professor.

From these two points, it can be seen that Sun Mingbo has read a large number of relevant foreign papers, otherwise it is impossible to write such a paper.

Professor Tsang then began to study the content of the paper.

There is nothing to say in the first half of this paper, everyone has discussed it before, although Sun Mingbo added a lot of content, but Professor Zeng understood it at a glance.

In the second half of the paper, Sun Mingbo's thesis proved that Professor Zeng suddenly felt that his eyes lit up.

Professor Zeng did not eat lunch and finished the entire thesis in one go, and did not find any inappropriateness or mistakes in the paper.

Of course, many formulas need to be calculated as right and wrong, and that takes a lot of time.

Overall, the chances of passing this paper are very high.

Professor Zeng then started to read the explanation of the thesis proof that Sun Mingbo had sent him.

When he saw that he was the second author, he had organized a symposium on the paper.

Professor Tsang, who is a rigorous scholar, felt that he did not contribute much to this paper, but only organized a simple seminar.

Although he also invested a lot of energy in research on this issue, it was only his own research, which collided with Sun Mingbo's research direction.

He was named the second author of this paper, and Professor Zeng thought that he would not agree to this kind of credit sharing.

He picked up the phone and was about to explain the situation to Sun Mingbo, but when he looked at the time on his phone, he suddenly thought that this kid was still taking the college entrance examination, and it was not appropriate to call now, and no one answered.

He shook his head and continued to read, when he saw that Sun Mingbo's inspiration for proving Zhou's conjecture came from this mathematics college entrance examination.

After Sun Mingbo finished answering the math test questions in advance, he had nothing to do, and the inspiration he got from observing the candidates around him was even more astonishing.

Who would have thought that when the college entrance examination was underway, other students were answering the questions seriously, and Sun Mingbo, as a candidate, would still have time to think about proving the world's mathematical problems after answering the questions.

It doesn't matter if he thinks about it, he really found inspiration, and during the college entrance examination, he wrote a proof paper overnight.

That's not all, he even submitted his paper directly to the world's top mathematics journal, the Journal of Mathematics of Prince University overnight.

This is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and is full of confidence in the paper he writes, how big a heart this young man must be.

After reading all the emails sent to him by Sun Mingbo, Professor Zeng suddenly felt that maybe he was really old, and he should not share the credit of young people.

Since you can't call Sun Mingbo now, let's reply to Sun Mingbo in the form of an email with your thoughts.

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