Sun Mingbo took a taxi and left the company and came directly to his grandfather's house.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a smell of rice.

It was still a familiar taste, and the sight in front of him couldn't help but warm his heart.

In the living room of my grandfather's house, there is a quaint mahogany dining table filled with delicious home-cooked dishes.

My mother was busy, placing the dishes and chopsticks, and said to Sun Mingbo: "The champion of our family is back, wash your hands and prepare to eat." "

Ordered. Sun Mingbo made an exaggerated gesture.

After a while, Sun Mingbo returned to the table, smelling the aroma of the food, and his stomach couldn't help but rumble.

Before he could sit down, he reached for a piece of chicken leg and nibbled on it.

"No, your grandparents haven't sat down yet. Mom gave him a blank look.

Grandpa handed him a bowl of steaming white rice.

"Xiaobo has a day of sports meeting, he must be hungry, don't just nibble on chicken legs, eat rice. Grandpa said with a friendly smile.

Sun Mingbo sat down and ate: "Mmmm, mmmm" a few times, and his mouth full of food was gagged and he couldn't answer.

Grandma took a spoon and scooped a bowl of soup for Sun Mingbo with a smile: "Xiao Bo'er eat slowly, drink some soup, don't choke."

Sun Mingbo continued, and he answered.

Seeing this, the whole family smiled and started to enjoy dinner.

Sun Mingbo continued to eat the sumptuous dinner prepared for him by his family, and he couldn't help but recall that in the past, whenever he returned home, he could taste the food made by his mother.

At that time, he was carefree, and the happy times seemed to be still in front of him.

It's like now, in addition to training is studying, only one or two hours off a day, and the company still has a lot of things, and it's very busy.

Alas, I don't know which evil I fell into, so I said yes, be a happy salted fish.

But now I don't have time, to be a happy salted fish.

At this time, there was a burst of mobile phone music.

"Bob, your phone is ringing. Grandma reminded.

Sun Mingbo took out his mobile phone from his pocket and saw that it was a call from the company.

His heart tightened, there would be nothing going on, right? But looking at the whole family, he directly pressed the mute.

It's rare for the whole family to get together, and the world is the biggest.

At the moment, he just wants to enjoy the quality time he has spent with his family.

After dinner, Grandma went back to her room to rest.

Sun Mingbo and his family sat around the living room, drinking hot tea and chatting about what happened today.

Grandpa: "Xiaobo, when did you sprint and long jump so well?"

The whole family looked at Sun Yunbo and wanted to know the answer.

Sun Mingbo: "I'm already very good, but I didn't want to perform before, I kept hiding, I didn't want to be a professional athlete." Grandpa

: "Then why do you want to perform again now? Do you figure it out, um, is there any other reason, do you want to be a professional athlete?"

Sun Mingbo: "Hehe, I don't want to be, I just think that I have to leave something behind in the three years of high school, and it will shock them." "

Grandpa looked at this eldest grandson, he lied without blinking his eyes, just your little trick and trying to deceive me, grandpa thought to himself, maybe he has something to suffer, it is inconvenient to say.

Maybe he got the inheritance of some master.

Grandpa remembered that when he was a child, someone could fly the eaves and walk on the wall, a wall several meters high, and he jumped over it, but he saw it with his own eyes, but people like this have disappeared for a long time.

Otherwise, this kid injured his leg, and the doctors said that it would take three months to recover, but this kid was fine, and the plaster cast was removed in a few days, as if it was fine.

Now it has broken the world record, and if there is no problem, then there is a ghost.

But none of this matters, what matters is whether the person behind it has any purpose, and that's the main thing.

He was a little worried, who let it be his eldest grandson?

Although Sun Mingbo covered it up very well, you should not forget that it was his parents and family who knew him best.

How could such a big change go unnoticed?

Everyone in the family just didn't talk about it until there was a big problem.

Grandpa also sent someone to investigate the matter, but he didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't find anyone in contact with the eldest grandson.

The master behind this may have started training Sun Mingbo when he was very young, and people like this will not stay in one place for a long time, and it is normal that they can't find it now.

Let's put this matter aside for a while, grandpa thought of this and continued: "Don't worry about things on the Internet, I will arrange it, I answered very well in front of reporters today, and it is our tradition to help others."

Sun Mingbo: "Grandpa, I also thought of it temporarily, when I received a call from the media online live broadcast platform, I knew about the things on the Internet, I was stunned at that time, and I received a call from my father, so I was relieved." Grandpa

: "I heard that many foreign media will interview you tomorrow, and the IAAFC flight inspection team may also come to the scene tomorrow to conduct a doping test on you."

Sun Mingbo: "Ah, there's such a thing.

Sun Mingbo only then found out that although his grandfather was old, his brain was not rigid, and his social ability in China could not be underestimated, and he was still the Dinghai Shenshen in the family.

The father and mother did not speak, and looked at the pair of grandparents and grandchildren worriedly.

Grandpa: "What do you think?"

Sun Mingbo: "Continue to participate in the competition tomorrow, they can do whatever they like." The

grandfather with a serious face began to smile, and the father and mother also exhaled deeply.

They knew that there was nothing wrong with Sun Mingbo's body, so they were relieved.

At this time, my mother asked, "Can I still maintain

the results of the competition tomorrow?" Sun Mingbo said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will continue to brush up on the results tomorrow." Dad

couldn't sit still: "Can this grade be improved?"

Sun Mingbo said with a smile: "Everything is possible."

"I'm poor again, let's get down to business." Mom reminded with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, try your best, by the way, the website of the Scholarship Foundation will be launched at the same time with the learning video tonight, Mom, you have to hurry." Sun Mingbo suddenly remembered the fund meeting again.

Dad took over the topic: "You are treating us as old scalpers, I can't give you a free part-time job, and I started to tell your mother to do things again."

"How can others have that ability, Dad, you can't do the work of this foundation, Mom is the most suitable, and she is not busy at school, so what's wrong with taking a part-time job and improving your reputation." Sun Mingbo replied with a smile.

"None of you father and son are worry-free. Mom pretended to be angry and replied.

After speaking, I remembered that there was an old man in front of me, and my eyes looked at it very carefully, old man.

Grandpa didn't care at all, holding a cup of tea and listening happily to their conversation.

"Haha, mom, you have no problem, this chairman is the most suitable for you, I will hold a meeting with them in the company tomorrow, and everything will be solved." Sun Mingbo said, and suddenly remembered that there was a company phone that did not call back.

He took out his phone, looked at the time, and it was past half past eight in the evening, and immediately called back.

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