Inside Laboo

Ace: "Everyone, what do you think?"

Skarl: "I don't have enough information about Wano Country. I suggest you be careful."

Deuce: "Since we met Jinbei the Sea Knight on Fishman Island, I found that our combat power is seriously insufficient. We have entered this unknown new world, which is ruled by the Four Emperors. Scarl also said before that we are far inferior to the Four Emperors in combat power, so I suggest that the strongest Ace sneak in to find out the situation before taking action."

Ace: "Okay, then I will sneak in alone, and you stay here with Laboo. If you encounter danger, you can basically escape danger by diving underwater. If it is safe, I will send a signal to you and let Laboo pick up the group of children."

Deuce: "Okay, let's do it."

Laboo stopped near Onigashima, and Ace and others observed Onigashima on Laboo's back.

Onigashima is almost composed of a huge skull. This skull is not a sculpture or a mountain carved out, but a real giant creature skull. The pear-shaped hole under its nasal bone is clearly visible, and its teeth are well preserved. In terms of volume, the skull is tens of thousands of times larger than the Lab that Ace and others rode on. Only a giant with a body size that matches it could have such a large head.

There are huge horns on both sides of the skull. The general giants usually do not have such horns on their heads. Legend has it that those with such horns are usually demons (super giants), such as Oz and Little Oz, but their size is far less than that of the owner of this skull.

At the only entrance to Onigashima, there is a giant samurai sword that is almost as high as the skull. The handle and part of the blade are exposed above the ground, and the length of the part buried underground is unknown.

In addition, there are two fox statues in front of Onigashima, which are similar to the body of Ushimaru, with flame-like hair on their bodies, and should belong to the same "Komako" species. In some places on the island, there are water outlets with the image of "ghost face and fangs". They have ferocious faces, horns on their heads and fangs in their mouths. The outermost is a row of mountains, and inside is a huge skull. These unique scenes and elements make the ghost island full of mystery and fantasy, and also suggest that there are many unknown stories and secrets hidden here.

Ai Ye: "Ace, wait for me at the entrance of the island, I'll go explore first."

Ace said hello to others and flew to the entrance.

Ai Ye: "Lucky, for some reason, there are few guards in the area near the entrance. You can sneak in if you help them knock down carefully. I observed that the only building here is the huge skull. Let's move closer to that direction. The cell should be there. The distance I explored is not enough, let's sneak in slowly."

Ace: "Okay"

Ace's timing for sneaking in this time is very good. Kaido and others have gone out. There are not many guards on the entire Onigashima. The most powerful one is the captain of the guard. Oh, I forgot that there is also that child.

Ai Ye: "There are two guards chatting on the pillar in front"

Ace immediately knocked the two people unconscious with a razor and fixed them on the pillar, making people in the distance look like they are on duty seriously.

Then they took a few turns and killed more than a dozen waves of enemies, and finally came to the dungeon.

This is a dark and damp dungeon, and the air is filled with a disgusting stench. The walls were made of rough boulders, covered with moss and water stains, exuding an old and decayed atmosphere.

The dungeon was dimly lit, with only a few swaying oil lamps emitting a faint and dim light.

The children were huddled together, their eyes full of fear and helplessness. Some of their thin bodies were covered with scars and stains, and their tattered clothes could hardly cover their bodies.

In the corner of the dungeon, there was some moldy straw piled up, which was the only place for the children to rest. Some children leaned against the wall, sobbing silently; some had dull eyes, as if they had lost hope for the future.

The prison cell made of iron bars was rusty, cold and solid, ruthlessly isolating the children from the outside world. Some old torture instruments were hung on the wall, exuding a gloomy atmosphere, as if telling of the pain and torture they had experienced.

Seeing these children being treated in such an environment, Ace hated the pirates even more.

Ace said softly: "Children, I am here to save you, don't make too much noise."

The children looked in Ace's direction, no one dared to make a sound, and there was fear in their eyes.

One of the older children with a bright look in his eyes asked: "Are you really here to save us? How can I believe you?"

Ace: "I am here to save you at the request of the village chief of Jiuli Village and Xiaoyu"

Another little boy came out from the crowd: "Is Xiaoyu still alive?"

Ace: "She is still alive, waiting for you to go back?"

Little boy: "You can believe what he said, the bad guys won't know Xiaoyu."

Seeing that everyone believed him, Ace immediately used the power of the devil fruit to destroy the door lock and let everyone out.

Ace: "Follow me next, be careful and don't make too much noise."

The children nodded and supported each other and followed Ace to the entrance of the coast. When they were almost at the coast, the patrolling guards discovered the news that the cell was intercepted, and immediately sounded the alarm. All the remaining guards rushed to the only entrance. Ace saw that the guards were attacking and immediately sent a signal to let Deus and others come to support.

