It takes 6 days to

copy Xin Hao's physical, chemical and biological knowledge points, and it takes 6 days to organize and digest and learn, while he can organize, digest and absorb it in three days during the day and at night, and complete the study.

The day after tomorrow, according to the exam schedule, Chinese and mathematics are tested in the front.

If you can't take the exam in physics, chemistry and biology on the same day, you can use the evening time to organize, digest and absorb these memory knowledge points in advance according to the exam time of each subject, just in time for the exam subjects on the second day.

I really used my study time to the extreme, well, I admire myself.

When I went to the school, I went to get Xinhao's wool, no, I went to get the admission ticket for the exam, and the wool was just in passing.

This model exam is the city's joint examination, in addition to the students in the school examination, the entire examination procedure is completely in accordance with the college entrance examination, this is a small college entrance examination, the Education Commission, the school, parents attach great importance to this examination.

Sun Mingbo walked on the road, and scenes of past exams flashed in his mind, which was unbearable.

This time I am full of confidence in myself, which is very different from previous exams, and I believe that this exam will definitely shock the jaws of a large number of people, and it is interesting to think about it.

When he came to the school, he first went to the old class to get the admission ticket, and the old class teacher was very concerned about his learning.

"How's the revision, how is your recovery?" asked the old class with concern.

Sun Mingbo smiled slightly, he could feel the care of the old class.

"It's ok. He replied succinctly, time was tight, and he didn't want to talk nonsense.

Teacher Lao Banqu looked at him, as if he noticed something changed.

"Can you score 500 points in this exam?"

"500 points? He is the first person in the city, but he can't say this to the old class, although it is the truth, but it is too crazy to speak, and he can't talk about it.

"A little less. Xie Mingbo said casually.

What does it mean to be a little less? Is it too little to score 500 points, or is it not enough to score 500 points, a little less?

Teacher Lao Banqu looked at him, and he was a little puzzled, this student fell down, why did his personality change a little

? Is it because he can't take the road of special recruitment, and he is under a lot of pressure? Do you want to enlighten him?

In fact, Sun Yunbo wanted to hurry up, and quickly took the admission ticket to find Xin Hao, and after copying the knowledge points, he went back to study.

"You don't have too much pressure, as long as you work hard, don't leave regrets, and treat it with a normal heart. The old class gave him the admission ticket.

"Thank you, teacher, I know, goodbye, teacher, then I'll go back and review first. He got up and walked out of the old class teacher's office.

Looking at the back of him walking out, the old class teacher didn't know what to say.

Sun Mingbo hurriedly left the old class's office and walked towards Xin Hao's classroom.

My heart is full of anticipation, and I am going to gather wool again.

He knows that Xin Hao is his good friend and has a deep understanding and unique insight into learning.

Copying his knowledge points will definitely help you better review and prepare for the exam.

"Xin Hao, I'm here. Sun Mingbo greeted.

Xin Hao raised his head, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Mingbo, are you here, are you ready for the exam?" he asked with a smile.

Seeing Xin Hao, he continued his signature movements, hugged this guy's shoulder, and began to copy the memory points of physical, chemical and biological knowledge.

Xin Hao was so depressed, every time he looked for himself, he said hello and said a few words, hugged himself and was stunned for a few seconds.

What is this for? It can't be a fall and a broken head, right?

This poor boy is so unlucky, he must have been stimulated by a physical injury, and he should be relieved of his pressure.

But next time stay away from him, keep a certain distance, you look at the eyes of other classmates, as if to say that these two people will hug and hug when they meet, and there will be no other situation.

Misunderstanding, we must eliminate misunderstanding, Xin Hao made a decision.

When Sun Mingbo returned home, time could not be wasted, and he immediately entered the system to do warm-up training, and after completion, he carried out strength training, and at the same time began to organize, digest, absorb and learn Xin Hao's physical, chemical, biological and biological memory knowledge points.

By sorting out the memory knowledge points and integrating them into his brain memory, he found that Xin Hao had a lot of extracurricular knowledge in each of his homework.

Some of the knowledge of middle school students' competitions, and some of the knowledge that can only be accessed by universities, the whole knowledge is very broad, which is exactly what he lacks.

While training strength, I learn knowledge at the same time, and it is cool.

The professor was on the side, watching him train, and through these ten days of strength training, the professor found that this guy's physical limit was constantly adapting and improving, and there seemed to be no end.

He had never found such a freak in his decades of research and teaching experience, and he really wanted to double the gravity load to see where his limit was?

Reason told him that he couldn't do that, in case the practice was wasted.

In a few days, it's time to do the basic training of physical fitness, steps, cadence, and arm swing, and the professor secretly thought that strength training would reduce the number of sets and gradually increase the gravity load with these basic trainings, alternately combined.

At this time, Sun Mingbo's body seemed to be tireless, mechanically doing strength training, while his brain consciousness was immersed in the joy of learning.

He found that it was also learning, and when he copied the memorized knowledge points of his classmates, he felt more and more intelligent and his thinking became more and more active.

It seems that this way of learning has a developmental effect on the brain, and then I change to other ways of learning, and this feeling is not lost.

After taking the memory capsule, this feeling is even stronger, and now his learning efficiency has more than doubled compared to the original.

After a group of trainings, I remembered my own attribute panel, and I hadn't opened it for a long time.

Host: Sun Mingbo.

Occupation: Secondary school student.

Age: 17 years old.

IQ: 148.

Physical fitness: currently 77

sports subjects.

100m Sprint Level: Lv4, Athletic.

Long Jump Level: Lv4, Athletic.

Basketball: Lv2, National Level 2 athlete.

Wushu: Lv1, national level 3 athlete.

Cultural subjects.

Language: Lv0,148.

Mathematics: Lv0,150.

English: Lv0,149.

Physics: Lv0,103.

Chemistry: Lv0,95.

Biological: Lv0,84.

Thinking that his IQ has unconsciously reached 148, and his physical fitness has reached 77, each of which has increased by 10 points.

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