Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Lesson XVIII Construction of Support Branches
"Start installing scaffolding"
Securing a rope made of bird eater spider thread dripping from a branch of the village of Tacax, I spoke to the craftsman.
Craftsmen snag the lifeline onto the rope ladder and build scaffolding.
The seedlings of the supporting branches are already rooted in the branches. The seedlings healed by the gluing tree procedure are the world tree itself, so they do not wither so easily.
After that, this absorbs nutrition from the branches of the world tree and just waits for it to grow. Stretch the side branches carefully to the height of the branch where the village of Takakus is located and let them heal there.
What the craftsmen make is scaffolding when paying for side branches, something I'll use later.
The height is about twelve meters. A branch of a world tree is a height that will be reached in about three years.
Once the scaffolding of the craftsmen has been completed, it is also possible to descend directly from the village of Takax, but it is not made so that a large number of people can come and go at the same time. I'm going to be the only one using it.
"Mr. Amane, come here"
Craftsmen call me to turn my legs.
"After this, you're gonna go back to the branches above and build a house, right? My parents want me to show them the blueprints, so can you tell me where it is?
"It's in the office. I'll go. Keep working."
Find the parent and tell the office I'm going to get the blueprints.
"Please. I'm busy rebuilding buildings that collapsed in other villages after this."
"That's the damage of snow shaking. I'm listening. Now, I'm going to run with you, and I'll leave you to it."
I'll pass on the rope ladder and head to the village of Takakus. It's pretty scary when stirred up by the wind, even though it's securely fixed.
Well, it's better than when we build bridges. If you look down, there's the ground.
When I get to Takax Village, I take my life strings off and head to my office.
I shouldn't be too busy early in the spring. I'm busier than I was in winter.
"Richay, can you bring me the blueprints for the house?
"Wait a minute."
Richay rushes over with a patter of blueprints that they had prepared on their desk.
"This is it."
"Thanks. And then, what's going on with the cookout?
"Melmie's in command in the public hall. We're almost ready, so you can bring him directly to the dining room."
Richay, who cared, rounds the blueprints so that the wind doesn't fly them into the barrel, and ties the raised string to my wrist.
I left the office leaving Richay behind, and I went down to the lower branch with my life line on it again and handed the blueprints to my parents.
"He said it wasn't going to make such elaborate substitutes. The up-and-coming Jianqiao family is the village chief, so I thought you were going to build something like Aquas in the south."
"Because Kanes and I are in different directions"
Parents look at the scaffolding of the support branches.
I was just about to finish it.
"Come down when you guys are done"
When the parent speaks, the craftsmen come down as they finish the work and clean up.
I turned my gaze to my parents.
"We have lunch in the village public hall, so follow me"
"That's very helpful. My people are eating, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
Take the artisans, including their parents, back to the village of Tacax.
The dining room in the public hall was already ready.
Lined tables and chairs. On the table are salads of spring vegetables picked in the village fields, egg rolls of lamb birds, and thighs of lamb birds made into good smoked meat made during the winter months.
Smoked thighs of lamb birds are a flavor of spicy, concentrated birds that resemble pepper. It doesn't extend to smoked meat made in Kattera city, but it seems quite popular with artisans and reassuring.
My parents taste the smoked meat and then they look at me.
"I'll start at home in the afternoon, so I'm gonna need some supplies."
"I know."
While the craftsmen were eating, I peeked into the kitchen in the public hall to find Melmie and speak up.
"I'm going to start building a house, so help Melmie, too."
Stop the dishwashing hands and take turns with the girl from the Saratin City Orphanage, and Melmie follows me.
"Are you glad you started building your house so soon?
"It's full of public buildings. I can't spend a year without a room to stay."
In the meantime, the training of young warthog hunters of residents who have migrated to the village of Takakus is based on materials of warthogs that Bilos has tailored. Selling it would fund one or two jade coins.
Because the youngsters brought only minimal baggage, the cost of food is also covered by the sale of materials that have come hunting demon worms. Thanks to this, Billows, the village's most powerful man, went hunting with the young people more often, which had a slight impact on field work.
Still, it's big enough to be able to keep the neighborhood safe, where all four of us, like me and Billows, experienced in the Devil's Bug Hunt, didn't have enough hands. Around the village of Takakus, the threat of demonic worms could not be plucked because of the desertion.
"In the spring, the demon worm starts to move vigorously. I appreciate seeing more Demon Bug Hunters in the medium term"
In the short term, though, it will cost them their food.
"When I asked you outside to hunt a demon worm, was that a piece of jade coin?
"depending on type and situation"
Pull the necessary materials from the shared warehouse and arrange them at the entrance.
"There are now seventy people in the village. Sixty, with the exception of ten who have been alienated. Kid with no house, you're building a house for everyone?
"I just want to build it, but I don't have enough places. I think we're gonna cross the bridge."
