After receiving Ace's signal, Deus immediately led everyone to let Lab go to the entrance of Onigashima. Mihael observed the enemy situation around Lab above him. After there was no danger, Lab opened his mouth and a pirate ship sailed out of it. Skar drove the Spade Pirate Ship to the port. After stopping, everyone immediately got off the ship and took the children on board. During the process, they solved a poor guy who suddenly woke up (poor guy: "Hey, no, I just slept well, who woke me up, well, I was knocked unconscious again"). After the children got on the boat, the boat immediately left the port and drove towards Lab's big mouth without stopping even if Ace hadn't boarded the boat for a moment. Everyone turned back and silently looked at Ace's battle scene, knowing that they couldn't help, Ace could escape by himself, and immediately turned around to do what they could do. Deuce examined the children, treated the wounds of the injured ones and applied medicine. Bonsi became Deuce's assistant and assisted in treating the children's wounds. The uninjured and treated ones were brought to Kodaz. Kodaz's fluffy body played a good role as a group pet to heal the injured hearts of these children. Accompanying them to play made them forget the dark moments before. After Skar drove the boat into Lab's mouth, Lab closed his big mouth and began to sink to the bottom of the sea and swim towards Jiuli.

At first, when the children noticed that they were about to be swallowed by the big whale, most of them cried. After Kodaz's careful comfort, they were relieved and curiously observed the surroundings. Kodaz took the children to Lab's viewing window to visit the beautiful underwater scenery. The children were attracted by these beautiful scenery. They all looked at the underwater scenery outside the window without blinking, as if they wanted to engrave this beautiful scenery into their minds.

Not long after, Lab swam back to Jiuli and surfaced at the coast near Jiuli. Kodaz brought the children back to the boat. Lab opened his mouth wide, and Skarr sailed the boat to the coast of Jiuli.

The people in the village on the coast were already looking forward to it. Seeing Ace and others bring the children back safely, the villagers anxiously stepped forward and shuttled through the crowd, looking for their missing children.

When the first child was recognized, a villager rushed forward excitedly, hugged the child tightly in his arms, and tears burst out. She kept kissing the child's cheeks, muttering to herself, expressing her joy and gratitude. The child also found a sense of security in the arms of his relatives and burst into tears.

As more and more children were recognized, the atmosphere on the scene became more enthusiastic. The relatives hugged and cried, and tears of joy were intertwined. Some children have not seen their parents for many years. At this moment, they felt the warmth of family and the power of family affection.

In this touching scene, some children did not find their relatives. There was loss and loneliness in their eyes. Some villagers also failed to find their children and showed a lost look. When these lost villagers saw the children who were also lost, the feeling of being connected by the same fate made the villagers express their willingness to take them in and give them a home. If they still wanted to find their relatives, they were willing to accompany them.

The whole beach was filled with crying, laughter and cheers.

Only one little girl kept staring at the sea in the distance, as if waiting for something.

Deus brought the little boy who knew the little girl to her side.

Little boy: "Xiaoyu, what are you looking at? The village uncle over there said that he would take me back to Bianli Village. Do you want to come with me?"

Xiaoyu said without turning his head: "No, I'm waiting for someone here. You go back first. I'll go back after I wait."

Little boy: "Then I'll go first. See you in the village."

After that, the little boy followed the villager.

Deuce said: "Xiaoyu, let's go back to the village first. Ace is very strong, don't worry."

Xiaoyu: "I will wait here. I want to see Brother Ace as soon as possible."

Deuce: "Okay, I will stay here with you for a while."

Not long after, Deuce found a fire in the distance. Knowing that Ace was back, he immediately went back to the village.

When Ace flew back to the coast of Jiuli, Deuce and others had already returned to Jiuli and brought the children to the village. The villagers prepared some food for the children. Some of them who were not from this village were sent back by the villagers after resting for a while.

When they were almost at the beach of Jiuli, Ace had already found the little figure and landed next to the little figure, who immediately pounced on him.

Xiaoyu: "Ace, you're back, I knew you would come back"

Ace touched Xiaoyu's head and said: "Xiaoyu, why are you here alone, where are the others?"

Xiaoyu: "They all went back to the village, I'm waiting for you here, I want to see you as soon as possible."

Ace: "Silly boy, let's go to the village together. "

Ace brought Xiaoyu to the village and learned about the child's situation with Deuce. Hearing that Xiaoyu was from another village, he asked about the location of the village and took Xiaoyu back to the village. Deuce and his friends were arranged to stay here to help the villagers collect food and repair houses.

