Sailing on the sea, in addition to the limited supplies such as water and food, there is another thing that is more difficult to bear, that is, the long sea route is very boring.

Apart from the excitement of sailing at the beginning, Ace and Deus felt bored. There was nothing but the sea here, and occasionally one or two birds would fly by.

At this time, the two were dozing off with their fishing rods. Due to their poor fishing skills, they had not caught a fish for a long time.

Ai Ye actually wanted to tell the two that there were no fish nearby, but Ace had said before that there should be some challenges and freshness, and the result turned out to be like this.

At this time, Ai Ye found a pirate ship that seemed to pass by them.

Ai Ye thought: "Forget it, don't tell Ace, let them remember it, pirates are a dangerous profession, always stay vigilant, and Ace's Flame-Flame Fruit will not encounter any characters that are dangerous to him at present."

A few miles away from them, a ship was sailing rapidly. They were chased by the navy because they robbed a small village on a small island and fled everywhere.

Captain Teddy: ‘Hahaha, the pursuit of the navy is not worth mentioning. With Captain Teddy here, everything is fine.’

Pirate A: “Captain Teddy is invincible”

Pirate B: “Long live Captain Teddy”

Pirate C: “Captain Teddy will unify the pirates for generations.”

Captain Teddy: “Hahaha, guys, go full speed to the next island, and have a three-day banquet. Everyone will eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks.”

Pirates: “Oh”

Captain Teddy, with a bounty of 2.5 million Baileys, was originally a rogue. After Roger opened the Age of Discovery, he also joined the ranks of pirates. Although he had a miserable start and was hated by the whole village, he ate one meal and went hungry three times. However, his life changed after he found a patterned fruit in the trash can that day. That’s right, it was the Devil Fruit Animal System·Dog-Dog Fruit·Teddy Form. Since he ate the fruit and felt the changes in his body, he became very bloodthirsty and slaughtered everyone in the village that day. The pirate group started its journey by gathering people. Because of his bloodthirstiness, the Navy offered a bounty of 2.5 million Baileys for Bloodthirsty Teddy for the first time.

Coincidentally, the route of Teddy's ship met with Ace's ship. If the lookout on Teddy's ship was lazy and didn't find Ace's boat, if Captain Teddy suddenly had the good intention not to order the cannon to be fired at Ace's boat. The following things might not have happened.

Lookout on Teddy's pirate ship: "Captain Teddy, a small boat was found 1,000 meters ahead and sideways, with two people on board."

Captain Teddy thought to himself, "Haha, it's their bad luck. I was just chased by the Navy all the way, and I'm so angry. It's just right to take it out on you."

Captain Teddy: "Little guys, pull up the sails and adjust the direction to get closer to the boat, and the gunners are in position to fire. "

The pirates got busy immediately after hearing the order. The helmsman adjusted the rudder, the crew pulled up the sail, and the gunner prepared ammunition and adjusted the muzzle.

After a few bangs, the shells burst out and headed towards Ace's boat. Due to the long distance, the accuracy of the shells was not satisfactory. The best shell splashed 50 meters away from Ace's boat and woke up Ace and the others.

Ace suddenly woke up and said, "Why is it raining?"

Ai Ye jumped out and said, "You are really careless. What is raining? Look at the left side. People are shooting at us."

Ace listened and looked to the left. A ship with a pirate flag was approaching them and shells were fired at them from time to time.

Ace said excitedly: "Finally, I can test my combat power. Hahaha, good, look at my fireball technique. "

Deuce interrupted: "Don't fire the fireballs, Ace, go and get rid of them all. Not to mention whether our ship can withstand the bombardment of their cannon balls, if their ship is intact, we can get a big ship, and the voyage can be more comfortable. "

It's decided to be you, go ahead, Ace. Close the door and let Ace go.

After hearing this, Ace immediately used his ability to fly over. Yes, Ace listened to some of Ai Ye's ideas and let the flames compress and spray out from his hands and feet to achieve the function of flying.

The lookout on Teddy's ship: "Captain, a ball of fire suddenly appeared on the other ship and was flying towards us."

Captain Teddy said seriously: "I'm not blind. Get ready for battle"

Just after he finished speaking, Ace had already arrived on Teddy's ship and began to look at the pirates who were surrounding him with guns.

Captain Teddy ordered: "I have the advantage of one hundred to one, open fire and shoot him into a hornet's nest. "

Bang, bang, bang, gunshots rang out all around, and Ace was shot with holes all over his body.

Captain Teddy laughed proudly: "Hahaha, you dare to show off on my ship."

Black Thief A trembled and said: "Ship, Captain, the holes on his body are on fire."

Captain Teddy was shocked and said: "What?"Although Ace was turned into a hornet's nest, he was a flame man who had eaten the natural flame-flame fruit. Bullets had no effect on him, unless they were seastone bullets.

At this time, the holes on his body had recovered.

Captain Teddy's eyes were bloodshot and he said angrily: "It seems that you have also eaten the devil fruit. I will use all my strength."

Captain Teddy's muscles swelled, claws appeared on his hands, and his face turned into a teddy dog ​​with sharp fangs. After saying that, he immediately rushed towards Ace. With a hoarse roar and claws, Ace became fragmented, and soon recovered as before. Until Captain Teddy was tired, Ace was not hurt at all.

Ace yawned helplessly: "That's it, you're done, it's my turn next. Fire Fist"

Captain Teddy was directly knocked out by a flaming fist and turned into a star.

Captain Teddy died, and his sinful life ended just like that.

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