Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode XIX: Charming Things
Richay, who had made money on his books at the office, looked up.
"The profit for this month is a piece of jade coin. Four hundred pieces of lamb bird compost, three hundred pieces of fertilizer for egg shells, thirty-seven pieces of iron for egg sales, five pieces of lamb bird meat for the rest and vegetables."
"Ram bird round meat is the market. Fifty iron coins, right? I knew you were making money from fertilizer."
Melmie groans as she looks at the books.
The value of fertilizer is high on a world tree where soil is precious. It is difficult to make compost in livestock coyotes similar to sheep that carry out grazing, and the price of compost for rum birds is considerably higher.
The profits rising from the raising of rum birds are mostly due to crushed egg shelled fertilizers and the compost of hun. In particular, the value of compost has recently begun to rise because it helps to granulate the soil.
Still, a piece of jade coin?
Ten or so jade coins are the price for the material obtained by the young warthog hunters and the billows hunting the surrounding warthogs during the spring. Since there have been fewer demon bugs around lately, we won't be able to make much money so far, but the thirteen of them will be the ones who made the most money this year.
I check the cheerfulness out the window.
Summer is the season.
Richay finishes his book entry and deposits his back on the couch, making it an easy posture.
"The biggest part of the village's profits is the volatile amount of warthog material sold, which is a bit less."
"From an operational point of view. Still, the work of Billows and the others has benefited the village"
"I know. Thanks to the Billows, who finished building the homes of Salatin City orphanages within the course of the year."
I see Melmie.
"I'm talking about the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce selling us cheap building materials, but the quality of the materials brought in wasn't bad either, was it?
"As scary as it gets. Is it about 20% cheaper than the market? Why did you tell me that?
The Komatsu Chamber of Commerce in Joynesley, which I have been an architect of since the establishment of Takakus Village.
Because we've known each other for a long time, and he lowered the price of the ingredients, but it's the same thing in this world that's behind the delicious stories.
Richay points to the public hall.
"Amane bought Bird Eater Spider's yarn anti-drop net from another chamber of commerce. I noticed that there was an ongoing plan to bridge the bridge."
"Oh, I mean, you're telling me to buy the ingredients for the bridge at the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce?
"That's the thing. Even if you say 20% off, most of the cost of world wood is transportation. If we were to cross the bridge, we would need a fairly cohesive amount, so you stepped on it that even a 20% discount would be profitable enough. Bridges will require special building materials to absorb vibrations, and Yoinsley, home to the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce, has a wooden cage shop."
Melmie's home, also a wooden cage shop, has some track record of bridging. It's not hard to imagine asking a wooden cage engineering shop to bridge more than having Melmie in the management of Tacax Village.
By now, the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce will also be working more closely with the wooden cage's shop. There has been some interaction that has put me through since I was an architect, a bridge builder, but now I should consider it even more fortified.
"It's not a bad story either. We can unload cheap materials from the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce and bring in the best craftsmen from the wooden cage shop to bridge the bridge cheaply. We're all getting it."
I was running a pen. Turn the purchase order to Richay. The relay Mermie glances through.
Richay, who received it from Melmie, checked to see if there were any deficiencies in the purchase order before placing it on his desk.
"You're gonna cross the bridge, right?
"Ah. If we don't start now, we won't be able to keep up with the expansion of the village"
The current population of the village of Takakus is seventy. Hopes for resettlement have also risen from villages that have been destroyed by the successive collapses of houses due to the snow shake this year. I wonder if we can have a hundred villagers by the end of the year.
Originally, a population of about a hundred people can afford to build a dwelling without bridges, but in the case of the village of Tacax, there are many facilities such as ram bird huts and compost fermentation houses, fields of fodder tomatoes, smoking facilities and inserted wood fields for fuel.
When there are hundreds of villagers, there is no residential land.
"The cost of building the bridge is now a critical amount that can be twisted with twenty jade coins, current storage and meat and fertilizer from ram birds scheduled for shipment next month"
"I'm going to use almost all of my storage, though. No shopping from the outside for a while. Tea or something."
"I'll cut it down where I can. Melmie, don't even think about hiding tea treats from the inside right now, okay?
"Let's make something sweet in the village."
"You can't because it takes too long. How laborious it takes to get rid of pests, pests and birds"
I see Melmie wasting something sweet looking at Teten with her knees in the corner of the room loving her. You won't look like Melmie because you're hiding in your long forehead, but you can see the side from my position.
"Teten is also forbidden to use paper for hobbies for a while."
"... mmm"
He seemed unhappy, but Teten snorted reluctantly.