He killed the guards himself, and the sky was full of flames. Most of the guards fell down. Seeing that the newcomer was too powerful, the captain of the guards was ready to take out the Den Den Mushi to contact the big billboard. As soon as he took it out, his head was hit by a stick. He was knocked unconscious.

The one who knocked him unconscious was a child, she was tall, with long flowing white hair tied into a ponytail and hanging behind her. The bangs on her forehead fell naturally, highlighting her delicate and resolute face. Her eyes were large and bright, and her eyes revealed excitement.

She wore a unique dress, with blue and white as the main colors, with golden decorations, showing a gorgeous and majestic temperament. She had a wide belt tied around her waist, highlighting her waistline.

The thin figure held a huge mace in her hand. She was Kaido's daughter Yamato.

Yamato: "Hahaha, you look very powerful, come and fight with me, I haven't found a suitable opponent for a long time."

Ace: "Are you also in their group?"

Yamato: "When you win, I'll tell you, watch the moves"

Deus and others have come to the port to take the children into Lab's body.

Ace: "Take the children back first, I'll fight with her. "

Yamato raised his mace and hit Ace, who dodged and came to an open field.

Ace: "Tell me when I win."

Yamato: "Don't talk nonsense, wait until you win. "

In an open field, Yamato and Ace stood opposite each other. The spikes on the mace flashed coldly in the sun, which was chilling.

The battle began, and Yamato took the lead in attacking. She raised the mace high and smashed it at the opponent with the force of a mountain. Ace dodged sideways and flexibly avoided the attack. He quickly moved to the side of the attacker and hit Yamato with a fire fist. The mace in Yamato's hand changed its falling posture as if it was weightless and swept towards Ace's fire fist. Ace's flames burned the mace at the collision point, but failed to burn the mace. Ace realized that this was an opponent who could use armed color.

Seeing that the first attack failed to cause damage to the opponent, Yamato immediately turned around and attacked again. Her movements were swift and powerful. The mace drew an arc in the air, bringing a gust of wind, and the mace was swung wildly. Ace saw the opportunity and blocked the attack of the mace with the armed color of her arm, and at the same time pushed forward with the force, making Yamato Lost his balance.

Taking advantage of the attacker's stagger, Ace launched an attack.

Ace: "Flame. Fire Daruma"

He quickly punched and hit the attacker in the face. Yamato quickly used his mace to perform a special move.

Yamato: "Thunder. Bagua"

The mace with waves of pressure formed shock waves and hit Ace. Ace immediately increased the speed of attack, and his fists rained down on Yamato's mace to offset the strong impact.

Yamato: "Thunder. Bagua"

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Yamato continued to use his skills, and the mace rushed towards Ace with lightning. Ace used his armed color to hit the mace with all his strength.

Ace suddenly increased his strength, and Yamato was not used to the mace he was holding and was knocked away.

Yamato said helplessly: "Okay, you win"

Ace saw that she was wearing handcuffs, so she should not be a bad person, so he did not continue to attack.

Ace: "Okay, you can tell me who you are. "

Yamato: "I am the daughter of the Four Emperors Kaido, but I do not recognize him as my father. I am Kozuki Oden. Kaido has not allowed me to go out. I hate him."

Ace: "I can understand your feelings. I can empathize with you. We cannot let our parents restrain our hearts. We can be ourselves."

Yamato: "Yes, we should be ourselves."

Ace: "By the way, let me burn this lock for you."

As he said this, Ace touched the chain with his hand. As soon as he touched it, Ace collapsed like a balloon that had been drained of air.

Ace: "Uh, what is this? Why do I have no strength?"

Yamato saw Ace suddenly fall down and immediately helped Ace up.

Yamato: "What's wrong with you?"

Ai Ye: "If I guessed correctly, this should be made of seastone, but this girl is wearing seastone handcuffs, which are usually worn by people with special abilities, but she is fine. Could it be that she has overcome the seastone? This is too scary. It seems that Ace's training direction can be strengthened. "

Ace: "I'm fine. I just suddenly had no strength."

Yamato: "You are a person with special abilities. This chain is made of seastone to restrain people with special abilities. I was also weak when I wore it at first, but I got used to it slowly."

Ace: "Oh, haha"

Ace thought to himself, "It seems that he was able to win by cheating. If he didn't have this chain, he might not be able to beat him. And what is the power of his special move that is so strong? "

In this way, their ideas resonated, and then the two sat down to drink and talk. They became friends after fighting.

They sat on the beach together, Ace told Yamato about the wonderful adventures in the outside world, and Yamato listened attentively with his eyes wide open.

Ace: "My name is Ace. It's getting late. I have to go. My dream is to become the Pirate King. I hope to have a chance to see you outside."

Yamato: "Okay, Ace, my name is Kozuki Oden, and my dream is to establish Wano Country. When the country is established, I will find you."

After that, Ace got up and flew back to Kuri.

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