Previously, the eldest prince Shark Star had brought the patrol team to come to Fishman Street with Jinbei to deal with Ace and others. As a result, Jinbei and Ace fought directly. The power of the two people's fight was too great, and he and the patrol team could not intervene. They maintained the order of the scene when the two fought. Now the battle is over and the matter is resolved. It is confirmed that Ace and others are not bad people. The eldest prince Shark Star took the guard team back to the palace to report to his father.

Jinbei brought Ace and others to the Mermaid Cafe in Fishman Street. The decoration of the store is very exquisite, with various marine elements, creating a unique underwater atmosphere.

The cafe has a spacious space and comfortable seats, allowing customers to enjoy coffee while enjoying the beautiful sea view. The lighting design in the store is also very sophisticated, with soft and warm lights, creating a romantic and comfortable atmosphere.

In the Mermaid Cafe, customers can taste a variety of delicious coffee and drinks, and also enjoy high-quality services. The waiters in the store are all beautiful female mermaids. They are warm and friendly, and the service is thoughtful, making people feel at home.

The Fishman Cafe also regularly holds various events, such as concerts and dance performances, to provide customers with more entertainment options.

Jinbei: "This is a luxurious cafe run by a mermaid named Mrs. Shirley, and it is very famous in this Fishman Street.

Speaking of Mrs. Shirley, her identity and background are quite special. She was abandoned by her father to Fishman Street when she was 3 years old, and lived with a fishman named Along. However, her attitude towards humans is the opposite of Along's. She does not reject humans, but shows a strong interest in humans. So don't worry, she won't dislike you.

When she grew up, Mrs. Shirley opened this mermaid cafe in Coral Hill and served as the store manager. The local residents respectfully called her "Mrs. Shirley".

By the way, Mrs. Shirley is also the most famous fortune teller on Fishman Island, and her prediction accuracy is as high as 100%. She predicted the coming of the Great Pirate Age when she was 4 years old, but not everyone can ask her for predictions , you can try to ask her for a prediction. "

Ace: "This Lady Shirley is so powerful, I'll try it when I have a chance."

Ace thought to himself: "I'd better not predict it. I killed Aaron before. I don't know if we'll have another fight if people find out. Forget it, I'd better not tell her. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to have another fight."

After Jinbei and Ace finished talking, they shouted to the bar: "Of course, the food and wine here are also delicious. Lady Shirley, give us some special dishes and more wine. I want to treat these little brothers to a drink."

Looking in the direction of Jinbei's shouting, a mermaid with short black hair and cold blue eyes, wearing a dark purple hooded top, smoking with a pipe, and wearing purple nail polish and red lipstick appeared in the eyes of Ace and others.

Mrs. Shirley responded: "Okay, the food will be here soon."

Jinbei, Ace and others ate and drank happily. After eating and drinking, Jinbei took Ace to the bar to say hello.

Jinbei: "Mrs. Shirley, this is Ace, my friend. He is a good person. Can you help him predict?"

Ace thought: "Don't agree. If something is calculated, it will be over. Devil fruits in the sea are scum. Don't agree, don't agree."

Mrs. Shirley: "Since Lord Jinbei has spoken, I will predict this little friend Ace."

Mrs. Shirley took everyone to a mysterious room dedicated to predictions. She gently placed the crystal ball on a black velvet cushion, and then lit a candle, filling the room with soft light.

Mrs. Shirley sat in front of the crystal ball, closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and calmed herself down. She began to concentrate and project her consciousness into the crystal ball.

Gradually, some blurred images appeared in the crystal ball. Mrs. Shirley carefully observed the images, trying to interpret what they represented. She saw some people, scenes and symbols, but the images were very blurry and difficult to recognize.

The prophet continued to concentrate, trying to make the images in the crystal ball clearer. He began to talk to the crystal ball, asking it about the future. The crystal ball seemed to understand his questions and began to show her some more specific images.

Mrs. Shirley saw a scene of a city, full of life and vitality. He saw people laughing, working and living, and everything seemed very beautiful. However, she also saw some shadows and signs of uneasiness, which seemed to indicate that there might be some challenges and difficulties in the future.

Mrs. Shirley continued to observe the images in the crystal ball, trying to learn more about the future. She saw some scenes of war and conflict,These scenes made her feel very worried. However, a vague scene flashed by, as if changing something.

After a while, Mrs. Shirley opened her eyes and ended the prophecy. She took a deep breath and then said slowly: "I saw you kill Arlong."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene changed immediately. Jinpei and others showed a defensive posture, and Ace's crew also became alert.

Ace: "I, I'm..."

Mrs. Shirley: "Okay, don't be nervous, I don't care about Ace killing Arlong. This is his fate. When he went out, I calculated that he would be killed, but it seemed to be a few years in advance, but the ending did not change."

Jinpei and Ace's crew immediately put down the confrontation after hearing Mrs. Shirley's words. Jinpei apologized to Ace and others: "Sorry, it's a natural reaction, a natural reaction."

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