Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode XII End of Initial Cost-Making
"Are you thinking about Ayuka again?
Richay spots me with a frightened voice, and I'm thrilled.
"I'm not complaining if you're going to work for me."
Apologize, I'm going to the drawing stand.
Finished a request from Kanes. We were going back from Beautellarm to Jonesley's office to get to work.
Melmie returns from the buyout and enters the conversation as she punishes the ingredients.
"It was delicious, wasn't it, Ayuka? Perhaps with that aroma that goes hand in hand with the tingling spiciness of the tomato I put down for a day."
"Oh, it was delicious"
Kanes' freshwater fish with hidden balls was named Ayuka to Kanes himself and even established farming laws, he said.
When Kanes was dispatched everywhere as an architect, he stumbled across him swimming in a pond on a branch.
Perhaps the bird or something carried it propagated. A bird who has the habit of sacrificing early, like Moz?
There are no other fish in this world besides Ayuka found by Kanes. I remember in my previous life. It was me who could eat irresistibly, but Richay and Melmie didn't serve it until I ate it.
However, he admired that once eaten, it was also delicious with a completely different texture, flavour, aroma and other brandness than meat.
Ayuka can definitely sell. That would make a long profit as an inherent specialty in the village that Kanes is trying to make.
I don't know if Kanes can build a skyscraper, but for a minute Ayuka's sake, it's more likely than mine.
"Yes, tea. New tea."
Richay puts the tea on my table.
"It may be strange to ask, but are you glad you turned down Mr. Kanes' solicitation?
Kanes has asked us to come to the village where we're going to make it.
It was about wanting my realistic horizons.
"It's fine. Because I want to be a good opponent."
Besides, I want to build my own skyscraper.
If we just fulfill our dream of seeing a town that we have left behind in our previous lives and that we are developing, we will be able to do so in the villages of Caines.
Still, I want to do it on my own.
I'm aware that it's a childish mindset, but what matters is the skyscraper I built myself.
"That's what I like about Amane, Mr. Melmie, though. I'm interested in building villages and skyscrapers led by Amane.... Ayuka is a shame."
"No need for the last dialogue, Melmie."
Richay laughs bitterly.
I feel sorry for Ayuka, too. You don't even have to say you can eat all you want if you live in a village in Kanes, you'll have more opportunities to eat than to build your own village.
And it is this courage that can be the driving force that pushes Kanes' village up to the skyscraper.
"Whatever you wear, a village with specialties is a strength. I want something, too."
"Mr. Kanes was lucky. It wouldn't be the kind of thing you could find even if you wanted to, would it?
"That's right. Maybe it's faster to make it."
You think you can improve and brand existing items?
Though I think about it, I draw blueprints to clear the request.
This time it was the event venue that was asked for. It is small, but is asked for in the position of an entertainment facility to rent to a bard or a seat on a journey. It was a rare, design-oriented request for me.
I've deliberately asked me to build a bridge because this event venue will be built on a bridge that can be crossed by branches and branches. This is the job I was asked to design a bridge that will be built in conjunction with this event facility.
Once this is done, an adequate amount will be saved as initial funding for village building.
In relation to building on the bridge, the event venue will be present in the air. Besides, unlike the aerial corridors that are made all over town, there are no objects around which to whisper your sight. This would be a trait to keep alive.
The event venue I designed was designed so that the widely taken stage would look like a floating island. Looking behind the scenes from the audience, it was made to have a wide view of the sky and to make the event venue aware that it was in the air.
It was difficult to calculate the sound properly to the rearmost of the hibiscus audience, but the material has been fished and somehow cleared in Joynesley's fictitious library.
It's a fairly attentive shape because the sound leaks out of the open space so that you can see the sky behind the stage.
"Speaking of which, what's going on with the list of engineers that can process Beant's nail material?
Beaant's nail material, an essential echo plate for the event venue of this hand, is very hard and difficult to process. This time, the selection of the shop was also carefully proceeding, as complex machining techniques, including bending, would be required.
Richay offers me a piece of paper.
"It's here. Looks like we can handle it at an engineering shop in the field town. Melmie's checking it out, so it's gonna be okay."
If Melmie, the same craftsman, is okay, I guess he can handle it anywhere in the shop on this list.
Let's try to get in touch later.
I look at the blueprints again.
The exterior of the event venue is fan-shaped. It is shaped like cutting a hole cake into a third. I didn't represent the strawberries on top, but there's plenty of decoration and ventilation combined. There are only facilities where people gather, where room temperature and humidity tend to rise due to body temperature and exhalation, and without vents it is inconvenient.
