Of course, Sun Mingbo has to participate in this second-mode exam.

How can he improve his class ranking if he does not take the mock test?

His test results can lead the class to achieve a better ranking and complete the task of the system.

In this exam, Sun Mingboer came to the examination room again.

When all the students saw him, they all greeted him excitedly, and the invigilator wondered, who is this handsome guy

? What is the situation

? Looking at these reference students, it seems that fans are seeing idols, why are they so excited? What kind of trouble is this?

Is there a star student in the No. 1 Middle School

? Who is that? When I asked, I found out that there was really one, and the last mock test got a total score of 749 points, and it turned out to be him.

Even so, it is not so excited that other students have had good academic performance since then, and they have star treatment?

The school spirit of this No. 1 Middle School is worthy of being an old key school.

But I've never heard of such a situation before.

Look at those students who are going to take the exam, you are excited after saying hello, you are about to take the exam, what are you excited about

now? What kind of excitement is this for?

It looks like a soldier waiting for the order to charge, not quite like it, but like a person who has never seen the sea and come to the beach.

Suddenly seeing the sea, he said excitedly: "I come, I witness, I conquer." "

Well, it smells a little bit.

The invigilator was cranky.

Compared with the last one-model exam, this second-model exam has been paid more attention by schools and the city.

The model test only examines the mastery of basic knowledge, and after students finish their high school textbooks, students can better understand themselves and where the weak points of knowledge are. There is still some knowledge that is not firmly grasped.

The difference between the two models is to examine the knowledge mastery of each subject after the students have reviewed.

The second model is basically equivalent to the results of the college entrance examination, that is, your academic performance in the past three years has been basically qualitative, and then you want to greatly improve your academic performance, it is more difficult, and you can only find and fill in the gaps.

The bell rings and the answer begins.

Sun Mingbo is still the exam trilogy.

Answer, check, sleep.

He is the one who is focused on the invigilator, and even when he sleeps, he is still stared at by the invigilator.

Who let him take the last city-wide joint entrance examination mock test, and the total score was 749 points.

This is a pain for the invigilator, so I just need to take a small bench and sit next to him.

The invigilator walked around him, is this all the answers? The invigilator

was thinking as he walked.

Sure enough, as the legend goes, you can score 749 points while you fall asleep.

The invigilator sighed, this is really sleepy.

This No. 1 middle school has a geek.

The exam, as always, ends in two days.

At the end of the second model exam, Sun Mingbo did not let the system evaluate this exam like last time.

He didn't check the answers with his classmates, for him, it was just a very ordinary exam, and when the exam was over, it was all over.

No more thinking and no more doing anything related to this exam.

Now it's a mock exam case.

Now he is not the same person he used to be, and there is no need to think about it so much.

Sun Mingbo sent all the remaining tutoring videos to Teacher Qu and all students in each class at one time, and devoted himself to intense study and training.

The date of the city's high school sports meeting is getting closer and closer, and he has not yet raised his athletic performance to the requirements of the system task.

Time is precious to him, seize the time to train hard and achieve the requirements of the system tasks as soon as possible.

Sun Mingbo is calm, but the school is not calm.

In this second-model exam, most of the questions are relatively simpler than the first one, but in the end, there are one or two questions, which are more difficult, and it can be said that one question is beyond the curriculum.

The question in the city can be said to be racking their brains this time, which can not hit the confidence of the students, but also let the students know the difficulty of the college entrance examination.

This time, the expert group personnel in the city have good intentions, and this time we must investigate the knowledge weaknesses of the students, and let the students review in a targeted manner within a month of the college entrance examination.

Of course, some experts have pointed out that the difficulty of the questions this time is too difficult, which is easy to collapse the mentality of the students and have a detrimental effect on the students' future college entrance examination.

Originally, the second model exam should be slightly easier than the first model exam questions, which is equivalent to the difficulty of the high school examination paper, and comprehensively examines the knowledge mastered by students in various subjects, so that students can find out the gaps and build confidence in the college entrance examination, which is very important for students in the third year of high school.

In the end, with the insistence of the two education experts, especially the expert who deducted one point from Sun Mingbo, the purpose of the second-model exam was decided.

This is difficult for the teachers and the majority of exam students, and some students cry in the exam room.

Coming with confidence, I rushed out of the examination room in tears.

Some students fainted on the spot in the examination room.

There was a rush to send the fainted classmate to the ambulance, and Ula Ula Ula went away.

Now the whole exam room is even more nervous.

Students all know that the second-mode exam is equivalent to the college entrance examination, which is a general test for the entire senior high school study.

Who can stand this kind of contrast?

During the two days of the examination, students continued to rush out of the examination room, and this situation appeared at the examination points of various schools.

It stands to reason that this exam is easier than the model exam except for the last two questions.

The bad thing is that many students have a habit of browsing the test paper first after sending it out.

When I saw that the last two questions were very difficult, my mind was confused, I couldn't think, I felt that this exam was too difficult, and those who knew how to do it would not be able to do so.

This has a chain reaction, if you don't do well in one subject, you will definitely not be able to do well in the next subject, not to mention that there are two problems in the next subject.

Someone wants to say, for the top students in each school, this exam should be no problem, right? Not every top

student in each school is top in every subject.

Many top students are top students in a certain subject, and others are somewhat biased, like Xin Hao of No. 1 Middle School, the average number of top students in each subject is very few, or Xin Hao has not won the grand prize in various middle school student competitions? The top students of various

schools are also confused, and many people are like night wanderers, barely finishing the questions, leaving the examination room, and they don't know what they wrote on the test papers, and they are confused.

Under the chain reaction, and then the subjects did not do well.

A student fainting or rushing out of the classroom in one of the test rooms affects the atmosphere of the entire test center.

The students who are nervous are even more nervous, and the students who can do the questions will not do it, so let's end it quickly, some students are praying.

Not to mention that there are accidents in the college entrance examination every year.

Now it's trouble, there's big trouble.

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