Ai Ye: "You can't fight him. Run quickly. If you get caught, you won't be able to escape. The other generals should be coming soon."

Ace: "It hurts so much. The generals are so strong. I'll give him a big one. This beating can't be in vain."

Ace condensed his fire power in the ruins and threw it towards Peter (Saint). Kizaru noticed the abnormal energy in the ruins and immediately turned into light to Peter (Saint) and took him out of the attack range.

"Divine Fire · Entei · Big Fire Pillar."

A beam of fire burst out from where Peter (Saint) stood. Fortunately, Peter (Saint) was taken away from the attack range by Kizaru in time, otherwise he would have been burned to ashes.

Peter (Saint) grabbed Kizaru in fear and gave Ace a chance to escape.

Peter (Saint) cried with a runny nose: "It's terrible, take me back to the holy land of Marijoa."

Kizaru: "Oh, oh, it's really annoying."

Ace took this opportunity to turn into flames and escape from Island No. 3. On the way, he took the long-handed slaves who didn't run far to Lab 44. It happened that the other members had finished shopping, so they immediately asked Lab to take them to Fishman Island.

Soon Akainu arrived at Island No. 3. When he didn't see the enemy, he immediately said.

Akainu: "You didn't even keep a single person. It seems that you have been lazy recently."

Kizaru: "Oh, isn't my mission to protect Peter (Saint)? It's fine. I'm going to send him back. Please do as you please."

Akainu: "Hmph"

Peter (Saint) finally returned to his residence in the holy land of Marijoa.

Second Peter (Saint): "It's too scary outside. I don't want to go out again. I'll kill anyone who tells me to go out. Woohoo."

Several people briefly introduced themselves inside Laboo. The long-armed slave was called Yanliu. His ambition was to become the best boxer in the world. He traveled to various countries to challenge other boxers. On one of his trips, he was spotted by human traffickers and knocked unconscious. He was captured and auctioned in the Sabaody Islands. Fortunately, he met Ace and rescued him. Otherwise, he would have a miserable life in the hands of the Celestial Dragons. After Yanliu told his past, he asked to join the Spade Pirates to repay Ace's life-saving grace and go on adventures and grow with them. Ace agreed.

As Laboo slowly dived to the bottom of the sea, Ace and others came to Laboo's viewing window to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the seabed. A mysterious and beautiful scene appeared before their eyes. The sunlight penetrated the sea water, forming golden beams of light, illuminating everything around. You can see corals of various colors, and they have different shapes. Some look like branches, some look like antlers, and some look like brains. Various kinds of fish swim around the corals.

As Rab continued to dive, he saw more wonderful sights. Some special deep-sea fish have unique luminous organs that can emit a faint light to illuminate the environment around them. You can also see some giant creatures that swim freely on the seabed, as if showing you their strength and elegance.

As Rab continued to dive to the depths of the seabed, he could see some submarine volcanoes and hot springs. The seawater temperature around them was so high that it could even cook eggs. You can also see some submarine caves and canyons, which are deep and mysterious, as if they hide countless secrets. Deep in the seabed, you can feel an unprecedented tranquility and loneliness, as if you are the only one left in the world.

At a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea, there is a mysterious and dark world. There is no sunlight here, the water pressure is huge, the temperature is extremely low, and the existence of life is completely different from the world we are familiar with.

In this deep sea, you will see some strange creatures whose body structures and physiological functions have adapted to extreme environments. Some creatures emit a faint light, like stars in the night sky, adding a touch of mystery to this dark world.

The terrain of the seabed is also very strange, with steep cliffs, deep trenches, vast plains and undulating mountains. These terrains form a complex and spectacular underwater landscape, which makes people marvel at the wonders of nature.

Rab continued to swim forward for a distance and saw a strange current on the seabed.

Wallace: "Follow this current and you can enter the waters of Fishman Island."

Rab entered the current directly. With the help of the current, Rab's speed increased a lot. Soon a huge hole with white light appeared in front of everyone.

This is the tree hole on the root of the Yarqiman mangrove (Yangshu Eve). Passing through this tree hole will enter the waters of Fishman Island.

After Rab entered the tree hole, everyone saw that this sea area was covered with deep blue and the sea water was clear and transparent., like a huge sapphire. The sun shines through the sea, casting golden light, illuminating the underwater world, which is completely different from the dark environment just now.