"You look like you stabbed a feather in a cake."
I think it's harmonious, but it's wild. I guess a sharper corner design would be more acceptable to people around there.
Tilt the roof from the roof of the stage section to the part of the fan-shaped arc. This one would be better.
"After that, if you get this, you're done."
And finally, it's village building.
I lift my hips out of my chair and put together a plan that includes an exterior dessert.
"Let's head to the ground. Richay and the others will be here."
"I'm ready."
He just does the same job for a few years, and Richay lifts a bag that seems to contain a change of clothes or something.
Melmie had also finished packing the ingredients she had bought out, etc., and had finished preparing for her journey to the site.
"Well, let's go"
Hold your own baggage that Richay was preparing for me and leave the office.
The requested location is a town close to Yoinsley, northeast of the World Tree.
When I arrived on the ground two days after I was rocked by a coyote car, I showed the plan to the Founding Fathers and immediately started work on it.
Work with the engineers operating in this town with three branches on the lower cloud level to bridge the bridge.
The manager of the shop was a man nearly seven hundred years old. I'm cutting my hair with white stuff starting to cross, and the bowl rolls look good on me.
The manager who glanced at me looked at the blueprints and narrowed his eyes.
"My people are distracted. If you need anything, you can always tell me."
"Thank you. Now, I'd just like to set a schedule for the construction, but the construction of the bridge itself is estimated in less than five months. Is it possible?
"Five months is enough if the material arrives without delay. But you can keep up with our working speed? You wouldn't be too used to working in the field that year, would you?
"If the working speed is too fast, stop it, but we will check the working condition and finish."
"Okay. Many people don't like to be stopped when they're on board, so tell them when our people honestly don't stop working."
I know perfectly well that I don't like being able to stop working when the work is off. I'll try to stay out of the way of the artisans, too.
This bridge crossing will require some bridge legs due to its weight in relation to creating an event venue on top of the bridge.
The bridge legs are made from above the branches of the world tree below. The T-shaped bridge leg was made from a material made of a mixture of world-tree wood and liquefied yarn composites of bird eater spiders with crushed demon worm crusts.
While wood serves as the core to support the weight of the bridge, the liquefied yarn and the demonic worm crust reinforce the core of the wood. Since the production had been requested from the Chamber of Commerce, it would only be built on site.
Build and secure the bridge legs on the foundations made on the branches of the world tree. It looks like a giant blackish board when it's just the bridge leg with no bridge girder on top.
It will not take much time to install the bridge leg, and we will move on to the task of passing the bridge over the bridge leg.
Unlike the legs of the bridge, where only objects made on the side of the Chamber of Commerce were installed in place, the bridge will be finely crafted by the craftsmen.
If I could show off my arms, the artisans' faces naturally tightened.
"Now we're going to build a bridge girder. There is a collapse everywhere this time to allow space to build an event venue on top. We will check where the ruler does not fit, but be careful with the craftsmen."
A ruler is a basic dimension such as a material, and the building materials ordered from the Chamber of Commerce are transported according to the ruler.
I will adjust the dimensions at the site to match the building, but I have to confirm whether or not the items that have been adjusted take command of the site.
"Well, shall we begin?"
Look around the craftsmen and announce the start of the work.
I'm the youngest at this crime scene, but there doesn't seem to be any half-bakers to lick me.
However, the absence of half a person means that the working speed can also be inferred.
It worked pretty fast compared to the average in this world. The manager is eyeing the work of the craftsmen without adding to the work, taking the form of going to lend a hand only if the finish is halfway through.
I compare the working speeds of artisans everywhere, while assembling and moving the order of confirmation.
Apparently, the craftsmen here feel directly connected to the efficiency of their work, and when they can stop working where they are bad, their movement slows down for a while. When I felt good, I needed to be careful to keep working unconsciously as if I hadn't even heard my words.
That's why I couldn't let it stop me too inadvertently, and I had to move around with a small run over there.
"You're a well-functioning bridge-builder."
You don't feel well, one of the craftsmen who was sitting in an assembled chair blurring and following my movements with his eyes calls out.
I'd like to tell him back that he's moving around to keep people like you out, but he can't possibly tell that craftsman that he's disappointed that the manager didn't do it.
"If you have time to say sarcasm, why don't you do your job?"
The manager gently taps the artisan's head to get him back to work.
"I don't think I was being sarcastic. It wasn't a fool's eye."
I think it's a statement based on an understanding of what I'm moving around with.
The manager looked at me unexpectedly and scratched my head.
