"Mr. Sun, I called to tell you that now the Internet is full of positive news about you, and the negative news has basically disappeared. Zhao Zhizhi's voice came from the phone.

"I see, haven't you gotten off work at this time?" asked Sun Mingbo with concern.

Zhao Zhizhi: "There is no Mr. Sun yet, today all the staff of the company took the initiative to work overtime, and the number of downloads of the game "Victory of the Wise" has skyrocketed, and now there are more than 90 million players, and the animated emoji has been downloaded 360 million.

Many players have begun to use our company's animated emojis to tout you on major websites and make up a lot of jokes, which is quite interesting.

After the learning tutorial videos and learning games were launched, more than 10,000 people have started downloading them, most of them are downloads of several lessons, and there are already seven or eight hundred people downloading the whole set.

Sun Mingbo: "Very good, don't work too late, arrange for the staff on duty to go back to rest early."

Zhao Zhizhi: "Okay, Mr. Sun."

If he had heard such good news before, Sun Mingbo would have jumped up with joy, but now he just smiled happily.

There is no particular excitement and excitement anymore.

He informed his grandfather and his parents of the contents of the call.

The three of them were also very happy to hear such a large number of downloads, and when they heard that the Internet was being touted everywhere and the negative news disappeared, the three of them immediately became serious.

Grandpa first said: "Xiaobo, this is wrong, it shouldn't be like this, negative news that suddenly disappears like this, someone must be manipulating public opinion." "

Grandpa grew up in combat since he was a child, and he has experienced all kinds of eras, things in society, nothing he has ever seen, nothing he has experienced.

Dad continued. "It's a typical kill, first holding you up in the air, and then wielding a big stick to beat you to death. Although

Dad is a technical maniac, he does not rely on his family to fight alone in society, he relies on his own ability to develop his career, and persistently invests in technology, although tens of millions of people have gone to him, which is also the reason why Sun Mingbo thinks that Dad is a hero.

For social things, my father is also clear.

My mother also said angrily: "These people are really willing to spend money, the purpose may not only be for Xiaobo, there may be a big plan behind it." "

My mother is not a simple person, and she pointed out the essence of the incident to the point.

Sun Mingbo also reacted, turned on his mobile phone and started to check the Internet.

Good guys, it's all compliments, touted posts, sentence by sentence plus animated emojis, it's a perfect match.

Those big V main bloggers who had made negative comments in the early stage also withdrew their remarks one by one, and the wind changed and began to praise Sun Mingbo.

This is definitely someone leading the rhythm, and not a single negative news can be seen.

Seeing this, Sun Mingbo smiled.

He really smiled happily, someone touted himself for free, carried himself for free, and promoted his game for free.

I have a vested interest and a name, and there are such good things.

As for their purpose after that, he didn't care.

As long as you are upright, you are not afraid of shadows, no matter what bulls, ghosts, snakes, and gods.

He has a bit of economic strength now, not to mention that he still has a system, come on, who is afraid of whom.

The whole family looked at his smile in surprise.

Sun Mingbo immediately explained: "Don't worry, this is a good thing, someone advertises me for free, these people are waiting for the IAAFC flight inspection team to check, want to see me make a fool, as long as I don't make mistakes, they can help me." "

Yes, Xiaobo, you have grown up, but grandpa will not let you face these people alone, you have to remember that there is a big family of us behind you. You do your own thing, and I'll take care of the rest. Grandpa nodded in satisfaction.

"No need, grandpa, you didn't come forward to give these people their face. Sun Mingbo made a joke.

"Xiaobo, don't take it lightly, these people can alarm the IAAFC flight inspection team to come down for inspection, and the energy is beyond your imagination. Grandpa explained seriously.

"I remember, Grandpa. Sun Mingbo originally wanted to fight with them, but it seems that this little arm and leg are a little tender.

"There will definitely be many reporters interviewing you tomorrow, don't rush to answer, think about how to answer them first. Dad instructed.

"Got it. Sun Mingbo said this, and thought to himself, the ghost knows what they will ask.

Grandpa's cell phone rang, and Grandpa answered the phone and only said, "I know."

Grandpa hung up the phone, and then said, "Don't be too late, I'll rest first." With that, he walked to the bedroom.

After Grandpa left the living room, as if he had made an appointment, Dad's mobile phone and Mom's mobile phone also began to ring, and the two got up separately and walked out of the living room.

Sun Mingbo had nothing to do, opened his Weibo, and the good guy already had more than 5 million followers.

I can't help but marvel at the number of fans I have, this is growing so fast, I never thought I would have such a huge fan base.

Weibo has everything to say, especially those animated memes, which almost fill the screen.

Sun Mingbo began to browse one by one, many of them touted his results, and some praised and encouraged.

In addition to the comments on the competition, many people praised his image and appearance, and some even described him as a sunny boy, a wind-chasing boy, a bodybuilding idol, and a girl killer, which made Sun Mingbo laugh.

So many messages, what's the matter, it's better not to reply.

Originally, I wanted to post the video of my game on Weibo, but now it seems that there are many videos of the game on it, and I can't post it.

Think about it or post it, this can be regarded as interacting with fans, updated in time, and then he posted the video of his 100-meter dash and long jump competition on Weibo, and wrote an emotional text:

"Life is like a race, we need to sprint with all our strength to surpass our limits." It was a moment in the game and a testament to how I keep challenging myself.

Every attempt has made me more determined, and no matter what the outside world says, I always believe that my hard work and struggle are the most important.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, which makes me feel extremely warm. Soon

after it was posted, the video began to go viral, with the number of comments and retweets climbing.

Sun Mingbo's fans have left their opinions and blessings in the comment area.

Sun Mingbo was very happy.

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