After the end of the second model exam, the expert question team summoned the relevant teachers to enter the intense marking process.

However, the students and teachers of the senior three departments of the schools did not calm down, and many students went home directly and began to shut themselves up, and they began to doubt whether they were capable of meeting the college entrance examination?

Parents began to worry and came to the school, and some even found the relevant departments in the city, asking for an explanation for the second-model examination.

Just kidding, holding a second-mode exam, actually took the students home and shut themselves.

It is even a miracle that students are admitted to the hospital.

It's not just one or two incidents, it's common across schools.

The relevant departments in the city also panicked, and those who could be appeased should be appeased first, and those who could not be appeased said that they would wait until they finished reading the papers and the results came out, and they would drag it out first, and there should never be a mass incident.

Some school principals are also feeling the pressure to report to the city's education leaders.

The leaders in charge of the city are also anxious, if a student can't think about it, and there is an accident, it will be a big deal.

If this kind of thing occurs after the college entrance examination, and there are so many candidates across the country, it is because your students have psychological problems, which is a personal reason.

But you have a problem after the mock test, and this mock test has also caused many parents to complain, that is, the problem in the city, which cannot be run.

The leaders of the city urgently convened a meeting related to the mock examination, and invited all the personnel of the education department and the expert group to the city conference room.

Let's hold a meeting to study how to solve this matter? How to explain it to the parents.

Today, in any case, it is necessary to solve the problem, discuss a solution, and the leadership will make a final decision.

At this time, the second model exam paper has also been read and is in the statistics.

When the results were reported to the leaders who were at the meeting, the leaders and heads of the education departments were shocked to see the statistics of the test results.

Shocked: I have never seen such a poor test score, whether it is the city exam, the provincial exam, or even the college entrance examination, it has never been.

What the hell is this exam? What the hell are you education experts? There are

only 2 people with a score of 700 or more, less than 400 people with a score of 650 or more, and less than 2,000 people with a score of 650 or more – that's nearly 60,000 people.

The expert question team members were also dumbfounded, they never expected that the test results were so poor, and it stands to reason that they shouldn't be.

The other test questions are easier than the model test questions, that is, the last two questions are difficult, so the results of this exam will not be so bad.

In fact, many people didn't expect a problem, one student in the entire examination room had a heart breakdown, resulting in abandonment of the exam, and other students would have a huge impact.

What's more, some students cry in the corridor after abandoning the exam, and the whole examination room has a pessimistic mood, which is a situation that every school has.

The sound of the ambulance's hand added great pressure to the students who took the exam.

The chain reaction is so terrible.

This is going to be a big problem, if the results are sent to all schools and students, this will be repaid, and there will be serious consequences, and there will likely be mass incidents.

Just kidding, the leader is not right, the director is still wrong, you

experts are all self-righteous bastards.

The leader made a decision at the moment, stopped discussing it, and seriously criticized and dealt with the problems arising from this problem.

The two expert group members who insisted on asking questions in this exam were unlucky this time, and they did not have the momentum of pointing out the country in the past.

The results of the handling were publicized overnight, and it was impossible to apologize.

The results of each school still have to be issued, or the situation is more serious.

But with the processing results, it's fine.

It shows that this is not the student's problem, but the question of this exam is wrong.

It's not that the students didn't study well, but the responsibility is all on the test questions, yes, all on the test questions.

Many parents and students will have such a mentality, I said, it's not that I don't study well, but that I made a mistake in the test questions.

The results of the second-model examination this time, the average score of the third year of the city's No. 1 Middle School ranked first in the city.

When Director Qian got the ranking of the city's high school second mock test results, his excited mouth couldn't speak, and his hands were shaking, and it took a while to ease up.

This time, instead of reporting to the principal immediately, he instructed the office staff to count the results of each class.

When the statistical ranking report is completed, I can see the class ranking of the third level of the school, the first place is 301 class, the second is 316 class, the third is 303 class, and the 4th is .......

"Hiss....... "I gasped and didn't close my mouth for 5 minutes.

Shocked, this 316 class of the third year of high school is going to heaven.

Looking at the class ranking and results of the 316 class in the third year of high school, the total score of 200 points was eliminated, and the total score of 300 points was eliminated. A total score of 400 points was eliminated, with a minimum score of more than 510 points.

In less than two months, the overall ranking went from 1st to 2nd place.

This is the power of example, this is the power of outstanding students, this is the class led by the doctoral teacher, this is the luck of my Qian Teaching Director, and luck is also a kind of strength.

It's stable, it's stable, this position is completely stable, see who else is calling me Qian Lick the dog

behind my back, can I do it if I don't lick? I can lick, I love to lick what is the matter with you?

Let you lick, can you do it?

Director Qian was in high spirits, holding these report materials, humming a little song in his mouth, not as excited as the first time, hurriedly went to the principal's office, but with his hands behind his back, holding the materials, he walked slowly towards the principal's office.

Principal Lu is willing to appoint Director Qian because Director Qian works hard, is not greedy for money, does not take power, and can resolutely implement the school's decisions.

As a principal, he has a lot to do, and many of his decisions cannot be implemented without competent subordinates.

A good subordinate must be able to resolutely complete the tasks assigned by the superior leader and must have the ability to execute.

Entering the principal's room, a brisk walk came to the principal's copywriting desk, and said with some excitement: "Principal, we have turned over, this mock test our school ranked first in the city's total average score, and the city's individual total score ranked, the first and second are also in our school." The

principal smiled and took over the second mock exam ranking report of the city's third-level high school, and did not seem excited, because he had already learned about the results of this mock exam in advance.

Ranked No. 1, there are always people calling to congratulate you.

"Director Qian has worked hard. Principal Lu said as he looked at it.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, it's right, the principal is hard. Director Qian said modestly, and handed the ranking of the whole school to Principal Lu.

Seeing the rankings of each class, Principal Lu was shocked when he was not calm.

The 316 class of the third year of high school was directly promoted to the second place, and the overall average score was only 0.5 points less than the first place, how is this possible?

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