"It's understanding and helpful. Nonetheless, Nong and the others are in a position to be attentive and have you build bridges to use your strength. Making fun of me is out of the question, but I also shouldn't be thankful. He didn't even thank you. That's why I scolded you."
"Was I? My thoughts seemed shallow. Thanks for letting me know."
After I lowered my head to the manager, I turned my foot under the craftsman who was creating the handrail.
At this pace, will the bridge be ready in three months?
You can say that things are generally going well.
That's what I was thinking, but somehow the speed of work increased from day to day.
"Mr. Amane, I need you to confirm this."
I'm on my way.
I wonder why. Unlike the first day, you started speaking to me before I tried to go check it out.
I wonder if the manager said anything.
After a wonderful day of work, I'm going back to the lodging on offer.
Richay was spreading the map on his desk, which was somewhat shabby because he had completed accounting and ordering.
You notice me coming home, and Richay looks up.
"Welcome back"
"I'm home. What's wrong with spreading the map?
You think a pedestrian carrying materials had an accident somewhere or was attacked by a demon worm?
Guess what I'm worried about, Richay shakes his head to the side.
"It's nothing to worry about. Just wondering where I'd like to be if I were to build a village."
"You know what?"
What Richay was spreading was a map depicting the north side of the world tree.
Get dressed and peek into the map.
You can't have a place with heavy ups and downs. Beyond the fact that the ground is a branch of a world tree, tidying up work takes a lot of work and funding. Villages and towns on rare terrain can be just tourist attractions, but we can't afford to be underfunded.
It's not a good idea to be too close to big towns and cities because there aren't any specialties like Kanes' Ayuka.
That's how I narrowed it down to several branches when I thought about it.
"I think this neighborhood is reasonable"
"Near the city of Kattera?
Seeing where I pointed, Richay nodded to agree after a little thought.
"Right. At this distance, you won't be absorbed by the city of Cuttera, and it's a flat spot, so you can secure farmland."
It lacks fun, but Richay, like me, the realist, seems to agree.
I shift my gaze to Melmie, who is sleeping on the bed. Uncommonly, Mermie, who made no fuss all day today, was still lying on her bed.
"Have you missed home?
"I miss it in Amane's arms"
"I've never been in there before, but it's hard to imagine I'm gonna miss you."
By the way, I feel Mr. Richay's gaze on my arm, but I don't know why. Should I work out some more? Specifically enough to hold them both.
Richay's gaze shifts from me to Melmie.
"So, what's the truth?
"I'm depressed that it's impossible to craft at that speed..."
"Those people won't be that working speed from time to time either. I just started working on the assumption that we would speak to each other because I found out that Amane, the young man, was careful not to delay the work. Something that no one feels bad about being tender."
Oh, so you've been able to call me lately and before confirmation?
Let's say Okamoto, Richay seemed to see a lot of things.
Bump Melmie's legs while he's lying flat on the bed.
"Even more self-loathing because I don't care that much during my work..."
Are you worried about the difference between the level of artisans here and yourself?
One person has become "me" instead of "Mr. Melmie" the usual tea pieces, and you must be seriously worried.
Richay also puts his hands on his cheeks like he's in trouble.
"Melmie and those guys will have different years. I don't even think it's comparable."
"I don't want to use my youth as an excuse"
"Weird place to be strong."
Richay will make eye contact with me just for your sake. I'll take care of the rest, my eyes say.
I don't particularly have the help to relieve Melmie's problems either...
"Looking around and working would itself be done by Melmie. I guess I'll have to worry about judging the situation by looking at the complexion and not just the progress of the work in the future?
"You don't deny that you haven't been able to do it now."
"Melmie herself admits there's a difference between the craftsmen here, right? Denying it there is just turning away from reality. I think it would be more beneficial to figure out how to bridge the difference."
Melmie shrugged and buried her face in the pillow.
"Amaney, comfort me in your arms."
"Why would Richay dismiss you?"
"Sweet to Amane is a reward for growing up."
"Richay's tough too."
Richay sighs small when he sees Melmie pulling strength out of her bumpy legs.
"Then shall I give you a hug?
"Can I rub your tits?
"I knew you'd stay away from me within three steps."
I think it would have been worse to return Melmie.
"- I thought you were a young bridge-builder, but you also have strength."
After closing the bridge, the manager said something like that when he became a step toward the construction of the event venue above it.
He was measuring his strength in my field command during the bridge's construction period. Did I mention the first point?
"It's all I still learn. I'm also told that the manager built the Founding Fathers' House here, is that true?
"It's ancient ginseng. I've been working in this town since the mayor walked around."
