The person who came was Ace who was strolling on Island No. 3. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. When the whip fell, Ace wanted to rush up, but was persuaded by Ai Ye.

Ai Ye: "Ace, don't be impulsive. If you want to get involved here, you will face the attack of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters. You have to think clearly."

Ace: "This guy with the fish tank is too bullying. It's okay to be ugly, but he is so arrogant. I must save that slave."

Ai Ye: "Listen carefully, time is limited. Remember that you must quickly go up and defeat those CP organization members in white clothes and then subdue the one with the fish tank helmet, and then let him open the bomb chain on the neck of the long-handed tribe. This is the key and must be fast. After you do these, if nothing unexpected happens, you will face the admiral. Remember to run directly and don't look back."

As soon as Ai Ye finished speaking, Peter II (Saint) picked up the golden pistol and prepared to shoot at the slave.

Bang, the gunshot rang out, and Ace immediately blocked the long-handed tribe with his razor and burned the bullet with flames.

After doing all this, he immediately rushed towards Peter (Saint) Tuoshai. The CP organization personnel next to Peter (Saint) immediately blocked Peter (Saint) Tuoshai when they saw that the other party actually took action. But he was too weak and was knocked out by Ace's punch.

Ace directly grabbed Peter (Saint) Tuoshai's neck and said, "Open the chain quickly, or I will kill you."

While speaking, he strengthened the strength in his hands. Peter (Saint) Tuoshai was constrained by this force and had difficulty breathing. Ace saw that Peter (Saint) Tuoshai was about to faint from lack of oxygen and immediately relaxed the strength in his hands.

Peter (Saint) Tuoshai waited for a chance to breathe and immediately took out the key to open the chain of the long-handed slave.

Seeing the chains open, the long-armed slave immediately thanked Ace: "Thank you."

Ace: "Now is not the time to talk. There is nowhere to go. Go to the whale at Port 44 and tell me my name is Ace."

After saying that, he immediately threw the Celestial Dragon Peter (Saint) in his hand to the side and prepared to escape with the long-armed tribe.

Just as the Celestial Dragon Peter (Saint) was about to fall to the ground, a flash of light caught Peter (Saint), and the light and shadow slowly gathered into a figure wearing a yellow suit and a navy cloak. He was the Navy Admiral Kizaru.

Just now, he was slacking off in Marin's crowded meeting room.

Sengoku: "The recent news from Morgause is very detrimental to the authority of our navy. What do you think?"

Kizaru said casually while trimming his nails: "It's terrible. Young people nowadays are so powerful."

Tsuru: "According to our internal information, the Spade Pirates went to Gekko Moria's ship and had a fight. It is said that it may have ended in a draw."

Akainu: "They are all a bunch of garbage. Let them fight each other."

Just as several people were communicating, an internal emergency telephone bug rang.

Bulu Bulu Bulu Gaga

Sengoku: "I'm Sengoku, what's up?"

Marine A: "Report to the Marshal, the Celestial Dragons on Island No. 3 of the Sabaody Archipelago are under attack by the Pirate Fire Fist Ace."

Sengoku: "What, Kizaru immediately go and rescue the Celestial Dragons"

Kizaru: "Hey, I'm asked to do this kind of hard work again."

After complaining, he immediately turned into light and flew to Island No. 3 of the Sabaody Archipelago. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to arrive just in time to catch up with the scene where Ace threw Peter the Chin (Saint) out, and immediately turned into light to save Peter the Chin (Saint).

Ai Ye: "Ace, run, don't look back."

Ace: "This is the admiral of the navy, run, I'll hold him back for a bit."

Peter II (Saint): "Uh uh uh, I was so scared, I thought I was going to die, you are a navy, catch them, I want to kill them."

Kizaru: "Oh my, this is really troublesome."

The long-armed slave has already run to Port 44.

Kizaru: "This guy is so scary, I wonder if you have ever been kicked at the speed of light."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into light and ran to the side of Ace and kicked Ace in the head.

"So fast" Ace was shocked by Kizaru's speed, and immediately raised his hand to protect himself with the armed color, but the huge force from his hand directly bounced Ace out and knocked down a house.

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