Speaking of what this teten uses paper for, I use it to write a L story in G. If you ask me why I know what it says in the ciphertext so that it doesn't fall apart, I can ask you for your thoughts sometimes.
At midnight, the family also falls asleep and illuminates the tetens sleeping in a futon where the moonlight was unreliable to the working room. Unhealthy white skin is tame to moonlight.
If you write something like that, it's colorful, but it's torture to sleep with whispers in your ear so that no sound leaks from Teten's own mouth about the love patterns between girls where no man appears. Instead of torture, it's torture clearly.
If you ask me for my thoughts and I can't help but state it, it's lily rigging until the next morning, and I'm going to sleep with this guy already.
I think a woman who makes a man say he doesn't like sleeping with her is pretty good, huh?
I'm sure a woman would love to have a romantic teddy.
Melmie speaks with one hand up.
"I have a net to prevent falls, and I made it out of yarn I took earlier in the spring regarding the suspension bridge, but the other materials are going to be ordered, right? How long is that gonna take?
"Twenty days before the arrival of the materials, I guess. Then the craftsman arrives and does it with an extruded method, so the bridge itself will be built to some extent on the branches. It will be completed next summer."
"Can't you do construction during the winter?
"You won't be able to cross the bridge. However, it can be processed."
In the meantime, I wrote letters to the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce and the wooden cage shop.
It was fifteen days after I received my order from the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce. They were crossing in anticipation of this, and it's unprecedented speed.
He contacted the wooden cage shop at the same time as my letter arrived, and the day after the order arrived, the talented craftsmen, including the manager, had arrived from the wooden cage shop.
"I'll get it."
When I got to Takax Village, the manager said so at the opening and asked me for a blueprint for the bridge.
"Why don't you slow down for a day or so?
"What are you talking about? Aquas made by Kanes, the bridge-builder of Beautellarm, has already crossed the bridge. Amane would be a young bridgebuilder for Representative Yoinsley, but she's not losing. Bridge the bridge."
They said we weren't the only ones who looked at each other as rivals, and so were the surroundings.
Well, there's not a lot of regrets that Kanes got me ahead of him, but it's not like I can do something nice that I was in a hurry.
I can't do anything to motivate you.
Melmie came with her hand on my back worrying about whether I should start construction right away.
"Let's get started. Tell Richay we can make dinner a little extravagant."
- You're right.
Leave Melmie a message to Richay, and I'll show the manager the blueprints.
"Box girder bridge? It's reasonable considering the distance and the funds, but it's boring."
It's not about fun.
But the manager looked at it for a while before pointing to the blueprint.
"Bring Melmie. Then do something about the exterior just a little bit more"
"If you say that, you don't have a budget."
We're trying to bridge it with critical funds.
After scratching his head, the manager opened his mouth like he was determined after dropping his eyes on the blueprint.
"I'll put a commission on you. It's a job worth doing."
"How long will you put it away?
"From now on, Amane will pay no more for the accommodation and other things that will be incurred in her work. Just get to work."
Are you serious?
"Mr. Store Manager, man!
I decided to go back to the office immediately and look at the blueprints and materials and scratch the design.
Nevertheless, the length of the bridge cannot, of course, change construction methods or anything else. Only part of the columns can be tampered with.
A box girder bridge is a simple structure bridge whose contents connect the boxes of cavities so that they can pass through the top, and cannot be built for very long. The ram is also short and requires a bridge leg. As an advantage, the cost is low.
In the case of this box girder bridge, it is designed so that it can also be inspected by entering the inside of the box.
Well, in my original design, it's just a uninteresting design with columns on top of rectangular cylinders.
Is it enough to change the design from now on with the dry part of this column and the struts supporting the floor of the bridge as decorations? I also need to redo the structural calculations.
A strut is a member that stretches a floor plate from the side of a girder that is supported by a load such as a person traveling back and forth on a bridge. It is a diagonally stretched column that connects the edges of the slabs to the sides of the digits when the widened bridge is looked up from the bottom.
This strut is provided to widen the floor of the bridge. Mr. Ichigo is also a nice member who will be able to cross the handle.
"We'll have more road, you did it, take a break!
"... freak amane, descent, or"
"This is weird, Teten"
So when did you get into the work room, this guy? Well, okay.
Kidding aside, this strut is also something that adds functional beauty when you look at the bridge from the side or from the bottom.
When it comes to the beauty of the struts lining up, it's already...
That's why I attach the strut to the side of the bridge as an extra member and a decoration to know. It's decorative in any way, so I can arrange whatever I want within the limits of the design. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I will not tolerate my taste.
Perform new designs with as little impact on the original design as possible while making quick calculations.
"- I guess this is it."
