Why Don't You Let Me Burn It?

Chapter 37 Survival In The Woods

"Lin Mi, can't you be gentler?"

Huang Meng rubbed his butt and got up from the ground.

The position was not very good when it landed just now. After rolling twice, it hit the trunk of a tree and almost blossomed.

"Where is this?" Huang Meng looked around and asked the same question as Lin Mi.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Huang Meng couldn't care less.

She planned to walk up the trail left by the school bus. This was the only route. There must be someone else besides her, and she might be able to meet her.

After a casual glance, Huang Meng suddenly saw a familiar thing hanging on a tree not far from her.

Walked over and took it off.

"Isn't this Lin Mi's bag? Why is it here? Is he also nearby?"

Thinking like this, Huang Meng shouted to Lin Mi several times, but unfortunately no one responded to her.

"This guy is really good at throwing things."

Both of them were familiar with each other, and Huang Meng was not polite and opened Lin Mi's backpack directly. She knew that Lin Mi had packed a lot of snacks, and she hadn't had dinner yet.

She probably wouldn't be able to reach the school convoy before the sun went down, so she might have to be prepared to sleep outdoors.

"Braised pig's trotters...yam slices...dried tea? Lin Mi brought quite a lot to eat..." Huang Meng complained.

Suddenly I touched something hard again.

When I took it out, I saw it was Lin Mi's family photo frame.

"Isn't this the only one in his house? Fortunately, I picked it up!" Huang Meng could already imagine how Lin Mi would cry on the ground when he found that his backpack was missing after returning to the city.

When the time comes, she will come down with justice and save a downtrodden soul.

"I'm such a kind monitor!" Huang Meng raised the corner of his mouth, tossed his backpack, and put it on his back.

After walking a few steps, it was getting dark faster and faster. Huang Meng did not dare to move forward at night.

According to the knowledge taught by Tang Wenjing, we found a flat area and simply built a straw shed.

"Fortunately, Lin Mi has a lighter in his backpack, otherwise it would be troublesome for me to make a fire by myself..."

The windproof and waterproof lighter that Lin Mi randomly packed in his bag inadvertently helped Huang Meng.

After lighting the fire, Huang Meng sat in front of the hut, holding the photo frame and looking at the fire in a daze.

The moon had risen, and vaguely, she seemed to hear a subtle cry. Someone was coming to find them?

Feeling happy, Huang Meng stood up and shouted immediately.

And yet… boom!

The big tree behind her fell to the ground, destroying her hut. A foul smell rushed into her nose, and the corroding sound fell in her ears.

His body stiffened, and Huang Meng's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"You won't... carry it like this..."

Slowly turning his head, Huang Meng met a pair of pale green eyes.

In the dark night, through the moonlight, Huang Meng could see the huge body that looked like a boulder.

And the other party's dripping saliva fell on the ground and corroded a patch of grass...

Taking in a breath of cold air, Huang Meng's heart stopped for half a beat, then turned around and ran away.

boom! boom!

Trees fell down one after another, and Huang Meng's extreme fear made Huang Meng open his mouth but unable to speak.

They can only continue to gather jellyfish bombs and throw them back, trying to delay the opponent.

But the opponent completely ignored Huang Meng's jellyfish bomb, and it was extremely fast. In an instant, it landed behind Huang Meng, opening its bloody mouth.

A sense of death crisis instantly penetrated Huang Meng's brain.

There was a hint of despair in her eyes, as if she couldn't run away.

Lin Mi sniffed and sniffed: "It smells good..."

Although there is no seasoning, it is simply roasted venison leg, but it is delicious enough.

He also added some juice squeezed from the picked fruits. Of course, it is not poisonous.

"The meat of alien beasts is just different..." Lin Mi took a deer leg from the fire, opened his mouth and started to chew it.

He had eaten half a bag of potato chips in the afternoon and was already very hungry.

After one big bite, one-third of the deer leg was missing.

While eating, I ate the wild fruits I picked.

He didn't see a river nearby, so he could only use this thing to quench his thirst.

While eating, a flash of light suddenly lit up in the sky, followed by a roar.

Lin Mi raised his head and glanced: "Is it going to rain again?"

After getting up and moving the fire under the hay shed and cutting a bunch of branches, Lin Mi sat back down and gnawed on the deer leg.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, even the moonlight was gone, and the big raindrops fell with a loud crash.

The dots and lines are connected, and they crackle on the leaves.

"It's quite novel to eat deer legs in this environment..." Lin Mi thought as he ate.

Suddenly, his ears moved, and there seemed to be some noise in the grass on the right side of the shed...

"Is it a strange beast? Or something else?" Lin Mi muttered in his mind, staring at the patch of grass intently.

A hand stretched out from the middle of the grass and pulled it away, revealing a familiar face.

"Xia Xi?"

"Lin Mi?"

Xia Xi's eyes lit up slightly and she stood there.

Lin Mi was also stunned for a moment, but soon he called Xia Xi to come to the shed. After all, it was still raining outside.

Xia Xi heard Lin Mi's invitation and walked straight in.

At this time, Xia Xi was wearing a white raincoat, with two leaves on the hood, and the dark blue hair on her forehead was soaked in some rainwater.

Lin Mi looked around and saw that there was nothing else in the hut except a stone and a fire.

"There doesn't seem to be a place to sit. Wait, I'll go out and cut one."

Xia Xi shook her head when she heard this and smiled slightly: "No need, I have..."

"You have?"

Nodding, the silver moon behind her suddenly condensed. Xia Xi leaned back and actually sat on it.

Lin Mi walked over and looked around with a surprised look on his face. He poked Yinyue, but he went straight through.

"Can this thing really sit on it?"

Lin Mi sat down and ate the deer leg, feeling a little suspicious.

I even want to say: Girl, it’s just us two, no one will see us if we pretend...

Xia Xi said matter-of-factly: "True and false, false and true, for the owner of the illusion, why can't the illusion be real?"

"So, you condensed this with your spiritual energy?"

"The illusion of a high realm is to confuse the fake with the real, or even become real. Although I can't reach that point yet, but at this level, it is still possible..."

"Using the moon as a chair is awesome..." Lin Mi praised without hesitation.

This is not a skill that ordinary people can come into contact with in high school...

Xia Xi pursed her lips after hearing this: "It feels a little strange for a high school student in the Yunhun Realm to say these words..."

Lin Mi laughed: "We are each other~"

"This gap is huge..." Xia Xi warned in a low voice.

After the topic was settled, Lin Mi took the other deer leg off the fire, cut it into slices, placed it on the leaves and handed it to Xia Xi.

"The conditions are limited, let's make do~" Lin Mi could see that Xia Xi was also hungry.

Xia Xi wanted to refuse, but Lin Mi blocked her mouth with the reason of returning the piece of chocolate. Plus...this venison is really delicious!

"Speaking of which... Xia Xi, how did you find me here? The location where you jumped from the car is still some distance from here. Did you go in the wrong direction?"

"No..." Xia Xi shook her head: "I found this place because I saw the light of fire. As for why I walked this way..."

"First, this is an opportunity for experience, and second... we are in danger!"

Lin Mi suddenly raised his head, Xia Xi's face was full of seriousness.

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