There is strength in numbers. After everyone's efforts, the fire was extinguished and the sacrificed villagers were buried. After a short rest, the survivors started a bonfire party. The gunman looked at the graves in front of him on the hillside and tears flowed from his eyes. They were his students. When he came back from the sea, the pirates had already burned, killed and looted in the village, and he failed to save these children in time.

Ace came behind him and comforted him: "The dead cannot be resurrected, please accept my condolences. My name is Ace, and I am also a pirate."

The gunman did not look back and whispered, "Thank you Ace, you are different from those pirates. If you hadn't come, I might have gone with them. My name is Mihael. There is nothing worth remembering on this island. If you don't mind, I will join your fleet."

Ace said: "Hahaha, it would be great if you could join. Your shooting skills are amazing."

Mihael replied: "My father took me hunting when I was a child, so I know a little bit."

Ace said: "Don't be modest, let's go and have something to eat together. We will set off to the next island tomorrow."

Mihael nodded and followed Ace back to the village. At this time, everyone had just gotten rid of their sadness and were singing and drinking.

Ace brought Michal to sit next to Deuce and said to Deuce, "Deuce, this is Michal, the new sniper who joined the pirate group. The first gunshot in this village was him fighting the enemy."

Then he said to Michal, "Michal, this is Deuce, the ship's doctor on our ship. If you are sick, just go to him."

Deuce said to Michal, "Michal, welcome to join us."

Michal smiled and said, "Thank you."

At this moment, a man with a skull mask and a small cannon on his shoulder came to Ace's side. Because he had no ill intentions, Ace and others did not notice it until the other party walked to the side.

Yes Fang said apologetically: "Sorry to bother you. My name is Skarl. I am a fan of collecting pirate information and skull peripherals. I am also a psychic rubbing fruit. Because I am too obsessed with pirates, I sneak into various pirate ships every time. If I am found and there is no killing intention towards me, I will disguise myself as a chores staff, and then I will sneak away when the ship arrives at the next port. If there is killing intention, I will use the fruit ability to escape."

Ai Ye thought: "Rubbing fruit, I haven't heard of this fruit when I watched the drama before, and I haven't paid attention to the members of Ace. Forget it, I will take it one step at a time. Since it has become There are more crew members. Should I get those fruits? The combat power of Ace's crew will be improved, and it can also change the fate. Let me think about it. The Lightning Fruit, the Dark Dark Fruit, and the artificial fruit of Double Punk, the Mythical Beast Species, the Fish-Fish Fruit, the Pink Dragon Form, etc. I want to play with this timeline carefully. "

Thinking about it, I said to Ace: "Ace, ask what effect this rubbing fruit has."

After hearing this, Ace asked; "I am Ace, the flame man who ate the Flame-Flame Fruit. What is your rubbing fruit? It looks very powerful."

Skarl said: "I know all your information, and I feel that you are a good person, so I came Join your pirate group to fulfill my dream of collecting pirate peripherals. As for the ability of the rubbing fruit, it can use anyone's skills, but there is a prerequisite that you must have the other person's hair. In addition, the stronger the ability, the more physical strength is wasted. With my current ability, I can only use your full-strength attack once, and then I will be out of business for a few days."

After hearing this, Ace's eyes lit up: "Great, come and take my hair, you will be our crew member in the future. If you like to collect, then be our intelligence officer. This is Deus and Mihal, let's have fun together."

Skarl joined the banquet, and everyone toasted happily.

Ai Ye said to Ace: "Ace, you should train hard, your current strength is too weak. Take you for example, you are at most a lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters, and you still rely on your fruit ability. Some lieutenants are talented and have more strength than you if they learn Haki. Above the lieutenant level is the Colonel level (Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major) and the General level (Admiral, Lieutenant General, Major General). You still have a long way to go, and my Haki plan has to be advanced. I will tell you after you change the ship and set off tomorrow. I will sort it out and prepare for the devil training."

Ace laughed and said: "Hahaha, you will become stronger when facing a strong opponent. My crew members are not weak. I believe in them."

"Come on, let's have a drink together."

After drinking, Scar and Mihael came to Deus and asked quietly

"Deus, what's wrong with our captain? It seems that there is something he said that is not to me."

"That's right, why do I feel a little chill on my back, I have a bad feeling. "

Deus replied: "It's okay, this is the captain's minor problem, you'll get used to it, you'll get used to it, go to bed early after eating, and prepare to sail tomorrow, hahahaha"

Having said that, Deus still feels a little panicked every time this happens, and this time it's even more serious as if something important is going to happen.

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