The total length of the bridge is sixty meters. Twelve struts every five metres, twenty centimeters thick. The main digit is five meters wide. The slab is five meters and thirty centimeters. The columns are made of three parallel lines, a planar girder and a ground covering, where hands are placed, and a wide plate with a sculpture with an arrow-winged pattern once penetrated through the planar girder.
I'm not told it would be boring if we did this far. The Arrowfeather pattern doesn't seem to exist in this world, but it isn't even said to be odd in this world where bows and arrows are defeated by demon worms in the main soldier outfit.
Hurry up and take it under the manager.
"Well, you've become a playful bridge at once"
"Let me see."
Melmie received the blueprint from the manager and nodded with a regular face.
"This sculpture is good. It's going to look like the Amane of the Warbug Hunter and Jianqiao family."
- Melmie will do the sculpture.
The manager suddenly waved a job at Melmie.
Melmie points to the blueprint and speaks to the dreaded manager.
"Do you do this sculpture?
"Who does it but you?"
"No, 'cause it's like the face of a bridge!? This kind of thing is the smartest thing on the field -"
"Funny! I guess this is your village, too. You're not butting in, so feel free."
The manager, who stuck around, looks around at the other craftsmen and tells them to start the work.
The manager stood beside me as the artisans, who replied with a good voice of prestige, began their work.
"She's the only daughter I can do a plain job, but I need your help. I want it to be Melmie's job to be independent."
"... you're clumsy"
"Full of mouth. Come and show me your grandson soon."
... Is that it?
What's a grandson, Melmie's kid? You make it with me?
Before I asked, the manager stepped into the scene.
Melmie sighs as she put a sculpture knife on the waste material behind the office.
The time is night. I'm done with today's work, but Melmie has been practicing with a sculpture knife on her waste material opponent.
Melmie continued the task of carving the arrow-winger pattern into the light and checking the digging condition and shading in the morning.
"It's already sunset."
"If you don't hit the moonlight, you won't know what the sculpture will look like."
The look on the sculpture, huh?
I don't even know what that is.
But if you look at some wooden planks arranged next to Melmie, you'll know how good and bad it is.
A few sculptures with an arrow-winger pattern carved by the manager of the shop in the wooden cage.
One with a uniform pattern mechanically continuous. An expression of the fluid beauty of the arrow feathers that were snobbed by the wind. One that shows an arrow with exquisite shadows flying away. They all had stunning sculptures.
Even if I try this now, it's there no different than when I saw it under the light of day.
Nothing. I'm not saying Melmie's bad arm. But Melmie's sculpture is well done, but I felt like it was stopping where it wasn't art.
"I know I'm not good either..."
Mermie shrugged unexpectedly.
If he had taken his gaze off the manager's sculpture, Melmie would have cut off the failures he had carved into the waste material and removed another plate.
I, Melmie, rarely use a single name. I also know that when I use this, it is when I introduce myself and when I talk seriously.
"I didn't come to Amane's village to escape. And yet you don't have to be so unscrupulous."
It's impotent.
"Melmie is good at imitating people."
"... are you making fun of me?
"No, it's a serious story. So far, Mermie has been polishing her skills by imitating the store managers. So I can do everything the way I want."
"It's a collection of technology, anyway."
Mousse, Melmie sharpens the wooden plate with a sculpture knife. Cut in with a V-shaped blade and make a draft of the Arrowfeather pattern. Already at this stage, Mermie's technology is so uniquely unique that the manager finds it to be a one-piece imitation.
But the local power is too different from that of the manager to imitate. Even in shape, it just leaves a shelled emptiness.
The moon is leaning and staying up late. The window of the office opened and Richay glanced at her face.
"Why don't you go inside?
Reply Unboiled and Melmie reaches for the new wooden board.
I looked back at Richay.
"You can sleep first. Tell Teten too."
"Teten would have gone to bed already. Tomorrow, we'll make smoke."
"Is that a reproduction of the smoked eggs that were popular with the store managers?
"Looks like it."
Then I guess it doesn't matter. Smoke does not yet affect construction.
Richay closes the window and the lights in the office go out as well.
It's the suspended lantern lights that are illuminating me and Melmie. Even though it has an umbrella that combines reflective plates, it's too dark to continue sculpting.
"Melmie, let's have a little talk"
Speaking up, Melmie honestly sat next to me with a wooden plate and a sculpture knife.
"Thought I'd tell you about my failure."
Melmie turns to the side.
"I don't want to hear you brag about your misfortune"
"I'm happy, though. That's what that failure was."
No, well, I'm ashamed to talk to you.
"Actually, Richay was mad at me when I took the Bridger qualification exam."
