When Shark Star led the patrol team to maintain order in the fight between Ace and Jinbei, there were messages in the Dragon Palace asking about the situation of the fight. Now that the fight is over, he immediately returned to the Dragon Palace to report to his father.

Neptune: "Shark Star, what's the situation now?"

Shark Star: "Father, the fight between the two has ended. Lord Jinbei lost. Now Jinbei invited him to a banquet in Fishman Street."

Neptune: "You are so strong. I will personally invite you to the Dragon Palace for a banquet tomorrow. You all go and prepare."

Shark Star: "Yes"

The scene turns back to the two sides putting down the confrontation.

Mrs. Shirley: "I saw a big battle scene in your future, and I also saw your death."

Ai Ye thought: "That big battle scene should be the war on the top. Could it be that Ace was still captured by Blackbeard? That shouldn't be the case. I will definitely remind Ace to pay attention to Blackbeard. Besides, Ace's current combat power should be stronger than the original time node. Why didn't he escape death? I need to think about it carefully."

Ace: "Will I die because of the battle?"

Mrs. Shirley: "Yes, but this clip is very blurry, as if something is blocking it. It is covered by black fog after this part."

Ace: "Hahaha, thank you for your divination for me, but I only believe in myself. Man can conquer nature. Besides, there is no danger in taking risks."

Kodaz: "Karuchu, Ace is very strong."

Ace: "Let's have a party together"

Ace and others continued the party with Jinbei at the Mermaid Cafe.

At noon on the second day, King Neptune came to the Mermaid Cafe in person with his three sons.

Jinbei went out to greet them immediately.

Jinbei: "I wonder why the King is here."

King Neptune: "I'm here to find Ace and want to invite him to the Dragon Palace."

After hearing this, Jinbei immediately went back to the Mermaid Cafe to wake up Ace who was still sleeping.

After Ace woke up, he came to the outside of the Mermaid Cafe and saw a group of guards supporting four tall fishmen.

The one in the middle was a coelacanth mermaid. He wore a crown on his head and was much more muscular than ordinary mermaids, with a body length of more than 12 meters. He had thick and fluffy orange-red hair and beard, flame-like tattoos on his arms, and thick body hair. He held a finely carved trident in his hand. This man should be the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island.

Ace: "Hello, Your Majesty, I am Ace. What can I do for you?"

King Neptune: "Oh, hohoho, I would like to invite Lord Ace to visit my Dragon Palace. I wonder if you are willing."

Ace: "I am glad to receive your invitation."

King Neptune: "Oh, hohoho, that's great. Let's go. By the way, these are my sons. The eldest son is Shark Star, the second son is Royal Star, and the third son is Flip Star."

While speaking, Ace pointed to the people on the side and looked in the direction of his finger.

The first one is a large shark mermaid. His body is relatively tall and strong, with the characteristics of a shark and sharp teeth. His hair color is similar to his father Neptune, also orange-red. This is Neptune's eldest son, Shark Star.

The second one is an oarfish mermaid. His body is relatively slender, like an oarfish. His hair is also orange-red. He may not be as strong as Shark Star, but he also has the unique temperament of a mermaid. This is King Neptune's second son.

The third one is a red flip fish mermaid. His appearance has the characteristics of a red sunfish, and he may be a little chubby in body shape. Like his father and brothers, he has orange-red hair. This is the third son of King Neptune.

When King Neptune introduced them, the two sides greeted each other politely, and immediately took Ace and others to the Dragon Palace after the introduction.

The overall color of the Dragon Palace City is blue and gold, showing a mysterious and noble atmosphere. The architectural style of the Dragon Palace is unique, combining marine elements with traditional palace architectural features.

Several people came to the entrance of the Dragon Palace, which is a huge arch decorated with exquisite carvings and gems. After entering the Dragon Palace, there is a spacious passage with tall pillars on both sides of the passage, and the pillars are inlaid with various gems and pearls.

Passing through the entrance of the Dragon Palace to the center of the Dragon Palace, there is a huge palace. The roof of the palace is a golden dome inlaid with countless gems, shining brightly in the sun. The walls of the palace are decorated with exquisite murals and reliefs, depicting the history and legends of Fishman Island.