"That founder's house, it's a plugged roof, right? Is it a ventilation problem?
"No, I calculated to keep the shadows from falling into the park across the road. The architect in charge of the design said it looked crushed and inappropriate when he cut his wife, and it took that shape"
While we exchange public stories, we hold construction meetings to work on building the event venue.
He had no experience in the construction of the special facility in this hand, except for the manager, and Mermie also entered the building.
Bridges and event venues completed in six months will be handed over to the town and the request will be completed.
"- So this is the cost of construction, but there are two hundred and eighteen jade coins and eight hundred and fifty iron coins."
Reporting, the second-generation mayor nodded and confirmed the details.
"I was wondering if it would take more, that's surprising"
"It's big that the artisans didn't need to spend their stay. Now in the form of artisans travelling, we needed more depending on the duration of the construction."
The weather was also beneficial and there was no extra cost of transporting the materials.
"I appreciate it fitting within the cost. Colour Mr. Amane."
"No, it's a premise to fit within the cost, so you can't have your reward multiplied by that. Think of it as just luck."
I'll leave the mayor's house with Richay for what was originally decided.
Pick up Melmie, who was working with the grandson of the construction manager, and leave town. Don't start making something when Melmie looks away.
"What's your current funding?
"Fifty jade coins and a little"
Ask Richay for his answer and keep an eye on him. Enough to build about twenty houses to feed twenty villagers for ten years. It wouldn't be like that if it was Yoinsley, but I think village life would be possible.
In this world that lives on top of the world tree, houses can be built cheaply to use the fast-growing world tree as a building material. In five years, the seedlings of the planted world trees will grow and become available as building materials.
Viva, a place called Fantasy.
"As for the initial cost of building a village, well, it's a reasonable place"
"No luxury at all, but if you want to build a village from scratch, maybe so."
I'll stop.
"I'm coming north anyway. Let's select a place to build a village."
Look at the map on the north side of the world tree, it should be over in around three days because I've already got a sight on it.
"What are you going to do with your future plans?
Richay asks me on my way to the branches I kept my eyes on.
When I say build a village, it's hard to get people together with nothing. You can't even call it a village if you only have the funds and you don't have a place to live.
"I wonder if it would be in the form of putting in the minimum elements to live before calling people in"
Places to raise rainstorms and maintenance of water intakes to draw domestic water, food and bedding and other household groceries.
I'll give it to you, and Melmie will pinch your mouth.
"With regard to the house, but I think you should ask for the views of the people who live there. So I guess it's the public and private houses that make it first. While sleeping there, creating a home of their own choosing, like"
"I can't see my feet after that, and I need someone to deal with."
Richay adds, but he intends to ask the dealer to the Komatsu Chamber of Commerce, which came together in an order plan in the town of Haratra. Because I took good care of him while I was working as a Jianqiao family, and I know my heart.
There are several other chambers of commerce to deal with, but that's just insurance if you don't do a good deal with the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce.
On the second day via the city of Kattella, we arrive at the branches on which we were staring.
It's a big, empty place. A slight slope can be seen everywhere, but there is no such thing as a void or a pond.
Richay looked around and frowned.
"Are you sure you want to build a village here, though it doesn't have the distinctive features?
"It doesn't mean there's a wax-ant nest in the basement, does it?
Melmie strokes the tree skin at her feet, knocking on tricks to confirm the echo.
I looked around at a vast candidate with nothing as expected.
"I like it here. It's where we build the skyscraper. It is more convenient to have a large limit load and a wide range of places available. The nearest village is called Kateo, but it takes a day one way because it's in another branch. If we don't wear the crops we make, we can trade."
I don't have hidden balls like Kanes. Then it was necessary to think through it in plain sight and select a place where it was possible to operate the village while profiting from the positive method.
"Build a village here. We'll gather twenty first, and we'll start there."
Richay and Melmie thought a little and looked at me.
"If that's the case, call the kid from the orphanage who's busy at work and we'll be able to collect him soon."
"At the very least, you have to be able to build houses and maintain fields."
"I want people with some knowledge and skill because we're turning the village around for twenty. I want a kid who recruits a few craftsmen through a wooden cage shop and has knowledge of field work in an orphanage."
You'll need to raise people later, too, but I don't think you can support even out-of-combat children in just twenty villages. All the more so because it's still in a state of sarcasm.
"Go home to Joynesley, you're looking for people"
Turn your back on the candidate, we're going to Jonesley.
Richay and Melmie have been asking me questions as they look back over a wide branch.
"What do you do with the name of the village?
"That's a weird name."
It's my last name from my last life.
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