"... seriously?
Nodding to Melmie's question.
"Don't tell everyone yet. I still don't know if I can twist the cost of bridging it."
Ram birds are increasing rapidly, but how much money we can make this year will determine if we can move the plan to implementation.
If we were to cross the bridge to the closest branch to the village of Takakus, I would like twenty jade coins. I have already decided on the branch to be the second one, so I tried to estimate it once, but thinking about crossing the box girder bridge with an extrusion type, I can order and assemble the materials with twenty pieces of jade coin. Two hundred pieces of iron for accommodation expenses for the construction period, etc. after putting artisans in the village?
It is done to this extent because it is a bridge of less than sixty meters.
However, if we were to actually construct it, we would have to build a suspension bridge as a scaffold on the other branch once, and we would also need to install a fall prevention net with the yarn of a bird eater spider, etc.
Five or six more jade coins should fly.
It would be a pretty massive plan. Still, the public hall is hung with thirty pieces of jade coins, so it means the best building in the village.
The artisans, led by their parents, came from the dining room when they had all the materials.
"Well, let's go later."
After building five houses, by the end of spring I had taken five young Devil Bug Hunters to Katella City.
The purpose is to sell the material of the Devil Bug and plump the gold from the Devil Bug Hunter Guild. No mercy.
Let the youngsters have the Devil Bug material, and I'll have a bow and arrow in my hand for a long time. I have only been able to train because it took a while to build support branches and houses.
"Mr. Billows' strong bow is awesome, but was Mr. Amane good at fast fire?
"How useful is rapid fire to a demon bug opponent?
"I've never seen a quick-fire in action, and I'm sorry for asking such an uncanny question."
The youngsters say.
Nothing offensive, and I know you're worried about your strength because you haven't shown up in action with me even now, about two months after they came. Unlike Billows, I'm pretty close to them at my age.
But Billoth also said that I was clearly different in strength when I was trained by them and Jicha from childhood when I left the village last year to become a demon bug hunter. Billows is still enjoying being cotempered by Tsukuba.
"Well, then, you guys hide there"
I take the bow off, hit the string once to see how tight it is.
"Hiding, even though you don't have any prey?
"There you are, there."
What I pointed to was a demon bug about two kilometers away.
"Isn't that a brunch mimic? No way, are you going to do that?
One of the youngsters looks sinister.
Branch mimics are demonic worms that resemble nanafushi. As far as I can tell from here, this prey is roughly about seven metres in size, but in the past there have been records of large figures seen in the fifteen-metre class.
People don't attack to eat the leaves of the world tree, but their crusts and feet are tough and elastic, and are used to reduce vibrations in the finest bow materials for warbug hunters and in air corridors.
However, it seems that body fluids contain ingredients that cause the crust and feet to lose elasticity and increase hardness, and the areas with body fluids are useless enough to be rejected for buying.
He is a devil worm who is distant from a devil worm hunter who specializes in strong bows like billows.
The youngsters are not afraid to splash their fluids with strong bows, but simply are not sure to cut them off because they are big.
"Hide. I'll start."
Pull the youngsters back and I'll pull seven arrows out of the arrow barrel.
Seven jade coins are a sure delicious prey if you can make it round. It was also to find this guy on the road that missed the time of departure for the city of Kattera.
I aim for brunch mimic tentacles with a bend.
The first shot I fired swept the tip of the brunch mimic's tentacle, causing me to turn my attention.
I will immediately find out where I am and provoke the brunch mimic.
A winged brunch mimic flew towards me. It's just intimidating to see a creature flying seven meters, albeit thin.
I'm used to it.
The brunch mimic that flew all the way to the same branch as me is about to blow up with the wind pressure of my wings.
It was depressing, so I released a tree arrow with a return toward my wings.
A wooden arrow pierced by the wings extremes the ability to fly a branch mimic, forcing it to land on a branch.
Shortly before Branch Mimic lands, I release four arrows overhead and take three new arrows out of the arrow barrel.
At the same time he ran straight into the front toward Branch Mimic.
Naturally, the brunch mimic moves in to my interception.
I step on my left foot and kill the momentum I ran into, aiming at the base of Branch Mimic's head with one of the arrows I just took out.
The branch mimic, shaped similar to the nanafushi, also has very long legs and a head about three metres above it.
It was a brunch mimic with an open mouth to bite me to death, but I leaned back heavily shortly afterwards.
Four arrows that I unleashed over my head fell out of the air and burst into the brunch mimic's torso.
I'm gonna miss the gap. I don't even have an in-laws.
The arrow I unleash stands at the base of the brunch mimic's head.
Finally, if you stick an arrow to your head, all you have to do is leave it until you run out of strength.
I put the one I left in the spare in the arrow and take a distance from the brunch mimic.
"This is how to use fast fire. I can efficiently tailor a demon bug by myself. If you don't use your powers wrong, you can make a profit on Branch Mimic."