The few people entered the palace, which was also very luxuriously decorated. The floor was covered with thick carpets, and the walls were hung with gorgeous curtains and tapestries. In the center of the palace was a huge throne inlaid with various gems and pearls. There were tables and chairs placed on the inside of the palace.With all kinds of food and wine, the maids of the Dragon Palace shuttled back and forth in the palace and placed the food on the table.

King Neptune immediately arranged his seats with Ace and others after entering the palace, and he sat on the throne in the center of the palace.

King Neptune said: "It is a great honor to invite Lord Ace to come here today. Everyone, please don't be polite and eat and drink well."

Everyone ate and drank happily.

Somewhere in Fishman Street

A broad-striped tiger shark man He wore a small hat, his hair was curled up and he had a beard. His eyes were small, revealing a little greed and cunning. He was wearing many necklaces on his body, which was a little exaggerated. He had four legs and laughed from time to time "ba hehe". His curly hair and mustache fluttering in the wind, coupled with that unique laugh, added a bit of wretched temperament. He is Vander Decken IX, a person who ate the Psychic Devil Fruit Target Fruit. He had witnessed Shirahoshi summoning sea kings with her crying voice, and learned that Shirahoshi was the legendary mermaid princess who could control sea kings that the first generation ancestors had been looking for for many years. In order to obtain this ability and covet Shirahoshi's beauty, he wanted to marry her. He had a very strong possessiveness and jealousy towards Shirahoshi, the princess of Fishman Island.

Vander Decken IX: "Shirahoshi, accept my love. Today I will give you nine axes with roses painted on them!"

After saying that, he casually threw out the nine axes beside him. The amazing thing was that the axes did not fly straight forward, but turned a corner in the air and flew away. I don't know where they flew to.

While Ace and others were still eating and drinking

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Nine loud sounds were heard by everyone present.

Ace asked in confusion: "What is this sound?"

The three princes looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Ace: "It's okay. If it's inconvenient, you don't have to answer."

King Neptune hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not inconvenient. This sound is the sound of something hitting the hard shell tower."

Ace: "Is there anything special about this hard shell tower?"

King Neptune said, "This story started a long time ago. In addition to my three sons, I also have a daughter named Shirahoshi.

When Shirahoshi was 6 years old, a pirate named Vander Decken IX was attracted by her beautiful appearance and wanted to marry her. But Shirahoshi was too young, so we didn't agree. After that, Vander Decken IX sent a love letter to the Kingdom of Ryugu once a week, and then it got worse, from a letter to a parcel, and finally to a proposal with a threatening nature, and finally to a weapon. No matter how hard you try to hide, you can't avoid it. These things fall directly on Shirahoshi like they're alive, which makes Shirahoshi feel very scared. In order to protect her, we can only let her stay in the sealed hard shell tower, and since then, she has appeared like this now. "

Ace: "Why don't you just arrest Vander Decken IX directly?"

King Neptune: "I did this when I was furious. I ordered my three sons, the Neptune brothers, to lead the army to hunt him down. But even though he was wanted by the Kingdom of Ryugu, Vander Decken IX would still attack the Hard Shell Tower where Shirahoshi was. He has not been caught yet."

Ace: "Then Princess Shirahoshi is very pitiful. She has been locked up in the closed Hard Shell Tower."

King Neptune: "There is no way , this is also for her safety. "

Shark Star: "We will definitely find Vander Decken IX and catch him."

Royal Star: "As long as Vander Decken IX is caught, our little sister can live outside like others."

Ace: "Then let's help too. It's too pitiful to be locked in a confined space."

King Neptune: "Thank you so much."

The next day, Ace and others were taken to the Hard Shell Tower. Ace and others waited for the arrival of things around the Hard Shell Tower.

According to King Neptune's description, Vander Decken IX has changed from once a week to once a day. Today's release is almost up, and everyone has released their observation color to explore their respective directions.

Just then, Ace found that there was a projected object flying in the direction of Ace. Ace immediately flew in this direction and used the devil fruit ability to burn the thrown object directly.

