The battle came and went quickly. Except for the crew members who were forced to board the ship, all the people on the Teddy Pirate Ship left the Teddy Pirate Ship. Soon, Deuce rowed the Striker close to the Teddy Black Pirate Ship and completed the landing.

Why rowed? Because this pirate ship is powered by Ace's ability, the flame turbine, so without Ace, it can only be rowed by hand.

Ace saw that Deuce had arrived and said to the errand boys: "Hurry up and bring out the food and drinks, we're going to have a party."

Then he said to Deuce: "Deuce, how about using this pirate ship as our big ship?"

Deuce said: "This ship is too big. There are only two of us in our pirate group now, so it's a bit troublesome to operate. We definitely can't take the errand boys. We'll sell it when we get to the next island and change to a smaller ship, and let the errand boys go."

Ace thought for a while and said: "That's right, just do as you say."

While chatting, all the errand boys on the original Teddy pirate ship moved a lot of drinks and food to the deck. Ace saw it and immediately started eating. Not long after eating, he found that the atmosphere on the ship was not right. He immediately looked up and found that the errand boys around him were standing around and swallowing their saliva, and no one came forward to eat.

Seeing this, Ace immediately shouted: "You guys come and eat together, this is a banquet, let's have fun together."

The odd jobs crew heard this and immediately said excitedly: "Long live the new captain."

All the people on the ship joined the banquet, and someone started singing a ballad, and the banquet reached its climax.

"Yo-ho-ho Yo-ho-ho Yo-ho-ho Yo-ho-ho Yo-ho-ho Send Binks' wine to you..."

This banquet should be the happiest day for these odd jobs crew members. Since they were forced to board the ship, they have been living in fear, fearing that Captain Teddy would take it out on them one day if he was unhappy. It's better to get injured, but some people directly lose their lives.

At this time, one of the odd jobs crew members was eating and drinking while silently observing Ace's every move. Because the atmosphere of the banquet was good, no one noticed the abnormality of this person.

The night ended in a happy atmosphere. When Ace woke up, it was noon the next day. Although the odd jobs had attended the banquet yesterday, they still got up early to clean the ship out of habit due to years of oppression.

Ace came to the deck and saw such a clean environment. He was in a very good mood, and then went to the boat to fish. Deuce was born in a family of doctors. He took advantage of the time on the boat to give these odd jobs a free physical examination.

That night, they finally arrived at a small island. They saw flames in the distance and gunshots from time to time. Ace and Deuce immediately understood that there were pirates looting the village. As an official adventurer of the pirate group, they had to take care of such behavior.

Ace said to Deuce: "I'll go first, you take these people to put out the fire."

Deuce replied: "Okay, be careful yourself"

After that, Ace turned into a flame and flew towards the light.

At this time, a large number of villagers in the village had been killed or injured. Only a middle-aged man holding a musket used his agility to dodge left and right among the pirates. From the scars on his body, it can be seen that his physical strength is almost exhausted. Suddenly, the leader of the enemy pirate group saw the opportunity and chopped the gunman with a big knife. At this time, the gunman had just changed his position and his old strength had just been exhausted. If nothing unexpected happened, the gunman would die.

At this time, Ace appeared and took the blow, and beat the enemy back with a fire fist.

Ace was stunned for a moment when he saw that the other party could still move: "This person can actually take a fire fist"

Ai Ye jumped out: "This person is good, Ace, you see your fruit is not omnipotent, at least someone can take your blow and not die, otherwise you would think I was fooling you, you haven't exercised for two days, you can't stop exercising."

Ace touched his head and said: "I am combining work and rest, okay, I will continue to exercise tomorrow"

Just before the two spoke, the enemy pirate leader was running away with the help of his brothers.

While running away, he shouted: "How dare you ruin our good deeds? Do you dare to reveal your name?"

Ace replied: "Remember, my name is Ace, and I want to be the Pirate King."

"Ace, wait, I will tell the Lizard King what you did."

Ai Ye said: "Wow, you are still so fresh and refined when running away, Ace, give him a big fireball"

After hearing this, Ace immediately rolled a big fireball and threw it out.

Only a few loud shouts came from a distance, whether they can survive depends on their luck.

After dealing with the pirates, Deuce also came to the village and immediately led the staff to join the firefighting.

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