Shears looked at the night view of the city, overlooking the lights of thousands of homes, and the skyscrapers in the distance were brightly lit, like huge crystal palaces, exuding brilliant light.

His eyes revealed a hint of pride and confidence.

The corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly, forming a flying arc.

It was a kind of release from the depths of his heart, a smile that hinted at victory was coming.

He said to himself, "I'm a little too nervous, everything is in my plan." And

now, the first step has paid off and everything is going according to his plan.

The night of this city seemed to give him endless strength and confidence.

His gaze turned to the city again, affectionate and determined.

He knows that every step that follows will be a well-designed game, in which he will be the protagonist.

It was a beautiful night, and Sears looked at the time, picked up his satellite phone and started reporting to his behind-the-scenes team.

"Boss, the first step of the plan has begun, and it is currently going well, everything is under control, but to achieve the expected goal, it depends on the on-site inspection of the field committee tomorrow. Hills reported carefully.

"There will be special contacts between media reporters from various countries and the expert group of the field committee, so don't meddle in this regard. The boss solemnly emphasized on the phone.

"Okay boss, I know the rules, but how do I work with them on my side. Shears replied earnestly.

"You don't need to work with them, these are two parallel lines that can't cross, there's no connection between you, remember Hills.

"I know the boss, and then I will use the public information to implement the next step.

"Yes, that's it, you have to control the trend of public opinion on the Internet, according to the plan, if the test report of the IAAFC flight inspection team is negative, you immediately abandon the plan and evacuate China." If the test is positive, you will be able to evacuate in time after you have your follow-up plans in place. The boss stressed again.

"Okay boss, I will follow your instructions and carefully implement this temporary plan. When the call ended, Shears put down the phone.

The mind returned to his plan.

He knew that the success of this plan would be directly related to his position and interests.

He must be ready for anything, whether it is in the face of success or failure.

Sun Mingbo's test report was negative, how could this be?

Give Hills 100,000 reasons he won't believe it, unless Sun Mingbo is a superman.

However, if the plan fails, it is necessary to evacuate in time as part of the plan.

This time the task was urgent, from temporary planning to implementation, it was only a few hours, and the behind-the-scenes team used a lot of social resources and money.

Time is of the essence to Hills in this urgent mission.

But Shears believes his experience and decision-making are up to the challenge.

Hills was in awe and caution about his work, because he knew that only care could be done with care.

Only then will you live longer, and no one knows this better than Hills.

He joined the industry, saw and heard so many bloody lessons.

Shears will do the same without being reminded by the team behind the scenes, and his belief is that when you encounter danger, run first and complete the mission second.

Survival is the first element, and only then is the completion of the mission.

This purpose of Shears, as well as his keen sense of smell, allowed him to avoid many dangers.

With a cup of coffee, he came to the window again, looking at the endless traffic on the viaduct in the distance, and sighed in his heart that Huaguo's economic development was too fast.

No country has developed at such a rate as China, which can be said to be a miracle, and in just a dozen years, it has become the world's second largest economy.

To him, it all seemed like just yesterday, when China's economy was backward and the people lived in poverty.

Today, the country has been reborn and is full of life.

The rise of China is not only a rapid economic development, but also a strong strength in various fields such as science and technology, culture, and military.

If this pace continues, in another decade, China is likely to become the world's largest economy.

However, he is well aware of the unease of the behind-the-scenes team organization about the rise of China.

It is not unreasonable that they have recognized the potential and threat of China and put forward a plan to speed up the containment of China's all-round development.

Their organization and many people behind them are afraid, afraid of the powerful Huaguo, and liquidate them.

After all, more than 100 years ago, their ancestors took advantage of the weakness of this country to invade and plunder this country, turning a huge Chinese country into a war-torn and semi-colonial country.

Hills is well aware that China's rapid development can no longer be connived at, and it must be curbed in all directions and use all available means.

This operation to contain Huaguo will be a complicated and dangerous battle, but he also firmly believes that his efforts will pave

the way for the future of the organization Sun Mingbo, hehe, an interesting little guy, I don't want to ruin you, if you want to blame yourself.

Who made your results in this competition sensation the world and attract the attention of the organization, Shears thought to himself.

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