Call on the young men who were hiding and teach them how to strip the material of the brunch mimic. When the fluids become useless, they drain the fluids to drain the blood before dismantling them.
Some of the crusts had arrows stabbed and were not for sale, but the legs were completely intact and removed. Branch mimics are often self-cutting legs, and they are useless, but this time they are safe.
"I can do 700 pieces of iron just for this. It's sad that the price doesn't change even when selling it together, but there are some crustaceans..."
Will it be two jade coins and about 400 iron coins?
If it can be rounded, there is also a problem with the amount that can be taken from one, and it will be seven pieces of jade coin, but only a big veteran like Hachino-chan will be able to finish that beautifully. Probably going to make it worse than me, waste arrows with nowhere to sell, and force me to save my life for a while.
"Come on, how much does the Devil Bug Hunter Guild have?"
"Mayor, you look scared."
Early on arriving in the city of Cuttera, we interrupted the Devil Bug Hunter Guild.
At dusk, it's time for the Devil Bug Hunters to get together to make plans for tomorrow and beyond. It is bingo.
"Hey, that's, like, a brunch mimic leg, right?
"You haven't seen it in a long time. Those young builders hunted?
"No, I've seen the guy in the lead. Amane from Takax Village. He did it."
"Rumor has it you've plunged from accounting?
How long have those rumors been spreading?
They found out the receptionist was a material sale as soon as they saw my face, and they called the accountant.
The accountant, who soon appeared, raised his eyebrows very slightly when he noticed the air in the guild.
"It's been a while. Amane. You did it all of a sudden."
"Hey, guys, I thought you might want to see the quality of the finest bow material."
Return words with a smile. No, there's also an option not to buy out Branch Mimic legs, right? I can take it directly to the Chamber of Commerce.
But I think if the Chamber of Commerce bought it and the finest bow flowed outside, I'd be sorry to hear about all the Demon Bug Hunters.
In that case, I wonder what the accountant thinks.
When I smile and show him, the accountant turns his attention to the five young men behind me.
"Hey, this is who I am. There's no alarm or gap. We do the checking on the carry-on in the warehouse on the back, but we come all the way from the table."
"Because even if I suddenly bring it in the back, I have a procedural problem. Don't accidentally talk to people like they're stores."
"I wish I had accidentally shopped. … Prepare the jade coins"
Leave it at the receptionist and the accountant will lead us to the warehouse.
In addition to the eyeball brunch mimic legs, this time he sold wax-ant crusts, waxes, etc. crusaded by the Billows during the spring, making thirteen pieces of balls of money.
Wax-ant crusts are somewhat bought and beaten. I gave it up not to make too much money because of the Branch Mimic leg thing.
I give the nail while the accountant gives me the money.
"Not really, don't call me a bad merchant. If there are fewer merchants coming to the village, I'm in trouble."
"Mr. Amane seems to be better suited to the Devil Bug Hunter than the Village Chief. Rumor has it, they eavesdropped on my conversation with the branch manager. Hi. Excuse me."
He's really sorry, and the accountant's going to bow his head.
It was a half-known fact because it came from the table at that time, but it was customer information at first. Sometimes it would be bad to leak to the outside world.
I get an apology while I cut the story out.
"If the Alliance buys you something, does that make your son less rumoured?"
"... what would you like?
I know you sincerely regret that you showed weakness when you thought the business deal was over, but I'm sorry. I'm here to squeeze it out.
I pretend to take care of my fantastic face and look around the warehouse. When I came in, I stopped looking at the product that I had already stared at and pointed at.
"You want an anti-drop net made of Bird Eater Spider yarn"
"Not in material condition, but for sale after being processed into an anti-drop net?
"I think I'm handling it for once?
"Well, we can ask the Chamber of Commerce to do it from the machining."
The Chamber of Commerce, where the Devil Bug Hunter Guild is cordial, handles the material well. Not many people have specialist craftsmen.
Orders placed directly with such chambers of commerce do not necessarily mean that they will be sold to small village counterparts. When I place an order with the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce, the shipping costs are quite high.
That's why let me take the form of a purchase request via the guild here.
"We're going through the guild, so we can be thankful for less to the Chamber of Commerce, right? I'm not even going to pay for it."
"I see. Is that what happened? It's in the interest of both sides, so neither of us has the option to say no, but why suddenly?
"Cross the bridge."
The accountant looks surprised.
I can arrange a place to stay with this money.
It's not good enough to bridge the bridge, but it's not a loss to buy a net to prevent falls ahead of time.
Instead, it takes more effort, time and money to place an order later, as long as you don't pass the guild.
"Looking at this year's money, I thought I'd just be ready"
"So we're not closing the bridge right now," he said. Still, it's early. "
With that said, the accountant arranged an anti-drop net for me.
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