In a small corner of Fishman Street in the distance, Vander Decken IX felt that the object he threw was destroyed by someone, and immediately became angry.

Vander Decken IX: "Haha, who ruined my love? Then I'll show you the devil power that comes with this curse!"

After saying that, he immediately took out a double-sided axe and threw it out. The axe flew out beyond the theoretical flight trace. The fruit ability is indeed beyond common sense.Understandably, if this was on Earth, Newton's coffin would probably not be able to hold down.

Ace destroyed the object and flew forward for a distance, using his observation Haki to look for any suspicious places. Just when Ace was about to give up, an axe suddenly flew out of a corner. Ace knew that he had found the real owner, so he immediately burned the axe that flew to Shirahoshi, and then flew into the place where the axe flew out.

The person who appeared in front of Ace was a tiger shark man wearing a small hat, with upturned hair and a beard. It was Vander Decken IX.

Vander Decken IX looked surprised: "Who are you and why are you here?"

Ace: "It doesn't matter who I am, but whether you are Vander Decken IX."

Vander Decken IX: "Hehe, I am. Are you attracted by my charm and want to join my pirate group? I will give you a leader."

Ace: "Sorry, I am not interested in your pirate group. I was asked to deal with you."

Vander Decken IX: "That's the enemy."

Vander Decken IX was about to grab Ace with his hand, but before he touched him, Ace set a pillar of fire and burned him to ashes (Vander Decken IX is the user of the Target Target Fruit, which can accurately snipe the object he touches, but he must wear gloves to shake hands with others).

Ace: "Divine Fire. Unknown Fire. Pillar of Fire"

After solving the problem, Ace immediately returned to the Dragon Palace to tell the news to King Neptune.

Ace: "I killed Vander Decken, Princess Shirahoshi is safe"

King Neptune was so excited: "What, what did you say, say it again"

Ace: "Princess Shirahoshi is safe, no one will target her anymore, and she won't receive strange things for no reason"

King Neptune: "That's great, Princess Shirahoshi has been harassed by Vander Decken IX, and in order to avoid being hurt by his Target Target Fruit ability, I had to put her in the Hard Shell Tower for eight years.

During these eight years, her life was usually closed and monotonous. Usually soldiers delivered meals or ministers reported back, and the time was no more than five minutes. She couldn't leave the Hard Shell Tower at will, lacked contact and communication with the outside world, and couldn't explore the outside world freely like other children. It was really hard for this child. Now the danger is over, she can enjoy the sunshine outside like everyone else."

King Neptune brought everyone to the Hard Shell Tower again. Last time, he didn't check the environment of the tower because he had to pay attention to whether there were any objects flying. Everyone looked at the tower, which was a huge tower blocked by a solid door. After opening the tight door, the light inside the tower was dim, and only a faint light could be seen through the windows or gaps. The interior looked quite damp, and a delicate cry came from inside. The long-term closed life made Shirahoshi's heart more fragile and made her very timid. She often cried because of fear. This cry came from Shirahoshi.

King Neptune said softly: "My daughter, I am your father. You can come out. You are safe now. You don't have to stay in this place anymore."

Shirahoshi's voice came weakly: "Really?"

King Neptune said: "Really, it's okay, it's safe, come out quickly."

A huge body emerged from the darkness of the hard shell tower, and the light shone on a person wearing a taiyaki-style hair accessory, with wavy and flowing pink long hair, bright blue eyes, beautiful face, plump upper body, and a pink fishtail with different shades. Her body is larger than that of an average mermaid, and there is a trace of grievance on her face, and tears are about to come out again.

Shirahoshi is the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island. She is famous for her beauty and is regarded by the world as the most beautiful woman in the world.

This aggrieved expression made his father and three brothers feel distressed, and they immediately began to comfort their baby.

The third prince even made a face to make their little princess Shirahoshi laugh.

After several people comforted Shirahoshi, her mood finally calmed down and she went back to the palace to rest.

Ace and others were arranged to have dinner in the hall again, and everyone was very happy to eat and drink.

At this time, on the huge Moby Dick, everyone was discussing the matter of Supernova Fire Fist Ace.

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