Principal Lu knew that the results of Class 316 of the second-model exam would be greatly improved.

With the learning energy of the classmates in this class, if you say that your grades will not improve, then you can't stand those students who work hard.

Is Class 316 crazy about learning? The principal didn't think so, he thought it was the students who were working hard.

Who doesn't study crazy when he is young and frivolous, just work hard.

Principal Kelu never thought that the 316 class of the third year of high school would be the third level of the whole school, with an average total score of 2nd, only 0.5 points behind the second place.

This is a huge improvement, this is a triple jump, or the kind of triple jump that goes beyond the margin.

No wonder this second-model exam, the school was able to get the first place, just this high school 316 class a class, the average score increased by more than 40 points, the power of this learning tutorial video, huge.

And there is no one at the end of the crane in this class, and there is no one with a total score of less than 500 points, it is the whole class, and there is no one, and everyone understands what this score means.

There are key classes than key classes, and there are classmates with less than 500 points in key classes.

What's going on? This is the result of the extreme situation in this exam.

The results of other classes in the school are also like this.

But this counseling video can't be promoted, and teachers and schools also have to be faced.

Students learn tutorial videos on their own, which is an individual behavior of students, and if the school promotes it, it is a collective behavior of the school.

There are things that can be done but not said.

Principal Lu had some regrets, so he had to mention it euphemistically to the head teachers in private.

Take a look, in the third level of the school, everyone is brushing up on the questions during class, and the teacher is sitting behind the desk leisurely.

Thinking about this scene, Principal Lu was trembling, this is going to get out, and the reputation of No. 1 Middle School will be over.

Let's go to a meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Qian Balabala said that the central idea was that under the leadership of President Lu and the efforts of all the faculty and staff, a brilliant victory was achieved.

Principal Lu was very serious at the academic council meeting, Bilibili said a lot, the theme idea is in the school's comprehensive education reform, the implementation of quality education practice, has achieved phased results, the final test of the results is the college entrance examination in June, before that can not be relaxed, all departments, all teaching and research groups, all class teachers, each teacher to take responsibility.

Finally, the second model exam was announced, the ranking of each class and the top 10 students in the total score, there were various problems in the second model exam, which should be taken seriously and solved seriously, and at the same time, each class, to learn from the 316 class of the third year of high school, and finally entered the discussion session.

When Principal Lu announced the class ranking and individual ranking, and entered the discussion session, all the teachers present were shocked.

This shock was not because it was impossible, but because ......?

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I never expected it.

This study tutorial video recorded by Sun Mingbo turned out to be ...... I can't describe it.

I knew that our class was going to play a tutorial video, but we didn't.

All teachers know that this tutorial video is like this, and it cannot be copied and forwarded.

I don't know how Sun Mingbo did it.

It's not good to ask a student for a tutoring video, but if you don't give it, where is the face?

Some class teachers, during the discussion, made a request to the school, and asked Sun Mingbo for a tutoring video.

Principal Lu held his mouth and looked at Director Qian, who immediately spoke: "The purpose of the school is not to interfere with the teaching tasks of the teachers and class teachers. In

a word, if you want to learn the tutoring video, you will come forward to find Sun Mingbo to go, and the school will not come forward.

After listening to Director Qian's answer, all the head teachers turned their heads to look at Teacher Qu.

Teacher Qu only said one sentence: "The study guidance videos for me are all encrypted," and then stopped talking.

The class teachers are out of line, so find familiar classmates or teachers to contact Sun Mingbo to talk about it.

This second-mode exam, not to mention that everyone didn't expect it, Sun Mingbo didn't expect that the test score of the 316 class of the third year of high school would be so high, and the role of the learning tutorial video was so huge.

Not only the students in class 316, but also the students in other classes who received the study guidance video have also greatly improved their grades.

He originally thought that this tutoring and learning video would not be so useful to the students in other classes, but now it is not the case, and he can't figure out the specifics.

He is a little scared now, afraid that someone with a heart will find out that the tutoring and learning video has some mysterious effect.

After the college entrance examination, he can't make up his mind now whether he will continue to record tutoring videos and download them online for sale.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that the situation of this second-model exam is a bit special.

Sun Mingbo emphasized how to deal with the exam in each subject learning video, in fact, it is very simple, that is, after the test paper is sent, start from the beginning, don't look at the later test questions, you are not short of the five minutes of marking time.

On the one hand, it is a waste of time, and on the other hand, if the later questions are difficult and will not be done, it will be a blow to the exam mentality.

Start from scratch, do what you can do, and empty what you can't do.

If you can be sure of the multiple-choice questions, choose them, and if you can't be sure, you can choose which one is more familiar with, and which one is more pleasing to the eye, if there are none, then choose any of them.

In the end, if you have time, you must not write something on the test paper empty, and forget it if you don't have time.

Some problems are reserved for the top students, and they will not be normal.

Therefore, the students of the 316 class of the entire senior high school have a strong exam mentality, and there is no mental collapse because the final big question is difficult.

The last problem, that's reserved for the top students, it's my business.

I only do what I will do, and I won't do it, it's all up to me, right.

Most of the questions in the second-mode exam are simpler than the first model, and the content of the lecture tutorial video for the students' knowledge weaknesses and blind spots is basically the same as the content of the exam, which leads to a significant increase in the score of the whole class.

Although the tutoring video is much worse than his own lectures, the students study for more than ten hours a day, and the superimposed effect is not small.

The same is true for students in other classes who have received study support videos.

Once this kind of learning atmosphere is formed, it is the explosion of the herd mentality and comparison psychology of the students, you work hard, I want to work harder than you.

Several reasons form a resultant force.

So it's strange that the whole class doesn't improve their academic performance.

And this time, the grades of the whole class have improved significantly, and there are also some lucky elements in it.

Sun Mingbo has the last part, and the tutorial video has not yet been passed on to Mr. Qu and all the students.

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