One day after arriving at the village, the two chatted under the eaves.

Ace: "Xiaoyu, why is this village called the village of weaving hats?"

Xiaoyu: "Because people here can weave hats, they live by selling hats, and I can weave them too."

Ace: "Really? That's amazing."

Xiaoyu: "Ace, do you want to learn to weave hats? I can teach you. I'm very good."

Ace: "Okay, I'm very stupid, I'm afraid you don't have the patience to teach me."

Xiaoyu: "How can I? Ace looks very smart. I will definitely teach you. "

After that, I took Ace out to prepare some materials.

Material preparation:

1. Fresh bamboo or bamboo strips: used to weave the frame and the main body.

2. Thin rope or twine: used for fixing and sewing.

3. Bamboo leaves or other suitable plant leaves: used to cover the top of the bamboo hat.

Xiaoyu: "The materials are ready. Xiaoyu's class is about to start. Ace, please listen carefully."

Ace: "Yeah."

Xiaoyu: "The first step is to make the frame.

Choose bamboo of appropriate length and thickness, and cut it into several sections like this.

Then split the bamboo into uniform bamboo strips like this, and make it more flexible by heating or soaking. Ace, you put the bamboo too close and it is burnt and can't be used. You need to move away."

Ace was busy adjusting the distance and angle.

Xiaoyu: "Then use the bamboo strips just now to weave a circular frame as the bottom edge of the bamboo hat. Yes, Ace is like that, and he did a good job."

Ace touched the back of his head with one hand and laughed.

Xiaoyu: "The next step is to weave the main body. This is very important. Whether the hat looks good or not depends on this step.

Start from the bottom edge and gradually weave the bamboo strips upward to form a cone-shaped main body. You can use cross weaving or winding methods to ensure that the bamboo strips are closely arranged and the structure is stable. Oh, Ace, why did you make it so ugly? It should be like this. You see, it looks much better like this. "

Ace: "Okay, Teacher Xiaoyu"

Xiaoyu: "The third step is reinforcement and trimming. Use thin ropes or twine to sew and reinforce key parts to prevent the bamboo strips from loosening. Check the shape and structure of the hat, and trim the excess or uneven bamboo strips. You see, this is the prototype of the hat. Ace, it's okay, you did a good job.

The next step is the last step. Whether it can keep out the rain depends on it, covering the top.

Collect fresh bamboo leaves or suitable plant leaves. Arrange the leaves in order and fix them on the top of the bamboo hat, covering from the center to the edge. Aisi, you made it look ugly, you have to arrange them in order, otherwise it won't be rainproof. "

Ace: "Oh, is that so?"

Xiaoyu: "Yes, that's it, it's time to start the finishing work.

Check the overall quality of the bamboo hat again to make sure there are no loose or protruding parts. If you want to look good and be defensive, you can add decorations or tie a rope on the edge of the bamboo hat for easy wearing. Here, you see this is it. "

Ace: "Wow, Teacher Xiaoyu is so good, look at mine."

Xiaoyu commented seriously: "Yours here, and here are not tied tight enough, this side is still a little short, but overall it is qualified. "

Ace: "Thank you, Teacher Xiaoyu"

After that, Ace stayed in the village of Haikasa for several weeks and became good friends with Xiaoyu. He told Xiaoyu many stories about adventures in the outside world. Xiaoyu liked Ace very much and was full of curiosity about the outside world. She wanted to go on an adventure with Ace. But Xiaoyu was still too young. Ace thought it was not appropriate to take such a young child to a new world full of dangers, so he made an agreement with her that he would take her out to sea when she grew up to be a powerful and charming female ninja.

Ace stayed for a few weeks and prepared to set off for adventure again with the crew. Xiaoyu came to the beach to see him off.

Xiaoyu: "Ace, when I become a powerful and charming female ninja, you must take me out to sea."

Ace: "Okay, when you become a powerful female ninja, I will take you out to sea for adventure."

Xiaoyu: "Go to the powerful and charming female ninja. ”

Ace: “Oh, what a great female ninja”

Xiaoyu: “This Ace is really infuriating”

Ai Ye thought: “Who would have thought that you would be separated forever, and Ace would never be able to fulfill this promise. I don’t know if I can change the outcome of the original comic, so I’ll just do my best and leave it to fate.”

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