Onlookers - Fishman side

Fishman A: "That angry guy is quite powerful. He can evenly fight with Boss Jinbei."

Fishman B: "Why does it feel like Boss Jinbei can't beat him?"

Fishman C: "You are actually encouraging others, traitor."

Fishman B felt wronged: "I just saw that Boss Jinbei fought slowly. The opponent is quite strong."

Fishman C: "You also said that Boss Jinbei is the most powerful. He is my idol. If you say that again, I will beat you."

Fishman B: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Onlookers - Ace side

Michal: "This Sea Knight Jinbei is really strong. He has no fruit ability but can suppress Ace."

Skarl : "Yes, indeed. I saw in the newspaper that Jinbei has become a Shichibukai. Those who can become Shichibukai are all powerful."

Kodaz: "Karuchu, Ace is the most powerful. Ace will definitely win."

Vorres: "I'm sorry, everyone. I was sent home and forced to fight. In fact, Boss Jinbei is a very good person. He cares about the people below. He wants to protect everything."

Deus: "It's okay, Volres. It's not your fault. I see Ace is very happy to fight. He likes this battle very much. Don't feel bad. We don't care."

Jinbei saw that the range attack could not cause any damage to Ace, so he immediately changed his strategy and switched to the fighting mode.

Jinbei: "Five thousand tiles straight punch"

Jinbei used a fist that was powerful enough to split five thousand tiles to hit Ace directly to break his defense. Ace saw that his attack was a bit sharp and did not dare to take it head-on, so he jumped up to avoid Jinbei's frontal attack. Seeing Ace flying up, Jinbei immediately followed suit and used the powerful force of his feet to jump up into the air. At the same time, he used all his strength to use a strong straight punch in the air to hit Ace in the air.

Jinbei: "Samehada Palm, Samewa Straight Punch"

Ace still lacks combat experience. Although he has experienced several battles, his combat experience is not comparable to Jinbei's. When he jumped up, he didn't expect that the blue fat man's reaction was so fast. He didn't make any preparations for the next step. When Jinbei swung the straight punch, he only had time to cross his hands in front of his body to cover the armed color to strengthen the defense and resist the damage. However, the impact force in the air could not be offset in time. After flying back for a distance, Ace immediately used his ability to release the counter-impact force and stood back to the ground steadily.

Seeing that the straight punch had a good effect, Jinbei immediately condensed a ball of water in his hand and divided it into countless water droplets. He used his luck to hit the water droplets in his hand towards Ace.

Jinbei: "Water Hit"

Ace saw water droplets coming towards him, and immediately used the power of the devil fruit to hit back countless small fireballs to offset the damage of the water droplets.

Ace: "Continuous small fireballs."

The small fireballs and small water droplets hit each other crazily, and a thick fog formed at the junction of the two sides, blocking the vision between the two.

Jinbei is worthy of being a veteran who has experienced many battles.

Jinbei: "Seven Thousand Tiles Roundhouse Kick"

Jinbei seized the moment when his vision disappeared and attacked Ace from the air with a roundhouse kick powerful enough to split seven thousand tiles.

Ace was still firing small fireballs. The area where the two sides' firepower met was filled with water vapor and the screen could not be seen. Suddenly, a blue fat man appeared inside and turned into a blue gyroscope and kicked him. He immediately covered his palms with armed color and held the bottom of the blue gyroscope. Fierce sparks appeared at the junction of the two sides. Ace immediately used the advantage of the natural fruit to suddenly burst out a large amount of flames to blast the blue gyroscope back a little. Ace, who turned into flames, took advantage of the gap to retreat. When Jinbei saw Ace retreating, the gyroscope immediately condensed water energy into several water columns before it landed. At the moment of landing, it used the kinetic energy of rotation to hit the water columns towards Ace.

Jinbei: "Gun Wave·Rain of Rain"

Ace saw that Jinbei's battle transformation was so smooth. As soon as one attack ended, another one followed. When the water column was about to approach Ace, Ace immediately stopped retreating and used the mechanics of the fruit of evil fruit to rush towards Jinbei using the attack method of Jinbei's blue gyro before. The impact caused by Ace's strong thrust caused the ground to crack.

Ace turned into a flame gyro and rushed towards Jinbei.

Ace: "Fire Skill·Fire Tornado"

Jinbei: "Plum Blossom Skin"

Jinbei put his arms in a special posture and combined with Armament Haki to defend, blocking Ace's impact and slowly dissipating the power of rotation, sparks flying.

When Ace's rotation power weakened, Jinbei immediately grabbed Ace's ankles with his hands covered with Armament Haki and used a strong grip to drag and pull Ace to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust on the ground.

Jinbei: "Rough Same"

Ace was caught by Jinbei and thrown to the ground without even noticing. Before he could catch his breath, he felt a chill on his back. He immediately turned into flames and attacked backwards, waiting forAfter leaving the attack range, it was Jinbei who used his hand knife to chop at the area where he was hit.

Jinbei: "Five Thousand Tiles Hand Knife"

Jinbei used a hand knife powerful enough to split five thousand tiles to attack Ace who had just been hit to the ground by him, wanting to deal a combo of damage, but unexpectedly Ace decisively turned into flames and retreated backwards, causing Jinbei's attack to hit the ground directly, causing a deep crack in the ground.

Ace was still in shock. If this attack hit his back of the neck, he would probably faint directly, and if it hit other parts, he might be seriously injured.

Before Ace could marvel for long, Jinbei's next attack, a huge water ball, arrived.

Jinbei: "Secret Skill: Murayukan"

Jinbei gathered a water ball in his palm and used a powerful impact on Ace, which was powerful enough to even pass water through the enemy's body. This power was enough to penetrate the body of the porgy fishman "Watatsumi" who was several times larger than a mountain.

Ace. "Divine Fire. Shiranui. Fire Tornado"

Ace formed a fire tornado with rising air currents in front of him, cutting the water ball shot by Jinbei into several pieces and transferring them with the rising flames.

Jinbei knew that this attack would definitely be resolved, and while the water ball was released, he rushed forward and passed through the fire tornado, with his right fist covered with armed color domineering, and attacked Ace's face at a short distance.

Jinbei: "Secret Technique. Oniwa Zhengquan"

His punches hit Ace's face like a storm. Ace immediately adapted to the rhythm of the battle, dodging the opponent's attacks with clever body movements, and looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Jinbei's punches became more and more fierce, and Ace began to feel a little tired, but he did not give up, but observed the opponent's movements more attentively, looking for flaws.

The two fought for five days and five nights, and both of them had a lot of physical strength. Finally, Ace found a flaw in Jinbei's attack, and he quickly punched and hit the opponent's vital point. Jinbei was hit in the vitals and couldn't dodge. His body trembled slightly and he took a few steps back, but he recovered quickly.

Jinbei realized that he couldn't underestimate the opponent anymore. Ace gradually adapted to his fighting rhythm. He began to attack more cautiously and strengthened his defense. The two of them fought back and forth, neither of them gave in, and the battle entered a white-hot stage.

In the fierce battle, as Ace adapted to the rhythm, Ace gradually gained the upper hand. His punches were more accurate and his strength was stronger. Jinbei began to be unable to resist.

In the end, Ace hit Jinbei's chest with a powerful fire punch. Jinbei was knocked out and fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

As the dust cleared, Jinbei climbed up.

Jinbei said: "Sir, you learn very quickly. From being beaten up due to lack of experience to now being able to beat me out."

Ace: "It feels like I have experienced a different kind of battle. It's so satisfying."

Jinbei: "You win. Let's go to Fishman Street for a drink."

Ace: "That's great. I'm starving."

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