The underwater terrain of the Fishman Island waters is rich and diverse, with steep trenches, vast submarine plains and mysterious submarine caves. Various strange marine creatures live in the trenches, and they flash mysterious light in the dark. Colorful corals and seaweed grow on the submarine plains, forming a colorful underwater garden.

In this sea area, you can also see various fishmen. Some of them have beautiful fish tails, and some have strange fins. The fishmen swim freely in the sea water and live in harmony with marine life.

According to the guidance of Vores, Lab directly passed through a huge bubble and entered Vores' home-Fishman Island. After entering Fishman Island, Ace and others came to Lab's back. It was magical here. Although it was under the sea, there was air and sun here. Vores took a few people to avoid the bustling streets, lively markets and mysterious palaces in the city. We came to the special place of Fishman Island, Fishman Street.

The fishmen and mermaids on Fishman Island live separately. Fishman Street is the area where the fishmen live. The environment here is relatively chaotic. Wallace was born here. The original leader of Fishman Street was Fisher Tiger. Later, he was betrayed and sacrificed because he climbed the Red Earth Continent to get many slaves. Now Fishman Street is taken care of by Sea Knight Jinbei.

After Ace and the others got off Lab and followed Wallace to Fishman Street, they felt that the fishmen here looked at them unfriendly, so they asked curiously: "Wallace, why do they look at us unfriendly?"

Wallace: "Sorry, Ace, I forgot to say that because it is quite chaotic here, fishmen and mermaids are very valuable items in the eyes of merchants outside, which leads to many pirates and human traffickers coming to Fishman Island to poach. Although the Four Emperors Whitebeard planted the pirate flag on Fishman Island a few years ago to reduce many poachers, there will still be crazy poachers coming to Fishman Island to capture fishmen for profit. This is why they look at humans unfriendly."

Ace: "Oh, so that's it, I understand."

At this time, King Neptune in the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island has received information that someone has entered Fishman Island to Fishman Street.

Shark Star (Neptune's eldest son, a large shark mermaid): "Father, I will take the patrol team there immediately."

Sea Knight Jinbei (Shark Fishman): "Sir Neptune, I am leaving too. They are going to the Fishman Street that I am responsible for. I have to go to the scene to maintain order."

Neptune: "Okay, Sir Jinbei, you go, Shark Star, you also take the patrol team to see and assist Jinbei."

Shark Star: "Yes"

Jinbei rushed back to Fishman Street first, stopped in front of Ace and others, and asked: "I am Jinbei, I don't know why you came to the Fishman Street that I am responsible for."

Ace: "Hello, I am Ace, the captain of the Spade Pirates, and this time I am taking Wallace home."

At this time, the Scorpion Fishman Wallace came out and said: "Boss Jinbei, Ace is a good man. He saved me from the bad guys and took me back Here."

Jinbei: "Thank you for bringing Wallace home, but you are not very welcome here. I hope you can leave. If you insist on staying here, you must beat me."

Ai Ye: "Ace promised him to fight him. In this world where strength is respected, you need to show your strength. There is also a fishman coffee shop in this fishman street that you must go to. It will be good for you."

Ace: "Okay, I just want to test my strength."

Jinbei: "Since you want to test my strength, let's go to an open area to fight."

Ai Ye: "Ace, be careful. This fishman is good at fishman karate and can use water to improve his strength. He is a little restrained against your flames."

Ace: "Received, I will be careful."

The two came to a more open place outside and stood opposite each other.

Ace: "Be careful, I'm going to attack. I am a flame man who ate the Flame-Flame Fruit, fireball."

A fireball shot at Jinbei, and Jinbei immediately retaliated tentatively.

Jinbei: "Gun Wave"

A long-range water wave with the power of a cannonball was fired, directly hitting the fireball fired by Ace. The two collided and exploded, forming steam that spread out.

After the test, the two began to attack formally. Jinbei directly approached and used the straight punch to generate a 360° shock wave. Blocking Ace's retreat.

Jinbei: "Karagusa Wa Straight Fist."

Ace: "Resist Fireball."

Ace used the power of the fruit to form a huge fireball around himself and engulfed himself.They surrounded themselves, and exploded to counteract the ability released by Jinbei, and the shock wave blew Jinbei back dozens of meters.

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