After a few bumps, the driver who was guarding the door of the car couldn't stand still and stumbled out.

There were not many people in the car anymore.

Xia Xi glanced at Lin Mi, picked up Su Ran who was dazed after hitting the roof of the car, and stepped out in a few steps.

Lin Mi saw this and wanted to leave.

"help me…"

The voice came from behind, and Lin Mi looked back. The attack and the bumps had destroyed the chair.

A classmate's legs were stuck.

Lin Mi rushed forward in a few steps. Without further ado, he took out Zhuoyou knife and cut the chair into several pieces.

"Is everything okay?"

"'s okay, thank you, Lin Mi"

"Hurry up and jump out of the car, the speed is getting faster and faster!"

Lin Mi was a little anxious. It was all downhill and the car couldn't stop at all. The current speed was already over 40 kilometers per hour.

If you go too fast, you will be seriously injured even if you jump out.

The classmate didn't dare to delay, so he rushed towards the car door and jumped out.

Lin Mi looked back and saw that there were no students left, so he immediately jumped out of the car.

However, at this time, the school bus seemed to hit a raised rock. The front of the bus lifted up instantly, and then rolled over after landing.

Lin Mi was suddenly hit with stars in his eyes.

Gritting his teeth, the blade of the blade ignited a scorching pale fire. Lin Mi grabbed the chain of the Zhuoyou Blade and swung it hard.

With great force, Zhuoyou suddenly threw out a full moon, and the school bus was instantly cut in half and separated from the middle.

Lin Mi jumped out of it, rolled several times on the ground, hit a tree and stopped.

After getting up and patting his dizzy head, Lin Mi looked towards the direction where the school bus was rolling.

At the end of the forest is a flat rocky land, and behind the rocky land is a deep ditch.

Lin Mi watched helplessly as the school bus, broken in half, rolled over the rocky ground and fell into a deep ditch.

It took several seconds before the roar of landing was heard.

"At this height...if you fall, you'll probably turn into paste..."

Lin Mijie patted his chest for the rest of his life, and then looked confused: "What on earth happened..."

At this time, the school motorcade had completely stopped.

Tang Wenjing held a long whip and whipped it with anger to kill a scaly pig that crawled out of a pit in the middle of the road.

"Where are the people from the Demon Suppression Department? Why did the star demon appear here?! And it attacked my students!"

The people from the Demon Suppression Department broke into a cold sweat when they heard this: "This star demon is very good at hiding. It is difficult for the compass to detect it after it is hidden. We did not expect that it would ambush here and bring so many strange beasts with it..."

Just now, in front of the school bus where Lin Mi was sitting, a huge boulder star monster suddenly crawled out and pushed up the school bus, causing it to lose control and rush downhill.

Then this pit appeared, and alien beasts kept pouring out. Because the star demon had dragged in so many alien beasts, and there were so many students here, Tang Wenjing and other teachers had no choice but to stay.

The star demon only appeared for a moment and then disappeared again...

Tang Wenjing's brows knitted together: "You have to get the students out of that car quickly! If I'm not mistaken, Lin Mi and Xia Xi are both in that car!"

The people from the Demon Suppression Department nodded quickly when they heard this: "I have already reported it to Chief Zhao Fang. The star demon is probably heading towards these two people..."

"Why don't you hurry up? Kill all the strange beasts here and go help!"


Tang Wenjing whipped another bone-chilling sheep to death while praying in her heart: "Xiao Lin, nothing will happen to you... I will come to you right away..."

At this time, Lin Mi looked around, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head: "Where is this special meow?"

The school bus rushed on the hillside for a while, and he rolled for a long distance. He didn't know how far it was from the safety zone to Qingyu City.

"We can only go back along the traces left by the collision of the school bus..." Lin Mi breathed out.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun would set in a while.

"I guess I won't be able to leave today..." The visibility at night is not good. Once Lin Mi gets lost, it will be difficult to find the way back.

He took out his cell phone and saw that there was no signal, and his $9.9 film was broken.

Gu Gu…

My stomach is ringing.

"Forget it, let's have a night's rest first, and just think of adapting to life in the wild in advance..."

After finding a relatively flat place, Lin Mi took out Zhuoyou and cut some branches as thick as his fist with a few slashes.

After pulling some vines and building it, a hay shed covering an area of ​​12 square meters was ready.

Cover the top with thick branches and leaves, and cover the other three sides as well, and you have a simple three-sided grass shed.

"Okay, let's just use it..."

Lin Mi looked at his work and was quite satisfied. After all, time is limited now, so it is already good to be able to do this.

A few minutes later, Lin Mi nestled in the grass, waiting for his prey to appear.

His bait was a few potato chips that had fallen into his clothes...

This is still a safe zone. To be precise, a certain area around Qingyu City is a safe zone, and people from the Demon Suppression Department will patrol it regularly.

The place where Lin Mi and others take special training classes only occupies a part of it.

Most of the people living in this area are ordinary animals, but occasionally strange animals will come to the outer periphery...

For example now...

After a period of waiting, a poison-tailed deer appeared. Under its cute appearance, it actually had a highly poisonous tail.

The tail looks like a scorpion's tail. I don't know if the scorpion cheated on me or the sika deer split its legs.

While it was chewing potato chips, its long poisonous tail was still raised high, always on guard.

Lin Mi grinned, squatted down, and the scarlet long knife quietly fell into his hand.

With a fierce exertion, Lin Mi instantly approached the Scorpion-tailed Deer at an extremely fast speed.

The poison-tailed deer had just reacted and was about to drop its poisonous tail sting, but it was already too late.

Lin Mi glanced at the poison-tailed deer indifferently, then dropped the long knife and beheaded it directly.

Bright red deer blood spurted out, and the poison-tailed deer shook twice, then fell to the ground, and its tail drooped.

But Lin Mi didn't step forward immediately.

"The poison-tailed deer will also attack with its tail sting after death. Sister Tang taught me..."

Lin Mi chuckled, he took notes!

"Eh? Where are my notes?" Lin Mi touched his body and patted his forehead.

"Damn, the backpack has been thrown out. Where did the notes come from? Forget it, let's deal with the things in front of us first..."

Zhuo You's blade ignited fire, and Lin Mi cut off the tail with a horizontal slash.

Nan Mingli's fire surged up and instantly burned it and the poison-tailed deer's head to ashes.

"Spiritual power +40 Hertz, progress bar +0.04%"

Lin Mi curled his lips: "Only four alien rats? Little deer, you're not doing well either~"

After the blood was drained, Lin Mi raised his hand and was picked up by Lu Shen and walked back to his camp.

Except for the poisonous tail, the other parts of the poison-tailed deer are not poisonous and can be eaten normally.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and Lin Mi couldn't walk too far.

After returning to the camp, Lin Mi found some dead branches, rubbed them with his little hands, and lit a fire.

After taking off two large deer legs, they were placed on the fire and roasted slowly.

"I don't know what happened to the others..."

Sitting on a moved stone, Lin Mi thought with his face raised.

He was the last one to leave the school bus, so he was the farthest away from the convoy. If people were sent to search, Renshan and the others should be found soon.

As long as they don't run around.

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