Originally, after the training of the first group, the professor planned to arrange for Sun Mingbo to drink a few energy drinks to rest.

Then go to the deep sleep machine for 30 minutes to relieve fatigue and restore physical functions.

Now it seems that the body has not reached the limit after the first group of training, and there is no need for deep sleep to restore physical function, so rest for 30 minutes as usual, and then proceed to the second group of training.

When the second group of training is over, although his body is at the limit, he does not feel as tired as he did on the first day, so I guess this is the effect of learning.

After a few drinks of energy drinks, you go into a deep sleep machine for physical recovery.

Inside the deep sleep machine, lie on a soft bed, surrounded by soft lighting.

The sleep machine emits a low humming sound, like a melodious lullaby.

His eyelids grew heavier, and his body gradually sank into the abyss of deep sleep.

When the sleep machine gently woke him up after 30 minutes together, his eyes quietly opened, revealing a hint of clarity and brightness.

I feel energetic and quick-witted, as if I have been re-injected with the energy of life.

Standing up, I felt the lightness and flexibility of my whole body, as if all the fatigue had been washed away.

I feel better than I woke up in the morning, and the power of science and technology is really great, and I can't accept it.

When he performs muscle strength training, under the guidance of the all-intelligent strength training machine, every movement of the body appears smooth and accurate.

His muscles tensed, sweat sliding down his forehead, showing his tenacity and perseverance to the fullest.

The air was filled with the faint sound of mechanical movement, as if to speak of the power of training.

During the whole training process, the state was quite good, and the mechanical training did not feel lonely and boring.

Because my main thoughts are on studying culture classes, my whole brain has no time to think about those problems.

In this way, day by day, in addition to training, it is learning, and the cycle is repeated, and I am happy.

After more than ten days of training, the body is stronger and more powerful, the thinking reaction is faster than before, the brain feels smarter, and the memory has also improved significantly.

There are many benefits, and this is the bonus of the system.

After a reasonable use of time, he completed Mr. Yang's mathematics course and Mr. Qu's Chinese course.

Xin Hao's English and Tang Fatpang's 4 single subject knowledge memories are all integrated into his brain memory.

Every time you complete a course, you feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that you have never felt before.

Those superheroes in the movie world have saved the world, and that's how it feels.

The brain absorbs the nutrients of knowledge like a sponge, swallows all the knowledge in one go, and the memory has been significantly improved, and I am able to use the knowledge I have learned more fluently.

After learning all these copies of knowledge, the academic performance was improved after the systematic test.

Then, I found a classmate who was a little higher than Tang Kai, and unceremoniously copied the knowledge points in their minds.

After these copies are sorted out and studied, there is still time to brush up on a large number of practice questions, which is simply a practice problem killer.

A few days later, he went to school again and copied Xin Hao's mathematics and Chinese.

After the final test of the systematic simulation class, 149 points were scored in English, 150 points in mathematics, 148 points in Chinese, 103 points in physics, 95 points in chemistry, 84 points in biology, and a total score of 729 points.

This result is too exaggerated, from more than 400 points to 729 points in more than a month, how is this possible? Science is not going to be done?

Come, come, come, let's calculate, the average student study time, 10 classes a day, 45 minutes per class, excluding meal breaks, etc., that is to say, a day of pure study, only 7.5 hours.

As for Sun Mingbo, he

studied for an average of 20 hours a day, and the system time was 40 hours, which was six times the time of ordinary students.

And these 40 hours are spent in the system of learning, and system learning has a bonus, and the learning efficiency is not as simple as sitting in class and listening to the teacher's lectures.

The book knowledge he copied, the content of the teacher's lecture in the brain, is equivalent to learning it again, but after learning it again, I didn't remember it at the time, but I have the impression that after learning in the system, it is equivalent to the deepening and consolidation of knowledge.

Copying the memory knowledge points of classmates is even more exaggerated, it is to organize and integrate the knowledge of memory, which is equivalent to directly instilling knowledge, which is simply a VIP channel in the brain.

Can this study efficiency be the same?

Therefore, when you consider it all together, this month of study is equivalent to more than one year of study for other students.

You let other students only sleep for 1 hour a day to try, this is open, this is simply cheating! We have the help of the system, it is not an exaggeration at all.

System: "This time the host learned 6 homework and got a total of 6876 points, because the host studied hard and trained hard this time, 8000 points were rewarded, a memory capsule was rewarded, and a speed capsule was awarded." "

System: Memory capsule, increase memory speed by 30%, increase IQ by three points.

Speed capsule that increases speed by three points.

Rich, rich, he was excited to see this, excited.

Can you not be excited

? The memory capsule will make him more efficient when he learns, this is a permanent bonus, who dislikes himself for being too smart? This must have.

The speed capsule is even more powerful, three points is 3%, if the speed of the 100 meters reaches 10 seconds, after using the capsule, then his score is 9.7 seconds.

It is known that every 0.01 second improvement on the 100-meter track requires athletes to do hard training, and some even train for two or three years to improve by 0.01 seconds.

This is a permanent bonus, and this must be there.

Awesome, my system, I love you so much.

The score of this systematic test was 729, a difference of 16 points from 745 points, and the difference between these 16 points was mainly in physical chemistry and biology.

No, these 16 points must be made up, his obsessive-compulsive disorder is committed again.

He has reached the level of copying again in these three subjects, and he can pick Xin Hao's wool again, haha, it's cool to pick up wool.


made him the first in the whole school?

Who made him the first


in the whole school? Who didn't

try to make him go to the bottom of the school? Haha, then he had to make this kid bald.

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