"It's unusual for Richay to get angry."
"I mean angry, I guess I'll tell you. Yeah, you're closer to telling me."
I look back at the office.
All right, you're asleep.
I'd be ashamed to ask and want to lock myself in my room, so be careful.
"Don't tell anyone about Melmie, either, okay?
"Even to Richay?
"In the direction of secrecy, if possible"
I was told to get excited. How embarrassing. You know Richay is a party, but he's a flower.
"It's a simple story if you ask me what I've been told. He said he was too conscious of Kanes to kill too much of his own taste and what he was going to make."
"The last challenge of the Jianqiao family exam?
"Yes, that. I was given the Jianqiao family qualification exam by Jonesley as part of training a young man who could compete against Kanes. So even more so, I focused on architectural beauty and the kind of appearance that would make me wander off."
Melmie stuck a cheek wand to her knees.
"So, what are you trying to say?
"Melmie's current situation is my previous stage."
Melmie frowns, thinks a little, then shakes her neck.
"What do you mean?
I pick up a few of Melmie's failures and line them up with those of the store manager who probably would have imitated them.
Melmie pointed her lips in a way that compares her make-up.
I look at Melmie sideways and open my mouth.
"It's not an apple."
"I know. Amane is such a nasty imitator."
Having finished arranging my work with my failures, I sit back in my seat.
Compare them side by side and you'll know better. Melmie's sculpture has not left the realm of imitation. Even with technology, I don't have enough experience and flavor.
So only flavorless, dry failures like loose shells are mass-produced.
"I lost track of my flavor and got lost, but Melmie doesn't have my flavor in the first place, does she?
It was silence that returned.
Continue ignoring Melmie, who comes with somewhat protesting eyes.
"Melmie has imitated the skills of the store managers, but they haven't imitated them fully. That's why I haven't tried to get my skills. Didn't I?"
"You say it like you've seen it"
"I've seen it. He thinks we've been working together for years."
In retrospect, Melmie turned that way stuck in words.
"No dictation. Vaka."
"In conclusion, I can't imitate the manager any more where Melmie has worked so hard."
"That's my arm..."
"It's not about Melmie's arm."
Hit the lead and deny it.
"Melmie, whatever the experience is, she's got the skills right. The reason I can't imitate any more is because from here on out, it's not due to technology, it's due to the store manager's taste, his personality. Melmie is Melmie wherever she goes, and the manager is the manager."
"I'm not a child enough to be fooled with such clear comfort. If you line it up, you'll know it's technically inferior."
"Really? Maybe you don't know because I'm not an artisan, but I don't care what you think of this failure, it just seems like a result of a breakdown."
The original Mermie could do better. I'm sure of that because, like I said, we've been working together.
Melmie's work has no personality. However, there are techniques that can be called solid stones that continue to mimic.
"The manager probably wants Mermie to be a jewel with a sparkle of personality while she's still a stone."
After I said it, I realized it was too distracting a dialogue and I wanted to get acquainted. I want to hit around. I want to hit around for real.
Knowing how I felt or not, Melmie was staring at blurry failures.
"I'm not so sure."
That's right.
Still, what you're saying is simple.
"I mean what I'm up to. I'm talking about thinking about what attracts craftsmen."
"What charms you, huh? I wonder if I can think about that already. I still feel like I can't do anything."
Suddenly, no one will be able to get rid of me and tell me to do everything I can to make it look good.
"Sleep one night and think about it."
"Hmm. Hey, Amane, go to sleep"
"Why does that happen?"
"Then I'll sleep here"
Melmie fell asleep before stopping to say summer would just catch a cold.
If you notice the side of Melmie placed on my lap red to my ear, you can't even go down.
When I looked at the red face, it lit up to this point, so I pretended to stroke my hair and hid Melmie's side.
"... I'll wake you up when the sun rises"
"Amane looks great"
"Shut up. Go to sleep"
Off my gaze from Melmie, who giggles, I looked up at the starry sky.
At noon the following day, Melmie went to work without asking the manager to stick out the prototype wooden board and say whether or not it was there.
Because of this, the manager scratches his head when he sees the wooden board Melmie gave him with a strong attitude that he finds that he is completely unwilling to listen to the manager.
"I didn't know I could have sculptures with this colourful finish overnight...... Amane, lend me some face."
"No, I didn't..."
"Lend me your face."
Why, dude!
"Melmie, you're laughing. Somebody help me, hey!
The manager grabs me by the root, and I'm dragged out of a shared warehouse that's turning into a workplace.
The plate of prototype held by the manager with his other hand was gently stroked by an annual wheel with a gentle texture of arrow feathers reminiscent of the wind muscle.
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